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I guide freen back to bed and i grabbed some pills to cure head ache. I gave it to freen and she drink it, i was just looking at her and no one dared talked.

"How did i get here?"

"Karina send you to me" i said.

"Ah.. ok, anyways i should leave" she said and stood up making me shock.

"But Freen its already night" i said.

"Its fine i have my car anyways" she said and grabbed her clothes but i stoped her.

"No" i said.

"Becky give me my clothes" she said.

"No, its already middle of the night its dangerous to go home on your own"

"I already told you its fine, i can protect myself. Now give"

"No" i said and trow it to the bed. Freen sight and went to my bed to get her clothes but i hugged her and beg her to stay.

"Please stay" i said making my voice cracked.

"No" freen said and removed my hands from her and went to the door.

"Sarocha Chankimha!! Pleaseee stay" i cried when a loud thunder strikes making me covered my ears and started to cry heavily.


"Please stay...." I mumbled.

Freen's Pov:

I was about to leave when a loud thunder struck and  the power inside the mansion went off and i heard becky crying.

I quickly went to her and i saw her crying and in a fatal position and mumbling making me worried. I placed my clothes on her bed and sat down before i could to anything becky instantly sat on my lap and hugged me.

"Please stay" she mumbled and i rubbed her back.

"I won't go anywhere i promise" i said.

"Hush stop crying now" as i rubbed her back and let go of the hug and whip her tears.

"Let's sleep already" i said making her nod.

I laid on her bed and she did the same and i hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Its alright becky, I'm here"

"Don't leave"

"I won't love" i said kissed her forehead again making her hugged me tightly. I just chuckle and we both went to sleep.

Time skip:

I woke up around 7:10 in morning and i look over to my side and saw becky sleeping peacefully besides me. I gave a light kiss on her forehead and gently moved her hands around my waist so i can get my self free from her hug.

I walked to her closet is and borrowed one of her jackets which is over size and i fixed my self before going down stairs to prepare becky's food and mine.

I was about to go to Becky's room but one of the maids went to me and told me that becky's parents left to do there jobs. I nod at her and went to becky's room, when i got there she was sleeping soundly.

I went to her sat down on the bed, i look at her and i poked her cheeks.

"Becky wake up, its time for breakfast" i said softly.

"Later" she mumbled and turn to the side.

"Wake up, we still need to go to school" i said and grabbed both of her hands and pulled her.

"Nooooooooo, freeeeennnnnn!!" She whinned.

"Common get upp!" I said and i succeeded on making her get up on bed.

"Awwww my wife is so cuteee"

"Freeennn, i hate you" she mumbled making me chuckle and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

"Can we just skip school" she whinned.

"No, we can't" i said strictly.

I was about to  leave when Becky pushed me back to the bed and went on top of me.

"What the hell is she doing??! Ok Freen calm your hormones down. You can do it Chankimhaa!!"


"Why are you drunk last night?"

"I just want to get laid, why? Whats wrong with that?"

"Ah ok... Did you remember anything last night?"

"A little bit... I guess"

"Ok.... So who put that hickey on your neck?" Beck said making me confussed.

"What do you mean by hickey?" I asked then Becky grabbed a mirror next to her bed and hand me the mirror and i saw my reflection and the hickey that was on my neck.

"What the hell? Where did this hickey came from?? I didn't even flirt with anyone!"

"So care to explain? Sarocha?"

"Uhh... I don't know either" i said and Becky look at my eyes.

"I hope she trust me, I didn't even do it with someone yesterday!"

"Liar" i heard her mumbled.

"Becky i promise you i didn't touch or kiss anyone i swear!" I said in insureance.

"Then why do you have a hickey on your neck?"

"I don't even know!" i shouted making her flinch..

"Ohh....ok, sorry" she said and stood up and went to the bathroom.

I felt guilty shouting at her but i didn't do anything last night. I didn't even make out with someone or let someone kiss me on the neck or even touch me.

I stood up and went down stairs and waited for becky to come down to eat. Until a few minutes Becky went down stairs already i gesture her to sit and she obeyed and we ate in silences no one dared to talk.

"Why do i feel like she's angry at me?!?"  I said in my thought while secretly looking at becky.

"Hey Lo-"

"Stop with that sweet talk sarocha" she said coldly making me shut up. She stood up and went back up stairs to her room at closed the door loudly making me flinch at my seat.

"So..... The Kitty is really angry with me huh?...... Tf did i do?!?!!?"

"Should i buy milk tea? And her favorate food?"


Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait T^T Since I'm busy with my school practices for our foundation day tomorrow..... And I got a fever that's why because of rain and being in the sun since we need to practice I hope you understand thats all CIAOOOOOO~~

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