Twenty One - The Date

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Are you sure I'm still invited? I text Jonny Friday morning.

Of course, just because Adams on a date does not mean you aren't going to be there.

I smile at his response and then another text comes through,

Who else is gonna help me torment him all night?

He doesn't know yet does he? I clarify with Jonny

Nope, so don't tell him :)

Jonny showed up at my house around 4pm to pick me up. Jackie had insisted that we arrive early to help set us the table and make sure everything went smoothly. "And no funny business you two!" She points at us, half smiling.

"Of course not!" I smile back.  We've almost finished setting up when Adam arrives. He looks ever so confused, especially as Martin is wearing a suit. Jonny and I can't help but grin as we continue to set up flowers on the table.

"What is happening?" Adam asks us both as he walks into the dining room "Is the Lord Mayor coming or something?" He continues.

"Nope, not the Lord Mayor," Jonny responds

"Well there's six lots of knives and forks round here." Adam points out.

"Good detective skills." I point out to him whilst smiling.

"Rayne tell me what's going on?" He pleads and I shrug innocently.

Adam follows us into the kitchen where he asks his mother the same question.

Adam complains to Jackie as he is still clueless as to why the house is so nicely decroated, enough so that he threatens us with a knife. Even though it is very funny to witness I feel slightly bad for him. The sound of the doorbell cuts off my train of thought.

"Oh please don't be mad." Jackie tells him. Jonny and I rush over to answer it whilst Jackie follows behind.

Waiting on the doorstep is Tanya, who I only vaguely remember. She is holding some flowers and when I turn to look at Adam, the expression on his face is priceless.

Adam grabs a hold of me and Jonny and pulls us into the kitchen.

"Oh my god! Tanya Green? Shes been invited round for dinner?" He says all in one breath

"A dinner date!" Jonny corrects and I can't help but laugh.


"A date, whilst having dinner." I clarify

"With your entire family." Jonny can't help but grin. Adam is left speachless

"I'm sure nothing will go wrong!" I say with sarcasm.

We join the others in the hallway and Martin and Tanya are having some form of converstation.

"So this is Jonny." Jackie introduces, "And Adams and Jonnys friend Rayne," She continues and I smile at Tanya as she mutters a soft hello.

"And this is my eldest son Adam!" Jackie says with a grin.

They both say weak 'hellos' to each other as an awkward atmoshphere settles between us all. I glance over to Johnny and we give eachother knowing looks.

Adam wants to speak to Jackie in the kitchen but Martin cuts him off,

"Aren't you gonna give her a kiss then?" He shouts. I have to try really hard not to laugh out of shock. 

"Bit forward," I whisper to Jonny.

"What?" Adam asks dumbfounded.

I wasn't sure if the atmosphere could get any worse but it definitely did. Jonny eggs Adam on and the whole thing makes me wanna remove my eyes. 

Finally Adam and Jackie go to the kitchen and the rest of us make our way into the living room. However unfortunately we can all over his Adams displeasement through the door. 

As we sit in the living room Jonny sits next to me yet Martin sits next to Tanya. This causes Jackie to try to signal him to move away. Eventually, he does and he sits beside me instead. He apologises to Tanya yet it is clear he has written her name in his hand the way he looked at it. 

Slowly but surely the uncomfortable atmosphere fades and Tanya and Jackie begin to chat. By my side I feel movement and look down to see Jonny typing away on a phone.

"It's mums phone." He explains to me quietly, without even looking up. I discretely look at what he's typing and I smile.

"Put a kiss at the end." I whisper to him and so he does.

And thats how Adam receives a text from his mum that encourages him to lick Tanyas nipples. He looks over at us and calls us "Dicks."

Martin asks Tanya if she had travelled far which confuses her and the rest of us really.

"Sorry, dad thinks he's from the 1800s." Jonny responds which causes her to laugh.

I  glance at Tanya who seems to be making prolonged eye contact with Jonny. I shift in my seat, suddenly feeling uneasy. Stop feeling weird! I think to myself and decide to focus all my attention on anything else.

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