Twenty Two

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Adam makes a big point in telling Tanya how unaware he was of her joining us tonight. Jackie ignores his glares and his phone goes off again.

"What does it say this time?" I ask Jonny,

"More weirdly sexual things," Jonny exclaims with a grin. There's something about him smirking and constantly glancing at Tanya that starts to irritate me.

"Why don't you just leave it alone, Adams having a hard enough time already." I snap, probably a bit too harsh, but it is too late to retract it now. Jonny looks at me fairly surprised and just nods, whilst putting the phone back in his pocket.

Tanya starts reminiscing on how she and Adam probably last saw each other when they were toddlers.

"Last time was probably when you had baths together," Jackie informs us.

"Mum!" Adam complains.

"Wow Adam, and I thought we were close!" I point out which makes Jackie and Tanya laugh. Adam looks at me before asking his mum to stop again.

"Oh! I have baby photos!" Jackie says with excitement.

"No, mum please." Adam says.

"Aw I bet Tanya wants to see the baby photos, don't you Tanya!" Jonny says to her

"Yeah of course,"

When Adam gets up to get a drink, I plan to get up to go with him but Jackie has found the photos and Adam sits back down in defeat.

Whilst Jackie is pulling out photos, one of which includes Adam standing in the bath, I see one which I recognise.

"Isn't this from early secondary school?" I ask and I take it out. I must've just finished my first year and was standing next to Adam. We both looked fairly young and he was carrying that briefcase he randomly took to school for a term.

"That is so cute!" Jackie points out and I smile at Adam, and he smiles back at me. His demeanour changes when he asks to speak to Jackie in a different room. She sighs and follows him.

Tanya, Jonny and I are left with the box of photographs. I decide to use my phone to take a photo of the school picture of me and Adam. I feel Jonny stare at me as I do so but I try to ignore it.

I hear a bit of Jackie and Adam's heated discussion and decide to see what's going on. It's better than watching Jonny lean right up against Tanya. I didn't realise that Jonny had followed me until I'm in the hallway. Adams coat is half on and he looks very upset. Jackie is trying to take the coat off of him.

"She's a lovely girl!" Jackie half whispers.

"A lovely girl," Jonny sarcastically reiterates.

Jackie turns to us and tells us to go back to the living room. Mainly for the sake of Tanya as she has been unwillingly left alone with Martin. Before we enter though I stop Jonny by grabbing his arm.

"Sorry." I start, feeling shy. "Sorry for being blunt earlier."

"It's okay," he says with a smile and he pulls me into a hug. "Adam is having a hard enough time as it is. That brings me enough joy" He laughs.

I laugh too and shove him playfully. We enter the living room to see Martin talking to Tanya about Issac Newton, he's even holding a book and reading it to her.

"Where's the bathroom?" Tanya asks Jonny, who directs her to the one in the hallway under the stairs. She gets up to leave as I grab Jonny.

"She's gonna see Adam half leaving and arguing with Jackie!" I point out. We stare at each other for a moment before Jonny gets back up and drags me into the doorway. There's no way he wants to miss out on this awkward encounter.

"I was just looking for the toilet," we manage to hear Tanya mumble as we all stare at Adam who has frozen in place.

// Hi guys, sorry for the short chapter and very long delay. Someone close to me in my family passed away suddenly. It might be a little while before the next chapter as well. Thank you to everyone for voting and reading and thank you for being patient. Sending love <3 \\

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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