One - Sofa Bed

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I can't help but text Adam for maybe the hundredth time.
Are you sure it's alright me coming over?

It takes a moment but my phones buzzes.

Like I told you, it's fine. Plus we are already on our way to pick you up, if Jonny doesn't crash first.

I let out a soft giggle, obviously to no one, but thankfully Adam has managed to calm my nerves. Tonight I have been invited round to dinner to my best friends house, the only issue is, I haven't seen him for a long time. I can't even remember the last time I saw Jackie or Martin. As I finish applying some light make up, I can't help but wonder if they'll remember me. I mean it has been about seven years.

Me and Adam met in Secondary School. I was a few years younger then him but as I was in the same year as his brother Jonny, he didn't seem to mind. I remember it happening during my first, and only, detention. I was really upset at the time after being yelled at and he happened to notice and asked if I was alright. From then on we kept bumping into one another. At lunch, in the corridor, while I walked home. It turned out we got along very well.

We stayed in contact even after he left school but once I had finished my GCSEs and was almost seventeen I had started on my dream job to become a journalist. Which meant I moved around a lot and didn't have much free time. But now I was back in London and only after a few days of reacquainting, Adam had told me how he accidentally mentioned me to Jackie, and she insisted I visit.

Being pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock at the door, I quickly glanced at myself one last time before grabbing my bag that contains my phone, keys and some money and headed downstairs. I was unsure on how the evening was going to go.

I was even more unsure about whether I should hug Adam who's currently standing on my doorstep.
"Long time no see," he breaks the silence.
"At least you're made it in one piece," is the first thing I can come up with.
Even though Adam laughs, I'm not sure if it was that funny.

We walk down to where a silver car is parked and Adam opens my door for me and I nod in return.
"Hi Reyne,"
I almost jump, forgetting that Jonny was going to be in the car.

I glance up to meet Jonnys eyes through the rear view mirror.
"Oh hey, you alright?" I smile
He is cut off when Adam shuts the car door
"You remember Jonny don't you?" He asks me
"Oh yeah, it's really good to see you again, I mean both of you.. again,". I internally cringe at my own words.

"Right well we better get going because mum hasn't stopped talking about this all week."

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