Not An Update

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Hi, hi Author here i already post this announcement in my profile and for does who didn't follow me imma post it here.

So I sincerely apologize for not updating for a week and their would be no update for only 1week, Since I'm busy with my school works and i need to study for my upcoming exam since our periodical test is coming on April I hope you guys understand and maybe saturday i will update this book double update.

So now next is regarding about this book, I see a lot of people getting confused so this book contains a lot of grammatical errors i will fixed this when the book is done.

2nd regarding the "Long Time Crush" when karina said this to beck this has something to do in the pass and yes I'm adapting it to the Gap the series when Mon had a Crush on Sam like that and again i sincerely apologize for making you guys confused about this book.

I just created this for fun and this book was random made on my mind so i didn't expect to get this FAR like really Far. I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart that you guys read this book:)

That's all, Have a great day.

                                        By: Author(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

My Girl (FreenBecky Au)Where stories live. Discover now