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We are once again sat in the living room. This time Val is stood in the middle twirling around in her red dress while we all admire. Or pretend to in Adam and Jonny's case.

"It looks lovely," they reassure her.
"It really does," I compliment.

"Mum, can we have crumble now," Jonny asks.
"In a minute," Jackie snaps at him.

"Patients Jonny," I place my hand on his shoulder. He jokingly yawns and in response I chuckle. I realise the others are giving us strange looks and I quickly remove my hand from his shoulder and onto my leg.

"You don't think it's too," Val continues, "I don't know,"
"No of course not, right?" Jackie assures.
"No," the three of us tell Val.

"Really?" She asks
"Really," we all nod. After the three of us share glances.

Val then asks Martin who ends up telling her it's nicer then Jackie's, which doesn't go down well.

Val then becomes very sentimental and sits next to Jonny and proceeds to cry on his shoulder. The poor boy doesn't really know what to do but me and Adam are snickering under our breath. Jonny eventually starts moving away and pushing himself closer to me instead. So much so that I begin to move closer to Adam to make room.

"Boys, Rayne, please could you go and get the crumble?" Jackie asks and before she even finished the sentence the boys had stood up and began to leave. Me trailing behind them.

I turn around just in time to see Val crying while walking up the stairs, Jackie close behind.

Later on, we hear Jackie scream loudly outside so I decide to go check on her. I walk out to see Jim kissing her forehead and Wilson running into the drive with a pair of shoes. I assume Jim's only just found him.
"Are you okay?" I ask, gaining their attention
"Yes love, go back and help the boys." Jackie reassures and with that I nod and leave.

When I re enter the kitchen, Jonny and Adam have two large spoons and are helping themselves to the crumble. I cough to get there attention. Adam looks shocked before looking back down at the crumble.

"Here," Jonny holds out another spoon to me casually. I shrug and take it before the three of us continue to eat. It is good crumble.

However we all freeze at the sound of Jackie calling us. There isn't much we can do about it now expect apologise.
"Sorry Jackie," I mumble even though it doesn't exactly help.

We quickly walk out only for Jonny to crash into Martin, who was holding another box of magazines.
"Bloody idiots," Martin shouts but Adam and Jonny ignore him and continue walking.

"Will all of you just go outside!" Jackie snaps at us. She then shuts the living room door on us. We reluctantly make our way back to where Martin is standing,
"Lads and lady," he then motions to drinking.

"Children's larger?" Adam asks
"Yeah children's lager," Jonny agrees. He glances over to me, "You coming?"
"Of course,"

While outside we mainly mess around. Jonny taunts his dad by taking one of his magazines and threatening to drop it over the fire. Martin chases him around trying to grab it back while we all laugh.

We then walk into Martins shed which is filled with some strange things I might add. Only to drink some non alcoholic lager which didn't have a strong taste so it wasn't to bad. As there wasn't many seats I found myself sitting on Jonny's leg whilst my back was against some boxes. He didn't seem to mind though and even gently draped his arm around me.

The peaceful moment ended when Jackie opened the door.
"Shit!" The four of us say consecutively
"So this is where you've all been," Jackie scolds "All of you together, drinking."

"Well," I counter,
"It's not really drinking," Adam continues.

"Wait a minute," Jackie pauses "What are all these boxes. Martin shifts uncomfortably obviously realising he's been caught.

"You haven't got rid of any of it have you?" Jackie sighs "You've been... lying to me,"

"Sorry,"  Martin asks as if he couldn't hear her.

"Right take all these boxes and throw them on the bloody fire!" Jackie orders
"But Jackie," Martin tries to plead
"Now!" She practically growls which kinda scares the rest of us.

Jackie the chases Martin outside with the box still ordering him to throw them in. We quickly follow behind them and watch as Martin stands before the fire.

I notice Val walk out but don't pay attention to what she is saying. Reluctantly Martin throws his magazines into the fire. However that's not the only thing.
"Oh shit," I mumble
"What?" Jonny asks as he is stood next to me. I simply point down at the fire.
"Isn't that aunty Vals dress?" He asks

"Oh my god!" Adam realises as well. Finally Martin sees it as well "Oh shit, shit on it!" He panics.

"Maybe we can save it?" I suggest hopefully, both boys don't look to hopeful though.

"Martin! Have you seen Val's dress?" Jackie calls.
"Uh," Martin stand in front of the fire
"Do you know where my dress is?" Val asks
"Well yes."

We all awkwardly stand there as Martin explains where the dress is. Suddenly Val lets out a loud scream, followed by Jackie who also starts screaming. I got to the point where I considered coving my ears.

Nevertheless the wedding was actually really fun, even if a lot of people thought I was Jonny's girlfriend and insisted we looked cute togehter and should danced together for most of the evening. I didn't mind it too much and I don't think Jonny did either which felt strange. Not only do I doubt Alison is his girlfriend, I'm really hoping that she isn't. However, my favourite part was that Val sent death glares to Martin the entire night.

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