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Even though Adams jingle was on in any moment, we couldn't listen to it as there wasn't a single working radio in the house. Well except the duck one that Jonny had found. "He is going to hate it," I tell Jonny.

Me and Jonny walk into the kitchen, Jonny proudly holding up the duck radio to Jackie and Adam.
"What!" Adam looks shocked.
"It works," Jonny says.

"Well done Jonny," Jackie smiles while walking over to us.
"I'm not listening to it on that," Adam points to the duck,
"I told you," I glance up at Jonny who looks unimpressed."Why not?"
"Because it's a duck," Adam argues.

"It's not a duck it's a radio," Jonny twists the duck and it turns on,
"It doesn't really matter that it's a duck," I try to reason with him but Adam doesn't listen.

"Right we're going to the car."
"The car?" Jonny asks
"Yes the car, dad are these your keys?" Adam asks picking some up.

"Yes why?" Martin asks cluelessly
"Right come on," Adam ignores him while basically dragging the rest of us into the hallway,
"Should I bring the duck?" Jonny asks me
"Definitely bring the duck."

Although before Adams fully opened the door, the bell rings. Jim stood right outside causing Adam, Jonny and I to flinch.
"Um is your mum there?" Jim asks
"Have you been there the whole time." Adam ignore Jim and walks past him,

"She's just behind us," I tell Jim as me and Jonny follow Adam to the car.
We open the car door as get inside, I can tell Adam is still nervous about his jingle. After Jackie apologised to Jim for maybe the fourth time, we're all finally in the car. Martin and Adam are in the front, with Jonny, Jackie and I in the back. Me being in between the two.

"I can't believe we got in the car for this," Jonny sighs and glances at me,
"I know, I think the duck was perfect," I agree.

"So where are we going," Martin asks
"Nowhere," I explain.

"He definitely thinks I'm a mean cow," Jackie sighs.

Adam is struggling to even turn the radio on, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if we missed it. All of a sudden, music starts blaring through the speaker,
"Oh my god, turn it off," I scream over the music. Jackie quickly covers her ears as Jonny leans over me to try and turn the radio off. Thankfully between the two of them, they manage to turn it off.
"Jesus," I mumble.

"That was the loudest thing-" Adam is once again cut off by the loud music through the radio. We all start screaming at Adam again and this time even i put my hands over my ears, blocking out some of the noise.

I face Jonny, who notices my hands and then places his own hands over mine. "Idiot," I think he says, but I'm not entirely sure as I can't hear anything.

When the music finally stops I pull my hands away from my ears. Jonny leans to the front and hits Adam across the back of the head.
"Oh god," Adam complains.

Martin, who looks unfazed asks, "Was it loud?"
We all just stare at him.
"Please can we just use the duck," I sigh, a faint ringing still in my ear.

Jackie keeps looking out the window at Jim, Who is still standing on the Goodman driveway. I wonder if he could hear the music as well.
"Can you just drive a little, please. At least it looks like we're going somewhere."

"Shut up mum," Adam dismisses, "Now how do I turn this back on?" 
Adams phone beeps again,
"Not another bloody text," Jackie complains.

"What about this?" Martin presses another button which turn out to be the heater, so hot air comes blasting out of the car, I suppose it's better than being deafened.
"Thank you," Adam suddenly says to Jonny, who smiles at him.

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