Chapter 11 - Venti the Bard

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2nd POV

After you cleared out all the temples, you returned to Mondstadt, where Aether intended to report back to Jean.
"I'm sorry, but I think you two should talk to Jean without me." You spoke up as you entered the city.
"Huh?! You are leaving again?!" Paimon shouted in disbelieve.
You scratched the back of your head, "Sorry, but there is something I have to take care off, I'm certain that Jean will understand. Besides, she will end up praising us for our accomplishment, but I didn't really do anything, so it would be wrong for me to receive any praise."
"Unbelievable." The girl sighed, shaking her head.
"Are you sure that you don't want to come with us?" Aether asked with a concerned look.
"I'm certain." You gave him a reassuring smile, "I'm sure we will run into each other again sooner or later."
"Alright." The blonde smiled at you, "I'm looking forward to it."

You waved the two goodbyes and once again left the city. While Aether and Paimon were busy dealing with Jean and Venti, you wanted to charge the leftover crystals.

You had Pyro, Anemo, Cryo, Electro and a little bit of Hydro Energy. So, the only Elements missing, were Dendro and Geo. Dendro was easy to obtain, but Geo was pretty hard to come by. The only sources of this element, in Mondstadt, were Geo Slimes and ore chunks. Destroying ores might be a quite difficult with a bow, so your only option was to look for slimes.

You sighed, crossing your arms, "Do I even need this element? It only causes Crystallization. Would it be even worth the hard work?"
You stood there for a while, debating whether you should trouble yourself with looking for Geo Slimes or not. In the end, you decided to still give it a shot, only for the sake of owning a crystal with the Geo Element.

You strolled through the plains, trying to remember where you could find these kinds of Slimes.
"There should be a bunch in the Whispering Woods and also near Windrise." You mused, heading toward the latter option.

Sneaking around a tree, you spotted a group of Slimes. Three small ones and a large one, which of course had a shield.
You killed the small ones, without using Elements, and gained some Geo particles. Unfortunately, the arrows you shot at the large Slime were deflected without harming it at all.
"Hah..." You sighed, dodging one of its attacks, "I should have taken classes for art of sword fighting instead of archery."

Without a Claymore, the only options left to break the shield, were by either using up all the Geo Energy you had just collected, or by creating an Overcharge-reaction.

"It's easier to collect Pyro and Eelctro anyway..." You sighed before aiming at the Slime.

Deciding to take a risk and try something out, you infused both, Pyro and Electro, into the arrow at the same time. Releasing the arrow, it directly hit the Slimes shield, causing an explosion.

You were taken aback. It actually worked.
Without hesitating, you did it again, killing the Slime. You absorbed the leftover particles and put your bow away.

"Damn..." You sighed in relief, "I was worried that the arrows would explode in my face before I released them... But they didn't! It actually worked! And I'm feeling completely fine."


"Wait... no... actually, I don't feel so good..." You muttered, leaning against a tree.
You started to feel dizzy and worn out all of a sudden. Feeling like you were about to lose your balance, you sat down, closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
"I totally deserve this one... My body isn't really used to this power anyway, so that was to be expected." You sighed with a grin, "But it was worth it."

Unable to muster the strength to stand up, you decided to stay there for a while, waiting for your body to feel better. Well, at least you could enjoy the nice weather and listen to nature.

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