(Y/N) - Voice-Overs

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Heyo, I've decided to give (Y/N) some voicelines (without voice), 'cause I was bored.

In the voicelines, (Y/N) is talking to the traveler. You know, just like the playable characters do.

Voicelines about characters will be updated in separate chapters from time to time.


I'm (Y/N)! . . . Nope, there is nothing else I need to say for an introduction.

Chat: Outlander
I am not from this world either, so we have something in common. But unlike you, I never could travel between worlds. So, how I landed here is a mystery.

Chat: Family
My family. Well, despite my being an adult, I was still living with everyone. My mum and my dad. My two - err... my one sister. And two brothers. My fat cat. Six other cats and three dogs, three rabbits and a hamster. . . . *sigh* No, we didn't own a zoo...

Chat: Alcohol
What? Are you jealous that the Adults won't give you any, despite your actual age? Poor you looks like a teenager. No wonder they won't give you any. Well, I guess I can sneak some out for you.

When it Rains
I enjoy listening to the raindrops hitting the ground. It's such a pleasant sound. So, I don't really mind standing in the rain for a while.

When Thunder strikes
The sound of thunder used to give me a relaxing feeling, especially during warm summer nights. But now, for some reason, it makes me feel uneasy.

After the Rain
Hmm... Do you think we will get to see a rainbow?

When it Snows
*sigh* I don't like the snow. It doesn't give off a relaxing sound like rain does. Moreover, I dislike having everything wrapped inside a white blanket. I want to see colors when looking outside the window.

When the Wind is Blowing

The wind is so refreshing. I wish I could just let myself be carried away by it, even if it's just for a moment.

Good Morning
Ugh... The only good thing about mornings is a nice breakfast. If there isn't any, don't bother waking me up.

Good Afternoon
Come on! Let's grab something to eat. I know where to get good food.

Good Evening
Would you mind joining me for a drink? Maybe I can convince the bartender to sell you one.

Good Night
I wish you pleasant dreams. . . . Me? I will stay up a just a little longer and gaze at the moon. 

About (Y/N)
What do you want to know about me? My favorite color, food, or flower? Or about the ways I've died? . . . Hey now, don't give me that look. I was only joking! I'm totally fine!

About the Ability
You want to know about my ability. Well, I don't really know much about it either. Simply put, I can absorb and infuse Elemental Energy. I can make flowers grow with Dendro. Set stuff ablaze with Pyro. I'm able to freeze Hydro affected object using Cryo. I also can use Anemo energy to run faster and make my body lighter. Well, my eye color changes too, but that's just a small side effect, that doesn't affect me at all.

Something to Share
Back in my world, I studied botanic. Plants are really fascinating. . . . What exactly? Well, for an instance, the ability of trees to produce oxygen. Some flowers have different colors depending on the substances inside the ground. Oh, and it's kind of interesting that some flowers eat insects because water and sunlight aren't enough for them. The list goes on, but I don't want to bother you with trifles.

Interesting Things
In my world, there is an animal called, platypus. It's a mammal with a duck beak, webbing on its feet and a long flat tail. The females lay eggs which are familiar to those of reptiles. Its babies are fed with milk, which the female excretes from her glands. . . . What's with that worried look? They are actually adorable.

(Y/N)'s Hobbies
Well, I had different hobbies before I found myself in Teyvat. Since I came here, I haven't really got the chance to find new ones. I guess I enjoy, napping under trees, drinking in the evening and listening to the people playing music. . . . Wait, that sounds much like something a certain bard would enjoy. *sigh* What a bad influence.

(Y/N)'s Troubles
Despite my ability being rather nice, it's such a bother having to keep searching for different sources of Elemental Energy.

Favorite Food
I enjoy everything that's sweet. Pancakes, pudding, chocolate, pears. . . Wait! Does Teyvat have pears?!

Least Favorite Food
I dislike bitter stuff. The smell of black tea makes me gag. I also can't stand spicy food. Why would I want to eat something that causes me pain?

Receiving a Gift: I
Aww! Thanks, I hope it tastes as great as it smells.

Receiving a Gift: II
Thanks for the good meal. I wish I could eat some more...

Receiving a Gift: III
It's the thought that counts...

About Bennet
It's fun being around him. He's like a walking ray of sunshine. No matter how bad the days I spend with him turn out, I could never hold it against him.

About Razor
Well, he did save my life. I owe him that. But I can't really add more, since I haven't got the chance to speak to him yet.

About Venti
*sigh* Venti knows more about me than anyone else. Probably even more than I do know myself! Yet, putting those facts aside, he might actually be a great friend. I really enjoy spending time with him every now and then.

About Kaeya
Uhh... Seriously, I don't know what to think of him. He is being nice to me, but at the same time he seems to keep mocking me now and then. Well, that's just how is his. Still, I would never turn down an invitation for a drink. A free drink is a free drink.

About Jean
I'm relieved that the Acting Grand Master let me stay in the city for the time being. Though, it seems she keeps worrying about me all the time. I really appreciate it, but I don't need another mum.

About Lisa
The way she keeps calling me cutie is embarrassing. I wish she would stop calling me that. If I were to call her Auntie, I would have to add a new stroke to my dying count, though. Despite that, she is really nice. . . But don't forget to return your books.

About Albedo
Well, I ran into him accidentally. He was more curious about my ability than myself, but that's just how he is. He isn't a bad person, but I can't stop feeling uncomfortable around him... Maybe because his way of thinking is too rational and logical for me.

About Klee
I wish I could go fish-blasting with her. But if I encourage her, I will find myself locked up for the next few weeks. I'm an adult, I should act as a good example.
However, you can't stop me from spoiling her!

About Barbara
She is adorable and I really love her voice. But she should stop giving me Barbatos' blessings. I feel strange, knowing that the god she worships is a damn drunkard.

About Diluc
I usually meet him inside Angel's Share when he is playing barkeeper. It's hard keeping a conversation running with him, but he seems to secretly enjoy my annoyance towards Kaeya. Oh, and he sometimes gives me free drinks only to have his brother pay the double price.

About Diona
She is so adorable! I love cats, but I can't just lump her together with them. Though, I really want to pet her. . . She makes the best cocktails ever.

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