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Freen's POV:

I woke up from my sleep and fixed my self. I looked over to my side and saw becky peacefully sleeping with her earphones on, i guess she can't hear me if i say something or wake her up. I looked over and there were no students left in the classroom, i took my phone in my pocket and look at the time and it was already 4:30 pm and i saw a letter besides becky's phone.

Dear, Becky and Stupidity Horn

"We left early since we need to go shopping since were already out of stock of things that we need and food as well.... I hope you won't get angry stupidity horn! We kinda didn't want to disturb you two so we just left this later see yahhh!!!....

                                                            From: Kade and Nam;)

"This idiots they didn't even try waking me up!"

I look over to becky and poked her cheeks again and again. I heard her groaned and opened her eyes and sit properly.

"What time is it already?" She asked in a sleepy voice.

"Its already 4:30"


"Yeah, 4:30 pm there's no students left in the classroom they all left including kade and nam"

"Ohh.. we should go home already" Becky said as she put her earphones in her bag.

"Yeah, its getting late and we might get scolded as well" i said and she  just chuckle.

Me and becky walk together until we reach the parking lot. I grabbed my keys and unlock my car.

"I should go now P'Freen see you tomorrow" she said but i stoped her.


"Ummm..... Let me send you home" i said to her.

"Please say yes becky!! Hold on why I'm nervous hearing her answer if is it a yes or no?"

"Sure^^" she said making me jump in joy inside.

"Ok!" I said and opened the door for her.

She got in and i went to the driver sit and got in. And we left the campus while i was driving i didn't notice that Becky was taking pictures of me until i saw a flash. I looked over and i saw becky holding her phone while looking at the photo that she take.

"This kid hayss"



"Can we grab something to eat" she said and i heard her tummy rumbled making me laugh out loud.

"HAHAHAHAHA ok ok where do you want to eat" i asked.

"Anywhere^^" she said.

"Ok then" i said and drove to my favorate cafè shop and the owner is Tee's Mom.

I stoped the car infront of the shop and unbuckle my seat belt so does becky. We went inside and on of the workers gretted us and showwed us where to sit. While becky was the judge of that since she didn't like the waiters idea.

Since becky was busy finding us a seat i went to the cashier area to order and i saw Auntie (Tee's Mom).

"Oh Freen! What brings you here?"

"Well one of my friends gets hungry so i brought her here"

"Ohhh...ok, So what do you want to order young lady?"

"One Milk Tea and one chocolate cake and my regular Auntie"

"Ok ok it will be in your table in 10mins Freen" Auntie said i just nod at her and went to find becky.

One of the staffs pointed out on what seat becky picked and i saw her talking to a random guy it made me feel angry all of a sudden and my mind wants to kill that guy. I went to them and Becky noticed it  she waved her hands and signaled me to come closer to her.

"Freen your already here^^"

"Yeah" i said using my cold tone.

"Oh you must be Freen! I'm Jake Becky's friend in England" the boy said.

"Do i look like i care?" I said.

"Freen! Don't be rude to Jake" she said and pouted making me look at her discuss.



"Ehem.... It was nice seeing you again Becky i hope we meet again" the boy said and was about to hug becky but i stoped him.

"Oh.. ummm good bye becky and uhh.. freen" the boy said and left.

Becky dragged me to our table and made me sit and i obeyed. She looked at me with a glare like i did something wrong psh.

"What?" I said.

"Your being mean to Jake"

"So what? I don't even know him"

"But i do, he was just giving me a good bye hug but you stop him"

"Then call him back to give you another hug simple as that" i said as a clenched my fist underneath the table.

"Psh why do you care about that guy?!? I can be better than him becky! What the hell I'm saying Chankimha!!"

"Freen? Are you ok your passing out" Becky said and placed her hands on my cheecks but i quickly removed it.

No one dared to talk until the food came. The waiter left and i gave becky her milk tea and her cake without talking since im still angry about that scene that keeps repeating on my mind. I sipped on my drink and secretly taking a glance at Becky not eating her food or drinking her milk tea, i stop drinking and look at her closely.

"Why are you not eating?" I asked.

"I'm not hungry"

"But you told me an hour ago that you were hungry?"

"That was before"

"Are you angry?" I asked her and poked her cheecks.

"No" She said and takes a bite on her chocolate cake.


"Yes" she said i grabbed her chin to make her look at me and i whipe the chocolate frosting next to her lips.

"Thanks" she mumbled and removed my hands.


Sorry for the late update for CHAPTER 10 and 11 will be posted tonight i can give a specific time on when can i upload chapter 11 thats all ciao!

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