Seventeen - The Mercedes

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I slammed Adams car door shut and stepped out onto the pavement. I turn around to hear car tyres skidding right past us. Adam jumps back to avoid being hit.
"Jesus," I mumble.

The car stops just in-front of us.
"You idiot!" The woman in the car yells, "You could've scratched my Mercedes!"

I roll my eyes, I care more about Adam then some car. I could tell Adam was also annoyed.
"You could've killed me you stupid cow!" He yells.

Apparently Adam knows the woman who almost killed him. Her name is Sheila Bloom. I watch as he awkwardly approaches the car and talks to her.

I can't hear most of the conversation but I do hear her say very loudly "Who's that?" While looking over at me.

I ignore her and stared at Adam, "Are we going in or?" I ask not wanting to be standing on the side of the road much longer.
Sheila reminds us that her Mercedes would cost a lot more then the Nissan Adam drives. As if a car is worth more then a life.

"Bitch," Adam mutters as we walk inside.

When we arrive at the door there's a sign that says the bells broken, however we don't even need to knock as Jonny opens the front door while everyone yells surprise.
I turn to Adam, "Surprise!" I cheer with jazz hands.

"Happy birthday Pusface," Jonny says while shutting the front door. He seems awfully excited for his brother.

"Yes happy birthday bambino," Martin says.

"Happy birthday Adam!" I pull him into a hug once he's taken his coat off.

"Yes thank you," he says to us all, "Even if you have already said it about seven time's today," he laughs. I nudge him gently, "You're my best friend be glad it wasn't more."

I can feel Jonny watching our interaction so I change the subject. "What's up with the door bell?"

"And the coat rack?" Adam adds

"Broken," Martin responds but both of us could've guessed that.

"Everything's broken in this house," we hear Jackie behind us. She walks into the hallway on crutches "Including your dads brain."

"Hi mum," Adam says
"Hi Jackie," I smile at her.

Adam walks over to give his mother some flowers and a hug. She smiles at him and then instructs Jonny to put them in a vase, to which he hands them to Martin to put them in a vase. Martin looks over at me but sighs and walks into the kitchen.

I laugh and lean forward onto Jonny's shoulder to see Jackie.
"You alright?" Adam asks kindly
"I'm on crutches," she groans.

Jonny rolls his eyes and walks off to the kitchen, subsequently taken me with him. It's not like I'm leaning on him anymore, it's just I found myself following him. All he wanted was the can of cream before we went back to listen to Jackie and Adam.

As Jackie explains what happened to her ankle I find myself only paying half of my attention as I'm occupied with Jonny attempting to spray cream onto my face. We both laugh as I dodge his attempts. Thankfully he gives up and continues to eat it.

"Please stop eating cream," Jackie sighs.

"Guess who me and Rayne just saw," Adam starts, "Bitchface."
Suitable nickname really.
Jackie gasps, understanding straight away.
"Sheila Bloom! What was she doing?"
"Um trying to run me over," Adam explains.

"In her stupid Mercedes?" Jackie clarifies and I nod. Adam looks suspiciously over at the dining room.
"Um Pissface, what are you doing in there?''

"Nothing!" Jonny yells back.

When Martin walks past us, Jackie fills him in on the Mercedes incident.
"You saw Sheila Bloom?"

"Can you believe dad once went on a date with that woman," Jackie rolls her eyes. I look between the two of them.
"Really?" I chuckled.
"Dad went on a date with Bitchface?" Jonny appears in the doorway.

"It was before your mother. Just a few dates," Martin clarifies
"A few," Jackie looks shocked, "You told me it was one,"

"Oh no," I mumble to Adam.

"Did I?" Martin asks "Well we didn't really get up to much, you know, business."

"Thanks dad," Jonny added.

"What do you mean much business?" Jackie demands as Adam and I make our way over to Jonny.
"Looking forward to your birthday dinner?" Jonny asks,
"Yeah course," Adam smiles before pausing, "What have you been doing in here?"

"Nothing," Jonny claims again. "Oh you do know dads making it?" He then adds"Yeah mums a cripple,"

"Thank you Jonny," She snaps at him.

Adam storms off into the kitchen to investigate what Martin is doing.
"You definitely did something didn't you?" I say referring to the dining room.
"Oh of course," Jonny grins at me.

We then go and see how Adams handling his birthday meal.
"We could always just go for a Chinese." Adam tells us.
"Yes but a Chinese won't be as nice," Martin insists. As he opens the oven, a cloud of smoke pours out and the sound of sizzling can be heard. I guess it's nothing too catastrophic.

"What is it?" Adam questions
"A surprise," Martin explains.

"Perfect," I say and glance over at Jonny.

"I'd rather it wasn't a surprise," Adam whines.
"Oh alright, potatoes and some meat." Martin says and I can't help but let out a laugh. Adam glares at me but looks pretty stunned.

"Potatoes and some meat," he repeats.

"Mhm prison food," Jonny jokes. Adam continues to complain to Jackie about how his dad is making his dinner.

Even though me and Jonny find this hilarious I can't help but realise, "You know, we've got to eat this as well."
Jonny's face falls slightly but he shrugs, "At least it isn't our birthday."

"I'm sorry darling but what can I do?" We hear from the hallway, "Anyway I'm banned from the kitchen."
To prove this Jackie calls for Martin who quickly yells her to go away.

All of a sudden Nelly appears from the bathroom, "Where's the birthday boy?"

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