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Becky's Pov:

"What do you mean congrats?!? I'll be engaged to someone who i don't even know or love" Freen said sounded pissed by the engagement that her dad prepared.

"Ah so i don't have a chance huh? Ok"

"Oh.. sorry" i said i heard Freen sight and rested her head on my shoulders i was shock at first but i remained calm and patted her head because i know she needs it.

"Will you still accept me if you know I'm the one that your engaged with Freen? And I'm still sad that you don't know me i hate you"

"You two are so cute" i heard Nam said as she was taking photos of us.

"Nam stop your gonna wake up stupidity horn" Tee said making me confussed i look over to Freen and she was a sleep and just in time the food came.

"Becky can you wake up your wife for me" Auntie said making me nod making the four look at me in shock i just did a shush sign and they all nod there heads.

"Freen" i said gently and poked her chicks to wake her up.


"The food is already here" i said as she removed her head on my shoulders and sit properly. Here friends were shock that Freen didn't get angry when someone wakes her up in her sleep.

Are food arrived we started to eat the food her was delicious and Freen's friends and Yuki keep glancing to us like they were shipping us. About an hour we already done eating and Auntie paid for the bill, We went out of the restaurant and walk to the parking area.

"Tee is there still room for 2? In your car? I still have somewhere to go today before i head back to the school" Auntie said to Tee.

"Yeah, I still have available seats Auntie" Tee said.

"Yuki Becky you two are going to ride with Tee. Since i have my errands" Auntie said earning a nod from me and Yuki.

"Ok, I need to go now drive safe ok?" Auntie said to Tee and Freen earning a nod from the both of them and Auntie left with her car.

Tee opened the door for us and Nam, Kade, and Yuki went it first. I was about to go in but Freen dragged me to her car and opened the passengers seat next to the driver seat i went in and put the seatbelt on and so does freen.

"Hey Stupidity Horn is Becky with you?" I heard Nam's voice on the cars speaker.

"Yeah, why?" Freen said.

"Nothing!!" They shouted.

"Take care of my best friend Freen!!" I heard Yuki shouted making me blush.

"Yeah yeah" Freen said and ended the call.

"Wait until we get home Yuki!!!"

While Freen was driving i was just looking thru my phone until someone called. Freen looked at me confussed and i look to who's calling me and it was my boy best friend Nop.


B: Nop you called?

N: Where are you? I was about to invite to have lunch with me.

B: I'm heading back to school, and i went to eat lunch with Auntie and Yuki.

N: Hey why didn't you tell me? That your eating with Yuki? And why I'm i always left out? Hm?!

B: I thought your busy so yea, and Auntie send you regards buddy maybe next time us three.

N: Yeah, Maybe next time! I need to hang up now i still have practice bye Mon!

B: Good luck buddy!


"Who was that?" Freen asked.

"Oh it was my boy best friend Nop" I told her.

"What does he want?"

"Oh... Umm.. He was just asking that where did i eat my lunch"

"Ah ok" Freen answered shortly and i poked her chicks with my finger.




A few minutes we already arrived in school are class starts in 1:30 pm so we have still time to see the soccer team practice. I asked Freen to walk back with me to class since my bag is too heavy to carry around, she agreed. I instantly place my bag and freens bag on her chair and both of us left the classroom running to the soccer  court.

We already saw Tee, Nam, Kade, Yuki and Nop in the basketball court. Freen excused her self since she needs to change her clothes. Freen got back and her hair was in a poinytail and she was wearing longsleeves shirt that has her name on the back and number.

"Let's find a sit there" Nam said we just followed her but Freen stoped me from doing so.

"Where are you going?" Freen asked.

"Going with Nam and the others" I said.

"Follow me" Freen said and i just obeyed her.

I didn't noticed that Freen bought me where the players sit or take a break. It felt awkward since a lot of Freen's teammates are looking at me.

"Oh Tee and Freen! You guys are already here!" A man with a deep voice said giving me chills.

"HEY! COACH!" Tee said and gave a high five.

"That's there coach? He's scary"

"Oh what do we have here? Hello young lady" The coach said.

"Umm... Hello, Nice to meet you" I said and bowed.

"Ohh.. no need to bow like that young lady I'm not that old" The coach said earning a laugh from Tee.

"Coach can you keep an eye on her?" Freen said making me look at her confussed.

"Yeah sure anything for my mvp player" the coach said and patted freen's head but freen dodge it.

"Still a clean freak ey kid?" The coach said earning a nod from Freen.

My Girl (FreenBecky Au)Where stories live. Discover now