Chapter 34

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"Yeah, I don't" i said and they just nod.

"But do you drink like wine? Or woman's drink?" Kade asked.

"No and never tried it before" i said.

"Here drink this" Nam said and handed me a drink, i was about to take sniff when Freen took it away from my hands.

"Freennnn!!" I shouted at her as freen drank it.

"I didn't allow you to drink Mrs. Chankimha, just drink some manggo shake or other drinks that is not alcohol" she said and look at Nam coldly making her gulp.

"I told you don't give becky a alcoholic drink, idiot" Kade said to Nam.

"But it was a woman's drink it didn't have any alcohol T^T" she said and whinned making me chuckle.

"Just don't do it" Kade said and gave her the glass of beer.
While they we're chit chatting, i look over to Freen and she was already in a drunk state, i look over to my phone and its almost midnight and everyone was already drunk. Except for Tee and Me since Tee is gonna drive Yuki and the others home, i dialed Soobin and told him to pick us up and i send him the address to the bar.  

Tee called some works in the bar to help us carry them outside. I help Freen to stand up and slowly walk outside and i saw Soobin waving his hand and helped me to carry Freen to the car, we place her in the back passenger seat.

I told Soonbin to drive us to Freen's house and he obeyed and drove off.... while we're stravelling i look over to freen who is sleeping soudly on my shoulder, i kissed her forehead then her lips.

"Beck, Next day is the wedding don't make this mistake ever again" I heard Soonbin said and i look at front.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Next day is the wedding and if this continue, the big day will be ruin" He said.

"I promise it won't, they just wanna celebrate today before the wedding" I explained making him sighed.

"They could just celebrate when the wedding is done? Aish this kids" He said making me chuckle lightly.

"And tomorrow is the day that you will pick a dress for your wedding, haysss what would Mrs. Armstrong and Chankimha will say about this" Soonbin said making me look at him seriously.

"You're not gonna tell them right?" I asked.

"Why would i tell them when they already know" He said making me sighed.

We already reach Freen's house and Soonbin help carry Freen out of the car and into the house. He placed Freen on the couch and i thanked him and he told me that he will pick us up tomorrow morning, i said my thanks again and told him to drive safetly, since its already midnight.

"I should not let her get drunk!"  i said in my thoughts and placed freen on the bed and grabbed some new clean cloths, i was about to undress her when she woke up from her sleep and stood up and looking at me deadly.

"Uhh.... Hey?" I said but Freen stayed quite.

"Hey don't give me the silent treatment, its making me uncomfortable" I told her i was about to hold her hand when she jump unto me making me the bottom.


"B...becky..." I heard her mumble i just look at her and i saw lust in her eyes.

"I..... need you" she said looking at me with full lust.

"Please control your lust Freen" I said coldly and pushed her slowly.

"You don't love me anymore" She said while her tears are starting to fall.

"Hey don't cry, i love you ok? but you need to rest tomorrow is the big day" I said and help her lay back down.

"Beckyyyyy~~" Freen said in her baby voice causing me to chuckle at her.


"I love youuuu~~"

"HAHAHA I love you tooo" i said and kissed her lips and snuggled on to her. ?
"You look like a baby"

"Hmp" she pouted making me in awe because of her cuteness i can't. its the first time i saw freen like this and i really like it she is a cute little baby when she's drunk.

"Let's go to sleep??" I asked her and she nod, she change our position she made me the big spoon and she laid on top of me. i just stroke her hair until i heard some small little snores from her i kissed her forehead before i went to bed. 

Time Skip

Today's the big day when i became a Chankimha duh hehe, I woke up Freen up since we need to be there at 10 am sharp since the wedding will start at 1pm. I went to her as i gave a small kiss on her forehead and tapped her shoulder to wake her up but she just groanned at me and turned to the side and snuggled more onto her pillow.

"Freen wake up, we need to be there at 10!"

"5 more minutess Becbeck"

"Freen Chankimha!" I shouted as she instantly stood up from the bed and look at me with her sleepy face i went closer to her and hugged her as put her weight on me and snuggled on my neck.

"Freen we need to go" I said softly and played with her silky hair.

"5 more minutes beck" She said huskily as she snuggled more onto my neck and hugging me tighter.

"It's already 8:30 babe" I said as i slowly back away from her making her whine.

"Fine, but can i have a reward atleast?" She said as she look at me as her eyes began to darken.

"Later if we get home" I said.

Author nyo na pogi 😤:
     Baka mag tataka kayo kung bakit na ulit yung chapter 34 i ponost ko na siya noon, ngayon ko lang na pansin na di na sali yung continuation kaya ayun inulit ko. Sorry kung natagalan yung Author niyo na pogi char kasi wala broken author niyo miss na niya honeybunch sugarplum niya eme kaya ayun ehem ehem "I am Akari author niyong pogi signing in ulit at itatapos na tung book na ito"

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