Thirteen - The Dress

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I didn't mean to be late for Friday night dinner. However I was running behind the schedule I had planned that day. When I realised, I did let Jackie know I was going to be a few minutes later then usual. However a few minutes turned into 20.

I quickly knock on the door, hoping I haven't missed to much.
"Hey love," Jackie greets.
"Hi Jackie, I'm so sorry I'm late."
"No worries, it hasn't been long since the boys arrived. Whats happened though?" She asks me as we walk into the kitchen.

"Oh well I was on this afternoon- lunch date sorta thing and well it went on longer then planned."

Jackie grins at me, "A date then,"

Before I can answer we hear noise from outside.
"That will be Martin with the boys, Martin is suppose to be burning all that junk. Hold on I'll just go get them."

When Jackie returns the boys follow behind her,
"Hi Rayne," They both greet. I smile at them both.

"So," Jackie continues, "What happened on this date?"
"Wait you were on a date?" Jonny asks,

"Well I'm not sure-" I start but Adam cuts me off
"Oh yeah how did that go?" He asks
Jonny looks over at Adam then back at me,
"Pusface new about this?" He stutters
"Um yeah, she tells me everything,"

"Boys!" Jackie interrupts them. "As you were saying Rayne."

"Well it wasn't really a date ya know, like he was nice and all, met him through work but that seemed to be the downfall, as all he talked about was work." I sigh slightly.

"Aw don't worry love, there's plenty others out there," She raises her eyebrows at me.

"Anyway dinners ready."

As we walk into the dining room I ask Adam and Jonny, "Was Martin really burning his things?"

"Thought so,"

We are almost half way through dinner when Jackie asks Martin what he was up to outside.
"Yeah it's all happening out there,"

"All those newspapers and horrible scientist magazines?" Jackie continues. However the rest of us know that Martin is lying.
"Yup all in the fire, burning away out there."

Jackie however looks a bit suspicious.
"It's all going to plan isn't it boys, a good plan," Martin emphasizes
"Great plan," both boys agree. Adam gives me a look to say 'I'll fill you in after.'

"One all!" Adam cheers as Jonny spits out the water he just drank. Jackie scolds both boys before sighing, "Oh where is she? I can't wait much longer."

"What's happening?" I ask
"The dress," Jackie replies, "Val's dress."
I look at the rest of the family in confusion.
"It's for a wedding," Jonny clarifies

"Won't Val also need the brides hat, which is a shoe," Jonny continues,
"And the veil, which is a sock," Both boys laugh.

Once again, Jackie brings up Jonny's girlfriend.
"You know the one that doesn't exist," Adam says
"Shut up Adam," Jonny argues.

"So she is coming?" Jackie asks again
"Of course," Although Jonny doesn't look very confident.

"Why don't you ask Tanya?" Jonny teases his older brother as the topic has changed from Jonny's girlfriend to Adam lack of females.
"Why would I invite her to a wedding when I don't even know the girl?" Adam argues.

"It might be fun," I suggest to him
"See Rayne agrees," Jonny smiles at me.

Adam switches the topic back to Alison, but before Jackie can pester Jonny further, the doorbell rings to which he immediately gets up.

"Good timing," Adam mumbles while getting up as well.
"Oh it will be Val! With the dress." Jackie smiles.

"Oh." Both brothers say glumly while sitting back down. There looks of disappointment cause me to giggle.

"I'll go then shall I?" Jackie sighs while standing up.
The rest of us continue to eat.

"So what was happening earlier?" I ask, still curious.
"Dad somehow became cool," Jonny says.
"Well kinda," Adam answers, "Instead of burning his items we were sat in the shed drinking non alcoholic beer."
"That does sound cool,"  I tell them.

Turns out Val wasn't at the door. That's made clear when we hear Jackie yell "It's not Val everyone."

Adam and Jonny look at each other,
"Jim," they both agree.

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