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"So dad," Jonny starts " You uh, hurt your knee?"

"What," Martin says clearing forgetting the lie he told us earlier.

"Your knee," I continue "Wasn't there something wrong with it?"

"There was? Oh right yes, yes," Martin responds. " I hurt it,"
"So um, how'd you do it?" Adam presses.
Adam repeats his question to Martin and we are all interested with what his lie will be.
"Oh I banged it,"   
"Aw on what?"
"My other knee," Martin lies
"Right," I mumble, "Sounds legit,"

Before we could ask him any other questions, Jackie walks back in with the ketchup, "Here, your Lordship,"
"Lovely tomato blood," martin says sinisterly while pouring it onto his plate.

"Oh Adam," I say gaining the older brothers attention, "Didn't you say something about that music thing and that it was on tonight," I remember him mentioning it to me a couple of days ago.

"Oh right yeah, Mum my things on tonight," he says gaining his families attention.
"What thing?" Jackie asks
" The music I did for that ad, That Jingle."

"That he didn't get paid for." Jonny interjects while looking smug,
"They took me out for lunch, actually."
"Oh sorry, paid in potatoes,"
"Hey," I cut Jonny off "At least he did something," I try defending the older son, Jonny gives me a look like 'Really'
"Okay it's more like they used him but at least he got free food, better than nothing," I rest my case.

"Thank you. I think?" Adam tells me.
"So is it on tonight?" Jackie continues
"Yeah later, on the radio, no big deal." Adam shrugs it off.
"Oh that's wonderful bobble!" Jackie beams at her oldest. She then leans across the table and places multiple kisses on his head.

"You should tell Alison to listen," I tease Jonny, "Okay, I will,"
"I think she'd find it difficult with Simon's balls in her ear," Adam chuckled. I hear Jackie laughing as well.

All of a sudden, the door bell rings,
"I'll get it!" Both boys stand up.

"Oh who's that, don't they know it's Friday night?" Jackie remarked. Before Jonny leaves, he pours salt into Adams glass of water. I decide to surprise Jonny and I quickly grab the salt and pour some into his glass of water. Thankfully Jackie didn't seem to notice, or if she did, she didn't try to stop me.

A few moments past, "Do you want me to go see what's happening?" I ask Jackie
"Yes please love,"

As I walk into the hallway I see the boys and Jim stood at the door,
"Always get you mixed up, you look so similar," I hear Jim tell them.
Adam and Jonny glance at each other and then at me, "Do we?" they say in unison.
"Practically twins," I giggle

"Ah female," Jim says
"Hi Jim, it's Rayne, remember?"
"I don't like the rain, it's very... wet," Jim tells me.

"Right well," Jonny trails off
"Adam! Could you tell him to come later? We are eating," Jackie yells from the dining room. Adam relays the message to Jim.
"Mhm it smells good," Jim comments, completely ignoring Adam.  " We're just about to have our din-dins," he asks the dog but instead of petting the dog, Jim flinches away.


"Anyway, it's just about this sponsorship form for charity." Jim explains. I lean forward slightly and run my fingers through Wilson's soft fur, I'm unsure as to why Jim always seems to flinch around the dog. He seems harmless.
"Your mum said she'd sponsor me for-" Jim continues but he gets cut of by Martin
"Oh tell him to bloody go away!" 

The three of us in the doorway tense up slightly but Jim doesn't seem to mind and just nods.
"Maybe come back round later," Jonny tells him.

"Yes, I'll see you later,"

However when Jim tries to walk away, he is pulled back by Wilson who doesn't seem to want to move. I let out a soft giggle which Jonny seems to hear and he briefly looks at me. Adam decides that its probably best to just shut the door. "Yeah, ok."

"He must think I'm such a mean cow," Jackie sighs as we enter the dining room. " I'm sure that's not true," I tell Jackie. If anything I think Jim may have a slight crush on Jackie, but I tend to read into things a lot. Especially when it involves other people. 

"He keeps asking me to sponsor him, but I'm always busy," she sighs again. Me and Adam stare at Martin who seems to be shifting around uncomfortably.

"Who was it? The council?" Martin asks
"When have the council ever been round?" Jackie looks at him confused.

"Adam, your mother tells me your radio jingle is on tonight," Martin changes the subject. However the way he said it sounded more like he was being interviewed,
"Rather, formal," Adam comments, "Uh yes, sir."

"And who wrote the music?" Martin questions while placing his elbows on the table. Did he not understand that it was Adams music.
"Uh I did, it's a jingle." Adam explains
"Brilliant," Jonny mutters.

"What was is for again?" I ask Adam
"Car insurance,"
"Interesting," I smile at him.
"Oh the big time," Jonny laughs
"Thanks," Adam is quick to cut his brother off.

"Well, well done Adam," Jackie congratulates "To our favourite son," she adds,
"Yes favourite son," Martin repeats which makes Adam look smugly at Jonny.

I see Jonny frown slightly, I assume it was a joke but even still I feel slightly bad for him, well that's until Adam takes a mouthful of his water. Adam quickly spits the water back out. While Jonny laughs. I can help but grin as Jonny takes a mouthful of his water quickly looking disgusted and spitting it back out,
"How did you?" Jonny asks Adam but Adam shrugs. Both boys pause for a moment before looking over at me.

I smile at them innocently, "Something wrong with the water Jonny?" I ask
"Nice one," Adam comments.
Jonny looks at me mischievously, "Oh it's on,"
I make a mental note to never leave my drink with Jonny.

𝐹𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊  //Friday Night Dinner\\Where stories live. Discover now