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Turns out there is a pub around the corner. However it's name seems a bit inappropriate.
"I knew it was black something..." Jonny trails off
"This will be nice," Adam says sarcastically before walking in.

I didn't seem too bad inside, it was pretty empty really. Just a few old white men.
"Evening mate," Jonny starts.
"Mate?" Adam smirked
"Have you been to a pub before?" I genuinely ask Jonny.

"Three pints please," Jonny orders
"Of what," the bartender asks. The boys can't decide between beer or lager. I step in between them,
"Lager please," I tell the man. He smiles at me
"Sure," before walking off.

"They're the same thing," Adam sighs
"Not it's not," Jonny insists
"I'm pretty sure it's just a type of beer," I correct them.

"Mums being such a cow," Jonny complains,
"Jonny," I lightly scold "This is your mother we are talking about."
He rolls his eyes, "You can admit she's being unreasonable,"
"I suppose,"
"Also the curtains are definitely yellow," Jonny rants.

Before Jonny can continue the bartender places our drinks in front of us. However none of us thought to bring any money. Jonny and Adam both have one pound coins from earlier but that's all. Both on the turn and look at me.
"No don't look at me like that." I demand, but then continue to give me puppy dog eyes.

I rummage around I'm my pockets because I to didn't bring any money and manage to gather around £1.43 in change. Which even with the two pounds from the boys is way under what we need.

"How about we have one pint and three glasses please," Adam asks, which thankfully works but it was a waste of lager as the other two ended up down the drain.

I hand over the little amount of money in exchange for the glasses.
"Nice purse," he comments to the boys.
Adam then evenly splits the alcohol between us, "A refreshing third of a pint."

I feel like now would be a bad time to mention that I don't particularly like lager. Or beer. Or many alcoholic drinks. I take a small sip of it anyway. It's not the worse taste in the world.

The sound of the door opening catches my attention.
"Oh shit," Adam notices as well. Jim and Wilson enter the bar.
"Just look away," Adam instructs.
"He's gonna see us," I tell Adam
"He won't,"
"He will,"
"He won't,"
"He's seen us," Jonny announces.

"Told you," I quickly mumble as Jim beings to make his way towards us.
"Hello boys, and girl."
"Hi Jim," The three of us say in unison
I focus mainly on Wilson as he sits there patiently as Jim just stands there
"Pubs..." he trails off.

Jim is then handed a dog bowl. He then picks up a pint and pours the contents into the bowl.
"Did he just?" I ask
"Yes he did," Jonny answers. The three of us all look at each other in shock. I'm also slightly concerned for Wilson.

As Wilson was happily drinking out of the bowl filled with alcohol, it came to no ones surprise when the dog passed out. Jonny and Adam has to carry him back to Jim's house.
"Almost there," Jim cheered.

As the boys struggled, I walked along side them gently stroking the fur on between Wilson's ears.
"He won't suddenly wake up?" Jonny asked.

Jim who had been stood close to the dog, flinched away, "Will he?"

Eventually we make it back and they place the dog onto the ground. "Do you think he will be alright?" I ask the brothers. Both of them shrug.

"Oh hello Jackie," Jim says. The three of us begin to make our way to the front door. Thankfully Jackie seems less angry now.
"Is he dead?" She asks us
"No just drunk," Jim clarifies.

As we walk inside Adam points to the glass Jackie's holding, "What's that?"
"Gin," she says bluntly, which if I recall is her depressed drink.

"We're still not talking," Jackie says referring to Nelly.
"Where is she?" Adam asks. Jackie doesn't say anything but she just looks up the stairs. Sure enough Nelly is sat at the very top.
"I'm in my room."

"Right," Adam starts, "Jonny, Rayne, go find dad." Instead of going anywhere, Jonny just screams 'dad' very loudly. It works though as Martin appears behind us. Without his shirt on of course.

"Okay everyone listen," Adam continues, " Can't we just, you know. We're family, kinda." He glances at me. "And well enough is enough."

"Very well said," I clap sarcastically.
"Yeah, great speech Obama," Jonny adds.

Adam rolls his eyes at us before turning to Nelly, "Grandma please apologise to mum," he asks

"You want me to say sorry to your mother?"

"Don't be silly Adam, she won't do it," Jackie insists. There's a long pause after that as Nelly starts speaking but stops immediately after. Eventually though she does form an apology to Jackie.

"Now mum say sorry to Grandma,"

Jackie, who looked shocked also apologises to Nelly. Jonny and Jackie then apologised to one another. Now that everything has be sorted I smile at the others.

"Cup of tea?" Adam suggests which quickly changes the mood.

"Oh Jonny come here," Adam calls. Jonny groans but follows him. Before he even left we hear the sound is Adam and Nelly screaming. I worriedly glance at Jonny before the both of us rush into the kitchen, quickly followed by Jackie.

Adam has clearly tried to get back at Jonny for earlier but it had gone horribly wrong. Nelly was passed out on the kitchen floor from shock.
"Adam what did you do!" I yell at him.

"I think I've killed Grandma,"

We manage to move Nelly onto the sofa. She's starting to come to but she's still quite out of it.
"Just a glass of water please," she murmurs to Jackie. She picked up the glass on the table and handed it to her.

"Wait please don't tell me that's-" I look at Jonny
"It is," he says to me before turning to the rest of his family, "Um that might be vodka,"
Nelly however doesn't seem to mind.

// Thank you everyone who's reading and voting on this story. It means a lot :) \\

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