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Freen's Pov:

"You ok freen? Your spacing out" Tee said.

"What? No and I'm good i was just thinking about something" I said making them look at me.

"Like what?" Jackson asked.

"That you guys never change and you guys are still annoying" i said straight forwardly causing them to cry making me shock.

"Freen that's mean you know" Becky said and slapped my shoulder.

"What??? Its true" i said making becky look at me as she raised her eye brow.

"Scolded her becky! Freen hurt our feelings" Jackson said and holds his heart and acting he was hurt by words along with the team even coach.

"Just you wait until becky is not here! I will burn you alive"



"Say sorry" Becky said as she crossed her arms.

"No" i spat back.

"Your a big meanie" She said and pouted making her cheeks more fluffier that i wanna squish.

"But you love this big meanie" i flirted.

"I prefer Ice Bear more than a big meanie" she said making me pout at her.

"Hey that hurts" i said.

"Servers you right" she said.

"So you don't love this Meanie huh?" I said making her look at me.

"Yes, i prefer ice bear" she said and look at front.

"Ok..." I mumbled.

"Fine... I'll be Ice bear then don't come crying to me later Rebecca"  i said in my thoughts and change my mood into the old me.

"Its fine, if freen doesn't say sorry to us were already go use to it" They said while i just look at them un bothered by there action.

"Ohhhhh...ok" Becky said making them nod at her.

"So Becky, I hope you take care of my niece" Coach said while he got up and walk towards becky and patted her head softly.

"Yes, I will coach" Becky said showing her soft smile.

"And Freen take care of your wife properly" Coach said and was about to pat my head but i move 1meter away from him.

"No touching"

"Right hehe i forgot" he said and went back to his position and i walk back but distance myself a little from becky.

"So is there any question?" I asked making them look at me instantly i guess they notice the change.

"None Ma'am" they shouted.

"So listenen up, we need to prepare for the upcoming game that will be next week" I said strictly.

"And please do your best, i don't want idiots ruining the match" i added.

"YES MA'AM!!!" They shouted.

Becky's Pov:

I look at Freen and she was back on being strict and her aura was starting to show that's why her teammates  were shaking.

"Did something happen?"

"Why is she in her bad mood era again?"  I said in my thoughts while i was looking at Freen who was in front and planning on what to do for there game. Everyone listened to Free like no dared to make a silly joke or make some noise.

"The Power that Freen, holds is so awsome" I heard Yuki said.

"Why?" I ask and she went besides me.

"Well duh Freen is strict and her aura is showing" She said and i was shock that she can see Freen's aura.

"You can see it?"

"No but I can feel her aura getting stronger and getting heavier" She said making me sighed.

"I kinda feel bad for them" Nam said and went besides us along with Kade.

"Why?" Yuki asked.

"Well there getting a bad mood freen what do you expect and its hard to handle her you know" Nam explained.

"Ohh... Yeah" Yuki said.

"How come her mood change? She was fine just now??"

"Ok that's it" Freen said to them.

"Yes Ma'am!!" They shouted making Freen nod.

"Ok Good bye and good luck to your practice today" She said and left without looking at us or saying something.

"She's not in the mood....." Tee said while the others nod there heads.

"Anyways we need to go, see you later guys" Tee said cheerfuly and dragged us out of there and followed Freen.

"Hey! Freen wait up!!" Tee shouted making Freen stop.

"What?" She asked coldly.

"Don't forget your wife, dumbass!" Nam said.

"Ah..ok" She said unbothered as she opens the door for me in the passengers seat.

I look at Nam as she signaled me to go in, and don't do anything stupid. I just sighed and went in the car freen closed in hardly making me flinch by her actions.

Freen's Pov:

"Freen what the hell?!? You could just hit your wife with that!" Nam said agerily at me.

"Ah i didn't know" i said making her growled.

"Freen you ok?" Tee asked making me nod.

"You sure?" Now is Kade's turn to ask.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine there's nothing to worry about" i said the four look at each other while nodding there heads.

"Fine, We will left you with becky just don't hurt her freen" Nam said.

"I won't" I said and i went to the driver seat and went inside.

I honked the horn and drove off without them saying another word or two. The atmosphere was quite no one dared to talk, i just played music on the radio.

The ride was hella quite, i secretly took a glance at becky and she was looking at the window dozing off. I rarely see her dozing off but this is new. While i was driving i heard a growling sound i look over to becky and she held her stomach.

"I guess she's hungry huh?" 

Author Note:
          Hello! I'm back as usual I'm still busy but i updated for you guys, thank you for the support and for loving my story! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

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