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"Want me to cook for you instead? Since you can't eat all of this" I asked and she nod her head.

"Ok baby" I said and went to the kitchen and took the ingredients to make Pad Thai.

I started cooking and becky was looking at me i just gave her a smile and continued my work. About 30 mins i already finish making the Pad Thai, she placed it on the table.

"Here you go Beckbeck" i said and she took a bite on it.

"Is it good?" I asked.

"Yes!!" She said and continued to eat happily and i just chuckle and continued to eat my food that i ordered.


Its already midnight and i already finish my night routine. I laid on my bed while finishing my work that my dad send to me for the company or the information that i need if i will handle the company someday.

While i was doing my job, when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw becky holding a pillow and a blanket and looking at me cutely.

"Ummm.... Can i sleep with you?" She said cutely.

"Can i ask why?hm?" I asked making her look at me with puppy eyes.

"Pwease" she begged cutely making me sighed.

"How can i say no? When this puppy is giving me her signature puppy eyes?!? Like who can say no to this girl?!?"

"Ok ok" i said and let her in and she quickly goes to my bed and arrange her side on the bed making me sighed.

"Its my first time, that someone is in my room. I don't usually let someone in here even Mina well something needs to change i guess?"  I said in my thought as i went on the right side of the bed and laid down and continued my work.

Becky's Pov:

I asked Freen to let me sleep in her bed and she agreed making me happy inside. I quickly rushed to her bed and arrange my postion on the bed i took the left side while her was on the right.

I look over to Freen and she was busy on her laptop typping something. I went closer to her and poked her cheecks but she didn't even look at me making me pout.

"I want P'Freen's attention hmp!!" 

I called her but she just hummed in response and didn't even look at me. 

"Whoever you are that made P'Freen work at night I hope you have nightmares" i mumbled and cursed the person who gave Freen work at night.

"Ugh!! I can't do this anymoreee!!!" I said in my thoughts and quickly sat on Freen's Lap and hugged her like a koala.

"Is there a problem becky?" She asked softly as she creased my back.

"I want attention" i mumbled as i heard her chuckle.

"But you have my attention just now" 

"I want your full attention to me" i whinned.

"I will give you my full attention but i have work Beckbeck" she said and kissed the side of my head making me hugged her tightly.

"Becky, I can't breath"


"Hmm? What do you want me to do?" She asked as i slowly let go of her.

"Kiss" i mumbled.

"Kiss? Thats all you want?" She asked making me nod.

"Ok, then but can you move the laptop somewhere safe? I have a lot of files there i need" she said and i quickly placed her laptop somewhere safe and went back to her lap.

"Good Girl" she said as i felt her hands snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to her. I look at her eyes as our gap was closer and closer, she kissed me and i kissed her back. She bit my bottom lip asking for an entrance on my mouth which i obeyed and open my mouth making her tongue went inside of my mouth.

"Hmm~~" i moaned in the kissed. 

We were both out of breath and let go of the kiss and i placed my forehead on to her while catching my breath.


"You like it?" She asked making me nod.

Freen moved her head on my neck and i felt her slowly kissing and biting my neck.

"F-freen~" i moaned.

"Hmm?" She hummed in response and continued her work on my neck.

"S-stop ah~"

"No" she said as she turn us around causing me to be the bottom.

"F-freen" i slightly whimpered when she found my sensitive spot on my neck.

"This is your sensitive spot ey?" She said huskily making me whimpered as she continued to kiss my neck and leaving a lot of love marks.

"Ah~~ S-stop~" i moaned but freen didn't stop.

She sneaked her hands on my pajamas and i felt her touch my bra. Freen look at me and i saw lust in her eyes, dark lust what people would say.

"Becky" she said huskily while looking at me with lust.

"Can i?" She asked, even thu she was full of lust there still a part of her gentleness inside her.

"Be gentle" i mumbled and she kissed my lips.

"I will baby"

"Does it hurt?"

"At first but don't worry, I'll be gentle" she said and kissed me again and i kissed her back.

Au: "I'll be gentle" is the biggest lie i ever heard-,-
F: I will be gentle i promise:)
B: Yeah right psh-,-

Freen's Pov:

I unbottoned her pajamas and trowed in somewhere in the room. I continued kissing her neck down to her breast and unclapsed her bra showing her pinkish nipples. I suck on her left breast while the other one i played with my other hand.

"Ahh~ hmmm~~" becky moaned making me smirk.

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