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We already went home, since there was an emergency  in the company and Dad wants me to handle it only for one day and i agreed. I took Becky and Bonbon home and change to a formal attire and packed the things i need, i went to the living room and i saw becky playing with bonbon.



"I have to go somewhere stay here ok? Lock the doors and windows"

"Eh? Where are you going?!?"

"To my dad's company"


"There was an emergency and dad and mom are not here"

"Can i co-"

"No" i said and went to her and was about to kiss her cheeks but she pushed me causing me to lay on the couch while she sat on top of me.

Making my hormones to come alive again, Becky was sitting on my tummy and her shoulders was exposed due go the huge neck line because of her oversize shirt and she was just wearing a short short making me feel her down there.

"B-beck, i need to go" i said as i shuttered.

"Oh god, not now i still have something to do!! Chankimha control yourself you can do this!!"

"No!" She said and place her hands on my tummy.

"But beck the company needs me" i explained hopingly she will get off me.

"Noooo!!" She said and slightly bounced causing me gulp.

"Not now oh god! Does she know? What she's doing?!?"

"Wifey i need to go already" i said and was about to stand up but becky pushed me back down.

"Tell me first"

"Tell you what?"

"What are you doing there in the company?" She asked making me sighed.

"Well to do my job? And Dad called me just now that there was a problem in the company" i explained.

"Now can i go?" I asked again making her nod and got off on top of me making me realsed a breath.

"I will go already" i said.

"Yeah" she said making me sighed.

I went infront of her and i lift head yung my thumb just to make her look at me and i pecked her lips.

"I promise, i won't take long" 

"Ok, drive safely"

"Becky i know that tone of yours"

"And I can't bring you there"

"Why not? I'm your wife"

"Not yet ok?" I said making her nod and she went to bonbon and played with him.

"I can't bring you there yet becky, i still don't know what will happen and I can't let you be in danger"

I took a last glance at becky and went out already and go to my dad's company.


I already made it to the main company and i asked one of the assistance on what was the problem with the company as she said there was nothing wrong.

"Nothing wrong? Then why would dad" i said and i remembered something we have another company.

"There's nothing wrong with the company ma'am but the other agency ma'am there is" the assistance said and handed me the files i thanked her and went back to the car.

While i was driving Dad called me i answered it.


"Is there a problem dad?"

"Freen, where are you?!?" Dad said in the worried to making mefeel that something is gonna happen.

"Heading the agency, why is there something wrong?"

"Go back to your house right now!!" Dad shouted making me hit the breaks and turned left instantly causing the car to drift the other direction.

"What?!? Ok ok I'll be going home now!!"

"Freen whatever you do protect becky at all cost"

"I will see you dad"

"Be careful kid, we still don't know them"  Dad said and i ended the call and hit the gas and went home as fast as i can.

I know i was on the speed limit but Becky was in danger, i went to press the turbo button on my car making it having a turbo engene.

I already reach the house in time and grabbed my pistol that was inside and got out of the car, i went to the guard house and found him lying on the ground. I check his pulse and he was still breathing fine and i rushed back inside the house. 

"BECKY!!!!" I shouted and went to her room and she wasn't there making me worry.

"Shit shit where is she???" 

"YAH! REBBECAA!!" I shouted again and rushed to my bed room and there was no one there. 

I went in just to check, i went to check my closet and i saw becky crying while holding a stuff bunny. I felt relieved that she was fine, i bend down to her level and patter her head making her look at me and she jumpped on me.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked softly.

"Don't leave me again!!!" She cried and i saw bonbon went out of my closet and started barking at me.

"Ok ok it was my fault now can you stop barking"

"Hush, I won't i promise" i said and rubbed her back.

"Do you remember who they are?" I asked.

"I don't know since they were wearing a mask" she mumbled.


I just carried becky to my bed and laid her down, she looked at me and i just kissed her forehead and placed the stuff bunny on her side.

"Why did you touch my bunny?" I asked as she hugged it tightly.

"It remind me of someone"




"Yeah" she said as she was still hugging my bunny stuff toy.

"How come?" I asked and she went close to me making me froze in my spot.

"Bunny teeth" she said cutely and peck my lips making me shock.

My Girl (FreenBecky Au)Where stories live. Discover now