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I stay in the kitchen while the boys go to investigate what is happen between Nelly and Jackie.
"Are you okay Martin?" I ask as it's just us in the kitchen.
"Yes I'm okay, although," he quickly glances down the hallway "Those curtains are yellow right?"
I laugh lightly, "Yes they are,"
He nods

Martin picks up the casserole dish,
"Would you like some help with that?" I ask him
"It's ok I got it,"

Almost 3 seconds later he falls and drops it all over the fall. I jump back quickly trying to avoid getting hit by any casserole.
"Shit! Shit on it," Martin yells out.

"Oh Martin! I can't believe you!" Jackie cries out. Martin is kneeling next to the dish on the floor. The boys follow in after her,
"What's all this?" Adam asks

"That was my casserole," Jackie states
"Casserole from dads ass-erole," Adam mumbles, earning a glare from Jackie.

Martin tried using a magazine to sweep the casserole off the floor, but as expected it doesn't work. Or well it does but it's not the most hygienic.
"Lovely," Jackie sighs.

"Maybe I should move," I mutter
"Oh yes, sorry love," Jackie says and helps me over the mess on the floor over to where they boys are stood.

"So what are we eating then?" Adam asks
"Well that," Jackie looks at the food on the floor.
"It's on the floor it's filthy," Jonny argues and I agree with him.
"It's not it's fine,"
Jonny leans forward to inspect it, "Is it?"

"Where is everyone?" Nelly calls out, Jackie rushes off to stop her mother from seeing the mess on the floor,
"Well has the floor been cleaned recently?" I ask
"It probably never has been," Adam states.
"Lovely," I mumble.

Martin eats a piece of meat from the magazine and we watch in horror and his face turns to confusion, "I don't think that bit was from the casserole,"

As Nelly is here tonight I am sat next to Adam rather then across from him. He looks at me before picking up the three knives laid out on the table. I laugh softly, " Well at least you won't have a problem cutting things,"

"Are you sure we're not having a stabbing party," he asks
"Guess who set the table," Jackie rolls her eyes, it clearly aimed at Martin.

"We are going to murder your mother after dinner, remember?" Martin jokes, or I hope he is. He and Nelly burst out laughing.

"I think I'll rather stab myself," Adam mumbles and I seem to be the only one to hear him,
"I'll help you out if you'd like," I smile at him I then pick up one on the many knives on the table. He glances back around the room,
"I might take you up on that," He smiles back at me.

"So," Jackie changes the subject, "You gonna tell me why she couldn't come tonight?"
"Oh she's um very tired," Jonny says
I assume they are talking about Allison again, who I still can't figure out whether she's real.

"She's tired?" Jackie looks skeptical
"Who's tired?" Adam asks
"Alison right?" I say and Jonny nods
"Oh your pretend girlfriend."

"She really wanted to meet you," Jonny explains "She's just really exhausted,"
"Three times a night with Simon," Adam jokes
"It could be four," I add
"Haha very funny," Jonny remarked.

"You know Jonny I must have invited her round so many times. I've seen Rayne more times then her and she's Adam best friend," Jackie says
"Our," Jonny mumbles even quieter then earlier.
"That's because Raynes a real person," Adam says

Jonny glares at Adam before turning back to Jackie "She will come over, eventually."

As Nelly begins asking about Jonnys possibly pretend girlfriend, I watch Adam pick up a glass from the floor and switch it with Jonnys glass of water.
"Salt?" I ask and he shakes his head

Just as Adam places the glass down, Jonny picks the glass up instantly spitting the liquid back out.
"You bastard," Jonny yells "It's gin!"
"Skill!" Adam sings out and we both laugh.

"Can I have some gin?" Nelly asks.
"Not right now," She turns to the boys "Enough alright,"
Jackie looks at Martin to get some help,
"Remember don't waste gin, that's your mothers for when she's depressed remember,"

Thankfully the doorbell rings before anything else can happen.
"I'll get it," Both Adam and Jonny rush to the door. The sudden movement cause Nelly to spill food down her. I smile sympathetically at Jackie,
"I'm gonna go check on the boys." I excuse myself.

"Oh hello Jim," I smile when I see him and Wilson at the door. Soon after Nelly joins us. She steps outside to say hello to Wilson.
"So what's going on?" I ask
"I wanted to know if Jackie could-" he trails off looking at Nelly, confused I follow to where he keeps glancing to to see Wilson cleaning Nellys trousers for her. My eyes widen. It doesn't look like she's noticed.

Eventually Wilson stops and Jim quickly leaves without telling us why he was here in the first place. Nelly still oblivious to what happened as we shut the door.

The three of us trying hard not to laugh when Jackie checks on her mother. The meal continues until Nelly starts to cough. Aggressively. Nelly pulls out what looks like a button from her mouth. I suppose that's from the floor. The five of us share glances.

Later on we are all sat in the living room. Jackie continues to talk about the curtains which I had hoped we would have moved on from but I suppose not.
"I can't believe you said they were yellow,"
"No no, piss yellow," Jonny corrects
"Yeah piss yellow," Adam agrees.
"What do you think Rayne?" Jackie asks me.

My heart drops slightly, I had hoped she wouldn't ask me because so far I had manage to avoid upsetting her. "Well they are a sort of yellow colour," I spoke quickly. Jonny laughs next to me, "Mum she's being kind, she thinks they're a piss yellow."
I glare at Jonny but I guess he isn't wrong.

"I've got something for everyone," Nelly interrupts "Well I wasn't expecting Rayne, sorry doll," She says
"Oh it's ok, honestly." I smile at her.
Nelly then pulls out little packages for the boys containing a purse and a one pound coin. She then hands one to Martin before stopping. We all realise she didn't get one for Jackie.

"Did you get anything for mum?" Adam asks calmly.
Nelly digs around in her handbag but it's clear that she hasn't got anything for Jackie.
"She's forgotten me," Jackie states
"Of course she hasn't forgotten you," Martin reassures,

"Would you like a yogurt?" Nelly asks with one in her hand.

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