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As we leave the kitchen I realise Adam nor Martin followed, which probably means they're up to something.
Jackie started setting up the dining room table as Jonny sat down.
"Sweetie, you alright here?" Jackie asks while putting another dish down.
"Yeah of course." I say sitting down in the chair she's standing near.
"Jesus what's taking so long" she asks before leaving the room.

"So," Jonny starts, causing me to glance up at him,
"How has it been. Still journaling?"
"Yeah, not as much now and it's more local then before, that's why I'm back in London."
"Oh cool."
"What do you do?" I ask him
"Estate agent."
I sure it's a good job but it's not really my cup of tea so I left it.
"Adam still does music right?" I ask him
"Not sure if you could call it that really," he says while laughing. I would of asked what he meant but the others walked in and sit down. Adam looking slightly annoyed.

It's a few minutes into dinner when Martin breaks the silence, "Jackie this is a lovely bit of squirrel," he claims while laughing obnoxiously loud. I let out a small laugh and so does Jackie. Suddenly the phone rings.
"I'll get it,"
"I'll get it,"
Both boys rush out of their seats. "Sit down!" Jackie orders, "It's probably Val about MasterChef." I watch as the boys slump back into their seats.

Once Jackie leaves, Martin immediately starts talking to Jonny.
"I need you to take them and put them in your car,"
It seems like a dodgy plan to me but I continue to listen.
"Why can't Pusface?"
I practically snort at the nickname, "You still use that?" I ask him and Jonny grins and nods at me, I turn to Adam, "And is he still-"
"Pissface? Yeah, he is, and anyway Pusface here already has a job." Adam says while pulling out a sheet of paper which Jonny snatches off him.
"You're buying more?"
"Is that really a good idea?" I ask Martin
"Of course it is!"
"Jesus dad," Jonny complains but we are cut off when Jackie walks back in.

In attempts to look inconspicuous, Martin asks Jackie if she baked the bread, which by the sounds of it is the one edible item on this table that she didn't make or cook. As Martin failed to seem somewhat normal, Adam takes over,
"How's auntie Val?"

I zone out slightly as I continue to eat my food, which is very delicious,
"Is Alison a good cook?" Jackie asks Jonny. I glance at Adam as to ask 'who's Alison' but he just smirks at me.
"You mean Jonnys pretend girlfriend," Adam clarifies. I nod slightly realising what's going on, but as Jonny gets more and more defensive I can't help but wonder if she actually exists.
"Just cause I've got a girlfriend!" Jonny snaps
"Who has another boyfriend,"
"Simon is not her boyfriend!"
"Oh sorry, he's just the guy that sleeps on top of her," Adam grins
"Don't worry Jonny, it's okay if you're third-wheeling," I smile at him.
Adam high-fives me across the table and Jonny sulks.
"Who are you talking about?" Martin questions,
"Alan Davidson?"

"Mum, don't you think Adam should ask Tanya Green out for a date?" Jonny looks smugly at Adam
"Oh I remember her, didn't you have like a massive cru-"
"Yeah, yeah." Adam cuts me off
"She is a lovely girl," Jackie adds.

Whilst the boys accuse Jackie of being a  paedophile, Jackie turns to me "So are you seeing anyone Rayne?"  Both boys go quite.
"Um well not at the moment no,"
"Aw that's a shame, you're such a beautiful girl, it's a shame neither of the boys-"
Suddenly the doorbell rings
"I'll get it!" Both of them stand up so quickly that the table moves.

Unfortunately for Jonny, Adam gets to the door first. Unfortunately for Adam, Jonny clearly has something planned as he's pouring salt into one of the glasses.
"But isn't that yours?" I ask him
"Shush, don't say anything,"

In the corridor we can hear the voice from earlier, I guess Jim is back to use the bathroom. Even though it hasn't been that long since the last time. Adam walks back in, "So I'm basically a lavatory attendant,"

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