Five - The Jingle

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Some how during the week, Jonny had acquired my phone number. At first I wasn't really complaining as he just wanted to let me know that he would pick me up on the way to the Goodman household on Friday. However he then would text me every time he seemed to get bored, which was a lot.

"I just get bored a lot!" Jonny explains on the way over to his parents house.
"I'm sure you could have found something else to do though, that's all,"
It wasn't actually that big of a problem, as long as my phones on silent because at one point it wasn't and it would buzz like every two minutes.
"Yeah I start doing something but then a minute later it becomes boring."

I sigh and turn to face him, "Jonny, you have the attention span of a spoon."

He just laughs while pulling up on the side of the road.
"Ready?" He asks and I nod opening the car.

"Alright Pusface!" Jonny calls to his brother. Adam doesn't respond, instead he shushes us.
"What are you doing?" I ask him as he is stood outside the house staring through the window.

"Just come here!"

Jonny looks at me and we both shrug before making our way over to him. When we reach the window we can see Martin in the dining room
"Dads got no top on, he never has a top on." Jonny says while starting to walk away.
"Yeah but-" Adam drags him back and we watching horror as we see Martin looking down his trousers.
"So is this unusual, because this is Martin," I ask the boys.

"I think so, but he's been doing it for ages."

"Isn't it just as weird that you've been watching him do it for ages?" I grin at Adam.

"But why is he looking at it?" Jonny questions.
"I don't know but it can't be good can it."

"Ok well I think that's enough staring at your dad, staring at his dick for one evening. Or forever actually." I tell them whilst walking over to the door.

"Woah a magnifying glass!" Both boys say in shock. I'm pretty sure I get the picture without having to go and look. Both boys suddenly duck underneath the window. I roll my eyes and ring the door bell.

Before the door opens both boys join me standing by me, either side.
"Dads grown another one," Jonny theorises
"Hm nice,"
"Can we please stop taking about your dads- hi Martin,"
I smile as the door opens. I can here Jonny and Adam laughing behind me.
"Hello bambinos," he greets us "What's so funny?"

"Nothing dad, how are you?" Adam continues to talk to Martin. Meanwhile I begin taking my coat off,
"Here, let me," Jonny says kindly and takes my coat from me, hanging it on the coat holder. "Thank you,".

"Are you switched on today?" Jonny asks referring to Martins hearing aid
"What, oh yeah," Martin says while tapping his hearing aid.
"I think that's a no then," I mumble to the boys

"Two penises," Adam says to Martin who is oblivious. Instead Martin just groans.
"Are you sure you're alright?" I ask him even though I'm not sure if I want to hear what's wrong with his penis.
"Yeah it's just my knee," Martin lies
"Oh your knee," Jonny replies and the three of look at each other already knowing he's lying.
"Bloody knee."

"He's not still doing on about his knee is his?" Jackie enters the hall, she pulls the boys in for a hug. She then turns to me, "Hello love," she pulls me into a hug to,
"Hi Jackie, I hope it's okay that I'm here again."
"Oh don't be silly sweetheart, it's lovely to see you again,"  I smile at Jackie and thank her.

"Your hair looks nice," Jonny compliments his mum,
"Thanks love, yours looks horrible," Jackie says bluntly. I laugh at him, "Poor Jonny," I coo while gently running my hand through the tips of his hair. He quickly brushes my hand away while pouting.

"I just need the loo," Martin tells us,
"Yes alright, bye Martin,"
The rest of us walks into the kitchen.

"So, no Alison?" Jackie asks
"Oh yes, your pretend girlfriend."
I had forgotten about Alison, and I was still unsure whether she was actually Jonnys girlfriend, or even real.
"She couldn't come,' Jonny states blankly,
"Because she doesn't exist." Adam, Jackie and I all laugh.

"Nice soup," Jonny says clearly trying to change the subject

"Simon?" Jackie asks referring to Adam comment before.
"That's Alisons actual boyfriend, right Adam?" I ask him
"At least I've got a girlfriend!"

As the boys continue to bicker so I help Jackie prepare some vegetables. Suddenly Matin walks back in and grabs the magnifying glass of the counter, not really saying a word before walking back out. I glance over at the boys who have a slightly disgusted look on their faces but they are also grinning at the fact they mutually understand what their dad is really up to.

As Adam and Jackie are setting up from dinner, I ask Jonny a question I've been pondering for a few minutes,
"You know you may possibly have a girlfriend,"
"Oh not this again," he sighs,

"No its just, if she's your girlfriend they why don't you ever text her when you're bored, why me instead?"

Jonny didn't answer he just shrugged and walked off with the potatoes, leaving me just as confused as before. 

"This is amazing Jackie," I compliment her meal,
"Thanks love," Jackie then pauses and she glances at Martin, who seems to have something stuck between his teeth.
"Got ya!" He cheers, causing the boys to also look up,
'Sorry,' Jackie then mouths to me.

"Lovely bit of squirrel!" Martin adds as his way of applauding her cooking skills. To which she doesn't respond.

"So you like my hair then?" She asks Jonny


"I had it done,"

"Your mother had her hair done," Martin repeats

"Yeah we know," Adam tells him.

"She had a flaky scalp,"


Even though It's not that big of a deal, I can't help but gently placing my fork back on the plate, not really feeing as hungry as before.
"Aw dad!" Adam cries

"It's not in the food is it?" Jonny pushes his food around on his plate, inspecting it. Jackie sighs and stands up,

'I'll just get some ketchup then shall I" she walks out of the room. The perfect time for the three of us to investigate further into Martins 'knee' problem.

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