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Freen's Pov:

I didn't get enough sleep last night since my father announced that I'm getting married and I'm gonna met the girl that who is gonna be my wife?!? On saturday haysss... Give me a break.

I walked inside the classroom i saw kade and nam they greeted me i just gave them a little smile and went directly to my sit and put my head on the table.

"Hey stupidity horn are you ok?" Kade ask.

"No" i mumbled.

"Why? Did something happen?" She asked.

"Dad and i fought" i mumbled.

"Can you sit straight and don't mumble the words?" Nam said making me sit straight.

"Yah dumbass don't talk to her like that" Kade said.

"So what happen?" Kade asked.

"I'm getting engaged and I'm gonna met the girl that I'm going to marry this saturday along with my parents and hers" i said making Kade and Nam squealed enjoy.

"What are you both squealing about? Its not funny you know" i said annoyingly making them both stop.

"I guess uncle didn't tell you yet huh?" Nam said making me confussed.

"You guys know? That I'm getting engaged?!?" I said to them and the idiots nod there heads.

"ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ I hate you both" i said.

"Ohh becky's here along with yuki and tee" Kade said but ignored it and place my head on the table and closed my eyes.

Becky's Pov:

I saw freen leaning her head on the table, i went to my sit and saw freen sleeping i gently place my bag and grabbed my book. I look and freen again and poked her cheeks making her awake she slowly opened her eyes and look at me.

"Morning Freenie^^" I said.

"Morning" she said coldly making me confussed.

"Did i do something wrong? Or is she having a bad morning? Hmp i want freen back"

"Why are you grumpy early in the morning freen?" I asked.

"Nothing and can you just zip your mouth" she said and look the other way leaving me speechless.

"I'm really sorry for Freen's attittude Becky, Your freen is just having a bad morning that's all" Nam said.

"Oh why? Did something happen?" I asked making them look at each other.

"Her and her dad fought" Nam said making me nod my head.

"That's why she's all grumpy early in the morning" Tee added.

"Ahh.. so when can i have the old freen back?" I ask.

"Maybe later on break time i guess" Tee said making me pout.

"So i have to deal with this angry ice bear? For the whole day?"

"I guess we need to go, see you guys later" Tee and Yuki said as they left the classroom.

"Byee!" I shouted.

I decided to read my book while kade and nam were on there phones doing there things and freen is still in her bad mood era. I didn't disturb her and just mind my own bussiness until we heard a loud bang on the door we look over to who it was and it was Mina and her gang again.

"Why is she here again? And what does she wants?" I said in my thoughts, i just ignored them and continued reading my book and pretend like there invisible.

"Well well what do we have here?" Mina said making me looked at her in confussion.

"So your the reason why Freen broke up with me huh?" Mina said making me more confussed as ever.

"I didn't know that Freen broke up with this bitch and this bitch is blamming it on me?!? Well deserb"

"Give me that" Mina said and took my book in my hands.

"Hey give that back! You dumbass!" I said angerily and stood up on my sit.

"Can you just give her fucking book back?" I froze when i heard freen talk with her cold voice sending chills down to our spines.

"Oh your already awake babe" Mina said happily and trowed my book that went flying i was about to rush to her and strangled her to death but Freen stoped me making me look at her angerily.

"What are you doing here? And can you please get her book that you trowed?" Freen said.

"Why do you care about that book? Huh?" She said.

"Because its becky's book" Freen said and Mina signaled one of her minions to get the book and placed in on freen's table.

"Thanks" i mumbled and grabbed my book and sat down.

"What are you doing her Mina?" Freen asked.

"Well i wanna talk to you, on why you broke up with me" Mina said and the whole class was just listening to there conversation even me.

"I don't love you anymore since your a bitch to everybody and I'm getting engaged so there's no point on staying with you longer" she said in her cold voice.

"What?!? Heck no! I'm not letting you go!" Mina shouted making freen sight.

"Just leave Mina" Freen said again.

"What?! No! I'm not leaving until we fixed this! I thought you loved me?!?" Mina shouted and slammed her hands on freen's table making me shocked.

"I already told you, i don't love you anymore so please leave!" Freen said calmly. I sneaked my hands below the table and interwined it with Freen's hands making her calm a bit.

"No! Don't tell me your in love with this bitch!" Mina said and pointed at me making freen stand up in her sit.

"MINA I SAID LEAVE! DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MY SELF!!" Freen shouted and slammed her desk hardly making me cover my ears.

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