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"Jonny is this really a good idea?" I ask the younger brother as he pours vodka into a glass, presumably for Adam,
"Yes, now are you gonna help me,"
"Fine I will, to be honest a vodka and coke sounds nice right about now," I mumble the last part to myself.

Jonny leaves the kitchen just as Adam walks in, "Here let me," I say quickly blocking Adams view of Jonny and taking some plates from him. "Thanks," he says slowly, probably suspicious of us. Either way I continue to help Adam wash up until Jonny walks back in.

Martin asks him to sort out the bin but before Jonny does he nods at me to signal the glass is in place. I turn back and continue helping Adam.

According to Martin there is a book from Val about menopause. "Dad did you really have to tell us that," Adam whines.
"Well talking of the menopause," Martin continues, "Have you... you know,"
"Gone through menopause?" Adam cuts him off, "Funnily enough no, and don't ask Rayne either."

"No, you know, any females."
"Ok I'm gonna leave you to it," I tell them as I turn around only to come face to face with Jonny, half covered by a bin bag. His face drops as I quickly cover my mouth to stop myself laughing. I look at him confused and he just places his finger to his lips, signifying me to say nothing. Slightly confused I nod and move to the side of the kitchen. Away from whats about to happen.

Adam picks up the dish from the counter and as he walks across the kitchen, Jonny jumps out of the bin bag, scaring Adam half to death and causing him to drop the dish, it smashing to pieces all over the floor.

"What's going on?" Jackie asks, walking into the kitchen
"Pissface was in the bin bag!" Adam cries, however Jackie seemed more concerned over her dish.
"That was my favourite," she sighed

She then turned to Jonny, "Jonathan, I am really getting fed up with you tonight." Jackie continues. to make matters worse, Nelly walks in.
"Why are we yelling?" Nelly asks which causes Jackie to feel even more annoyed.

"Just stay out of it," Jackie and Nelly continue to argue. we all try to calm Jackie down but it only makes it worse.

"And just so you know, those curtains are not yellow."
"Yes they are yellow." Nelly continues.

"Go to your room,"
"Go to your room," Nelly demands again. Jackie scoffs in disbelief, the rest of us can't help but laugh under our breaths. "This is not funny!" Jackie snaps at us and our smiles drop.
"Go to your room," Jackie counteracts which doesn't really make sense but she's angry and I'm not about to point it out.

"But I don't have a room," Nelly says
"Exactly, I'm not going to my room, this is my house!"

Nelly then turns to Martin. "Could you please tell Jacqueline to go to her room?" She asks. I glance at the brothers in disbelief.

Martin looks lost as both women are asking different things.
"Okay," Nelly then begins to walk off
"Where are you going?" Adam asks
"I'm going to my room!" She declares.

Interested to see where she was going, the rest of us follow her. She walks up the stairs still talking about the yellow curtains.

"I make a lovely dinner for you all, just for you to leave!" Jackie sighs.
"It will be alright," I try to comfort her but she only sighs again.

"You're just so ungrateful," she turns to Adam and Jonny and they follow Jackie into the dining room.
"When have I ever been ungrateful?" Jonny asks
"Well maybe not ungrateful. Maybe your girlfriend is the ungrateful one,"

"Whoa!" Mine and Adams eyes widen at Jackies comment. Jackie continues to point out her issues with Alison.
"It's because she doesn't exist," Adam unhelpfully adds.
"You say she can't come every week!" Jackie continues "She's busy or with a friend,"

"Boyfriend Simon," Adam corrects. I glance at him trying to telepathically tell him now is not the time. He doesn't listen though.
"Shut up Adam," Jackie finally snaps.

"Maybe you should just tell her, Thank you but goodbye," Jackie finishes.
"Thank you but goodbye!" Jonny asks bewildered. It's definitely one way of breaking up with someone.
"Mum you're a nutcase!" Jonny continues.

I decide to stay out of the family argument. Until eventually I hear Jonny yell, "I'm going out,"

I see him storm into the hallway where I'm stood. "Rayne come with me," He asks but it sounds more like he's telling me to.

"Don't be ridiculous," I hear Adam behind us. "Where are you even going?"
By now, Jonny and I have our coats on.
"That is a good question," I turn to Jonny.

"The pub," he responds bluntly.
"The pub?" Adam repeats.
"When have you ever gone to a pub on a Friday?" Adam looks skeptical.

"Yeah go on!" Jackie calls out "Very Jewish of you,"
"It's not like Rayne is Jewish!" Jonny tells back at her
"Don't bring me into this," I groan.
"Just go on!" Jackie continues to yell
"Thank you, but goodbye!" Jonny finished before opening the door and walking out. I look back at Adam before quickly following Jonny.

"What pub?" Adam then asks following us outside.
"I dunno, one round the corner," Jonny responds
"Sounds promising," I tell him.

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