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I let out an awkward laugh. Jackie looks at me hopeful.
"I'm not sure." I answer. I can't help but glare at Jonny. Why did he drag me into a conversation of a wedding I didn't even know the bride or groom of.

"Maybe Adam should ask someone," I suggest. He looks at me and I whisper sorry to him.
"He should invite Tanya Green!" Jonny says which changes the focus onto Adam.

"Thanks," Adam rolls his eyes at us.

"You can if you want, she's a lovely girl." Val tells us.

"No thanks. I'm going outside to help dad."  As he gets up I give him another apologetic look. He sighs and is about to speak but Jonny leans forward and pulls him back down onto the sofa.

"Oh that reminds me, I had to call Tanya's mum," Val explains while picking up her bag. It's pretty clear that this is gonna end up with Adam on the phone to Tanya.

"Adam pass the phone book," Jackie instructs. As he walks over to hand it to them, I turn to Jonny, "This could get interesting,"
He nods in agreement,
"If Tanya can't come will you?" He asks
I shrug, "Maybe, but won't people think I'm your date?"

Now Jonny shrugs "Maybe but that would be easier then explain everything else."

I turn back to Adam who has handed Val the phone. It rings for a moment before a girl answers. Val puts the phone on speaker so we can all hear.
"It's Tanya," we hear.

"Hi Tanya, It's Valerie. Is your mother there?" As Val speaks Jackie looks over at Adam with a grin on her face.

When Adam rolls his eyes I nudge him. "Go on, I dare you." I smirk at him.

"Right well could you tell her I called?" Val continues talking to Tanya.
"Hang on a moment," Val suddenly says and begins handing the phone over to Jackie. Both me and Jonny look over at Adam, who looks unimpressed.

Jackie continues to set her son up with Tanya and Jonny gets up and sits on him to prevent him from stopping her.

"We were wondering what you were doing this Sunday?" They ask her
"Sunday?" Tanya repeats
"Actually, Adam's here right now and would love to say hello," Jackie continues.

I lean forward to take the phone from Jackie, me and Jonny laughing as I press it up to his ear. He pushes the both of us away before sighing and answering to Tanya.

"Hello?" We hear through the phone,
"Hi," Adam says slowly.

It's pretty awkward to be fair. Adam standing in the middle of the living room talking to the girl on speaker phone.
"Um, I'm Adam,"
"I know,"

"This is embarrassing isn't it," Adam says to her before walking out, Jonny trips him up as he speed walks to the front door, the rest of us quickly getting up to follow him. Jonny chases him into the kitchen before they walk back out.

"Sorry Tanya can you just hold on a sec," Adam says loudly. "Piss off!" He yells at Jonny before making a run for it up the stairs. This time I decide to follow him and Jonny.

"Just fuck off!" Adam yells at us. Jonny and I laughing as we chase the boy. Adam runs into one of the bathroom, almost shutting Jonny out but he pushes his way in.

Before I can make my way in the door is slammed shut in my face. I frown slightly but I decide to wait outside. A few moments later I hear the sound of a toilet flushing. Not a good sign.

Adam and Jonny walk out the bathroom, Adam not looking that pissed off which probably means he didn't really care. As we begin to walk back Jonny grins at me.
"Hope you're free Sunday because it looks like you're coming to a wedding." He places his arm over my shoulder.

I roll my eyes but smile. At least I have something to do this weekend.

"Well is she coming to the wedding?" Jackie asks.

"Probably not," Adam sighs.

"Don't worry," Jonny adds, "Rayne will come." He grins
"Really!" Both Jackie and Val look excited.
"Yeah why not, no clue what I'm going to wear though." I trail off.

"Oh that reminds me," Val cuts in, "My dress,"

As Jackie and Val are busy, Jonny, Adam and I join Martin in his shed.
"How long until we get to see her bloody dress," Jonny whined.
"Stop complaining," I laugh at him, "Because tomorrow you're coming over to help me pick an outfit." I tell him.
He groans loudly, "Really, why me!"
"Do I need to remind you who volunteered me in the first place."

"Fair enough," he sighs but doesn't look to annoyed.

"Uh Jonny, Rayne," Adam says
"What?" We both respond.

Adam shows a 'join the dots sex book'
"Uhh," I look at Martin in confusion. According to Adam, half of them have been filled in which makes the situation worse.

"Leave my special crossword book alone," Martin instructs
"Special crossword," Jonny reiterates while laughing.
"Not many words involved," I comment while looking up at them.

Suddenly we hear Jackie calling us.
"Shit," Adam quickly hides the inappropriate book and we all get up. We leave the shed to be greeted by Jackie.
"Hi mum," both boys say sweetly.

"What are you doing?" She questions.
"The bonfire," all three of us answer.
"In there," she looks skeptical.
"Hello Jackie, you look nice," Martin comments.

Finally Val is ready with her dress so we can look at it.
"What are we doing?" Martin asks
"Ten minutes of pretend smiling," Adam sighs.

//Thank you to everyone who is voting :) //

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