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While Jim and Jackie was talking at the door the rest of us were cleaning up after dinner. I'm not sure why Jim took his shoes off but apparently he had and Wilson ran off with them. Therefore Jim and Martin were going through pairs of shoes he could borrow.

Jackie was downstairs with the crumble while Jonny, Adam and I were sat on the bed watching Jim dismiss all the shoes Martin offer him.
Even though I was leaning across both Adam and Jonny, it was still a comfortable position.

"Are they even going to fit?" Adam questions the two in front us.
"Well if I curl my toesies up," Jim demonstrates.

"I'm not sure that's how it works," I tell Jim sadly, if it did I would own a lot more shoes because finding nice ones in my size is hard. My feet aren't even that big I'm a size 6 or sometimes a 6.5.

"Shouldn't you be looking for your dog?" Jonny asks.
"What?" Jim asks before getting distracted by the shoes Martin was holding up.
"He didn't find Wilson first?" I ask
"Do you think he'd be looking at shoes if he did?" Adam asks sarcastically, I pause for a moment.
"Yeah I guess not. Still we should be trying to find him."

Eventually Jim finds the perfect pair of shoes and we move to the doorway.
"Are you sure you can walk in those?" Adam asks
"Yes, absolutely Jonny." Jim answers.
"Adam," he sighs.
"I'm Jonny."

Even though Jim insists the shoes are fine, we watch him struggle to walk around.
"They're fine," He claims once again before calling out for Wilson.

"Please go with your father to the freezer," Jackie instructs us. "Just because he will probably fall in."
"We could just push him in," Adam suggests.

While Jonny pushes items around in the freezer, Adam and I read one of Martins science magazines.
"Dad I really think you should put some of this crap on the fire." 

Once Jonny finds the ice cream, the three of us turn to leave only to be scared by Martin wearing a mask.
"Jesus!" Adam flinches
"Holy shit," I cry out before stepping back. I feel a hand against my back and notice Jonny has instintivley grabbed me. In a protective sort of way, which I appriciate.

"Where did you get that?" Adam asks
"A joke shop, isn't it good?"
"No," I reply bluntly
"It's bloody horrible," Adam continues.
"Yeah your mum hates it as well."
"I'm not surprised," I mutter.

Martin then decides it would be a good idea to scare Jackie as well so we follow him as he walks to the front door. We stand there as he walks up behind Jackie and scares her. However it was not Jackie.

"What's going-" Jackie starts but immediately stops as soon as she sees Martin. I'm assuming the woman next to Jackie is Val. My assumption is confirmed when Martin says "Hello Val."

After a longer awkward pause, I decide I should introduce myself. "Hi," I gain her attention "I'm Rayne, a friend of Adam and Jonny." I smile at her however she still seems a bit out of it from shock.

Eventually Val and Jackie get over it and look through wedding magazines.

The three of us join them in the living room.
"Sorry about earlier, it's nice to meet you Rayne," Val smiles at me. I nod slightly and sit on the sofa along with Adam and Jonny.
"Looking forward you the wedding?" Val asks them.
"Yes aunty Val," both boys respond monotony.

They begin discussing this woman named Karen who I'm guessing is the bride, but from Jonny and Adams point of view she looks like a foot.
"Beautiful face, doesn't she Jonny?" Adam asks

"Yes a beautiful foot- face," he smirks while Jackie looks disappointed.

"Val's going to try her dress on later, isn't it exciting. Rayne should see it as well,"
"Yes sounds fun." I grin at the older women.

"So I hear the famous Alison is coming," Val continues. I can understand why Jonny gets annoyed so much when she's mentioned. She's mentioned a lot. It's really begin to bug me but I'm not sure why. Maybe because I can't figure out if they're actually dating.

"Famous for being invisible," Adam says. Jonny tried to change the subject but gets called out by Adam.

"Well actually," Jonny begins "Aunty Val, I've got to be honest. She um, can't come."
"What a surprise," I mumble to myself.

"What do you mean she can't come." Jackie interrogates him. Before he can answer, Martin enters with a box of items.

"Alison can't come," Jonny repeats
"She can't orgasm?" Adam asks, his voice filled with shock. We both laugh and Jonny tells him to shut up.

Jonny claims she has another wedding to go to. A bit convenient if you ask me.
"It's true. She's got another wedding," Jonny continues.

"Why didn't you tell us before," Jackie sighs
"Well I didn't know."
"You just found out about this emergency wedding," Adam rolls his eyes.
"It's quite the coincidence," I add.

Jonny looks at me then back at Jackie.
"How about Rayne joins us instead?"

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