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Martin and Adam are upstairs trying to move a sofabed. By the sounds of it, it's not going very well.
Whilst they're arguing, me and Jackie are talking by the stairs.
"So how's your mother? Still well?"

"I assume so, we still haven't really spoken since I left."
Jackie sighs and pulls me into a hug
"I tried my hardest to convince her that journalism is a proper job but she never accepted it and probably still hates that I left to travel."

I've come to accept that my relationship with my mum isn't as strong as I would like.

"I'm sure your father would be so proud of what you've done." Jackie smiles "And remember you are always welcome here."

I hug her again while the memory of my dad pops into my head, he had passed away when I was eleven but I can still remember him being excited when ever I would bring my stories home to tell him.  I use to love reading to him everything that I would write.

"Slowly!" Martin tells at Adam "Slowly, Slowly!" Martin keeps yelling. I laugh softly "Pivot."

All of a sudden Martin cries out in pain and begins to walk past us complaining about something "Shit, shit, shit!"

Chris takes over for Martin and he and Adam manage to get it into the hall. Behind Jackie, Jim opens the door which scares her.
"Oh sorry,"

"What are you doing up here?" Adam asks

"Well the other boy is in the one downstairs,"

I laugh at the fact he doesn't remember Jonnys name, but stop as I see that Jackie looks pretty traumatised with Jim stood so close to her.
Jim introduces himself to Chris and explains that he broke his toilet.
"Oh how'd you do that?"
Jim doesn't answer but just stares at him.

"Should you.." I trail off hoping it would cause them to start moving. It does and the boys continue to move the sofabed as Jim moves to the staircase.

They manage to get the sofabed to the stairs and are tying to manoeuvre it around. Jackie's is once again on the phone to Val.
"Jonny's meant to be taping it, Jonny are you taping it!" Jackie yells down to the boy.

I lean on the banister and I just see Jonny at the bottom of the stairs. He calls back "Yes, I've told you!"
"Are you sure you're taping it," I call back to annoy him. He looks at me and groans before walking back into the kitchen.
"Be carful of the wallpaper," Jackie yells at the men before continuing her conversation with Val.

I decide I should at least help and so I move next to Adam and help with lifting the sofabed.

"You alright there Pusface?" Jonny calls from the hallway
"Yes alright thanks,"
Jonny once again has a can of whipped cream in his hands while he laughs at his brother.

"Jonny you are taping MasterChef," Jackie asks for maybe the 4th time this evening.
Still with a mouthful of cream, he responded,
"Yes, I'm taping it alright!" He storms back off

"Excuse my horrible sons,"

By this point the sofabed seems to be stuck which is an issue as it's still at the top of the stairs. It's hard to see but I think Martin had left only to return minutes later.
"What's happening?" I suddenly hear Martin
"It's stuck," Chris informs
"It's stuck!" He says a bit louder
"It's stuck!" Me, Jackie and Adam yell.

"What are we gonna do?" Jackie cries
"Uh hang ourselves," Martin jokes
"Sounds fun, I'll go first." I say
"Suicide is not the answer," Adam looks at me disapprovingly
"But the options on the table," I grin at him.

We try moving the sofabed back up the stairs which only makes it worse as the wallpaper rips.
"Stop!" Jackie yells
"It's stuck, it's properly stuck," Adam sighs. I lean back against the wall partially tired. Through the window I can see a light turn on so I glance out to see Jonny trying to places boxes of magazines in the boot of his car.

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