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Freen's Pov:

I grabbed my phone and ordered Milk tea and some sweets for her. I went to her room and knocked on the door, i waited for a couple of minutes until she opened her door.

"Hey! You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you need anything?"

"No, i just wanna check up on you"

"Ahh ok" she said and closed the door again making me sighed.

I went down stairs again since the delivery guy was already here with the milk tea and sweets that i ordered for becky.

I went back up to her room, i was about to knock on her door but she already opened it. She was shock and scanned me head to feet and i can see that she was staring at the bubble tea that i was holding.



"Uhmm.... Before i leave here this is for you" i said and gave the bubble tea and the sweets that i brought.

"Oh.... Thanks but you really don't have to"

"It's fine and its a appologie gift hehe"

"Ah...ok then see you later in class then" she said and walk pass me.

"Ok.... That hurts, but its fine" i said to my self and left the Armstrong mansion and go to my house to change my clothes then go to school after.


I already arrived at the campus i still have 2mins left before class starts. I went running up to our classroom and just in time i was already there and there was still no teacher, and i saw Becky talking with Yuki and so called Jake?

I went to my seat and Nam and Kade great me and i greated them back. We have a chat a bit and i asked them if i kissed someone last night and they said "No" making me wondering who put the hickey??

"You didn't kiss or have sex with anyone yesterday" Nam said making me choke my own saliva.

"Yah! Nam don't say something like that" Kade said and scholded Nam.

"Well she asked" Nam said.

"Stop it you two hayssss..." I said making them both shut there mouths.

I few minutes Ms. Nita already arrived and Backy went back to her seat next to mine. She didn't even look at me and just ignored me like i was invisible what the heck?!?

"I guess this is how you play your game huh? Ms. Armstrong? Let's see how long can you handle ignoring me"

"Ok Class let's have an activity!" Ms. Nita said.

"So pair yourself in two" Ms. Nita added making me smirk.

"This is my chance hehehe"

Becky's Pov:

I look over to Yuki and Jake and they both partnered up and also Nam and Kade. I look over to my side and i saw freen standing up and going to a random girl and asking her to be her partner.

"What the heck??" 

"What are you doing? Chankimha?!?"  I said to my thoughts and sending her daggers.

"How can i find a partner now? When Freen and the others already have one! I hate thisss!!!" I said in my thoughts until some random guy went up to me.

"Hey becky wanna be partners?" He said making me nod  he smiled and sat besides me.

"My name is Mar-" before the guy finish his sentence someone slammed there hands on my table. We both look up and i saw freen with her cold aura making me scared.

"Stop hitting on my wife Mark" she said coldly.

"I was just introducing my self Fre- hold on wife?!?" The guy shouted making the class and Ms. Nita look over to us.

"Yes, she's my wife got a problem with that?" She said giving the guy death glares.

"N-nothing!" The guy said nervously.

"Ok then now leave, she's my partner" she said making the guy leave and went to find another partner. Freen went back to her seat and sat down with her cold aura showing making everyone scared.

"E-ehem ok class this is what are you going to do" Ms. Nita said and explained everything about the activity that were doing.

While Ms. Nita was explaining. All of us inside can still feel Freen's cold aura spreeding inside of the classroom. I sneaked my hands and interwhined it with her but she removed it quick.

"P' freen" i whispered enough to make her hear me but she ignore me making me pout.

"Should i tell her? That i put that hickey on her neck??" I said in my thoughts and look at freen who is still mad and showing her deadly aura.

I gently lean my head on her shoulders causing her to freez on her spot. Making me chuckle she look at me with a confused face, i grabed her left hand and interwhined it with mine and massage it softly using my thumb.

"Still mad?" I said quitely and still the same no response from her.

"Freen~~ talk to me" i whinned.

"Sarocha Chankimha" i slightly shouted.

"Rebbeca Patricia Chankimha" she said and look at me.

"Ok ok using the uno revers card on me huh?"

"Talk to me" i said giving her puppy eyes but she look
away and listened to miss nita again.

"I hate you" i mumbled and layed my head on my table.

Freen's Pov

"I hate you" she mumbled as she layed her head on her table and started whinning like a puppy like it didn't get its treat.

I moved my chair slightly close to her and still keeping my attention to miss nita infront. I secretly took a glance at becky and she was still whining and still have that pout on her lips.

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