Nine - The Curtains

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Throughout the week, I had began to find myself looking forward to Friday. I was really thankful that Jackie was so welcoming and told me to come over each week. She had even implied that I was part of the family which made me feel blessed.

So when Friday rolled around and Adam came to pick me up, I was smiling brightly.
"Hey Adam," I pull him into a hug,
"Hey Rayne, I just wanted to ask, did mum tell you that Grandma was joining us this week?"

"Yeah she did."
"Ok great,"

I had only met Nelly once when I was younger. So I wasn't surprised when she didn't know me,
"Adam who's your pretty friend?" She asked as we get in the car. The smile on my face widens at her calling me pretty.
"Grandma, this is Rayne, remember? My best friend from high school,"

"Our," Jonny muttered under his breath.

"Oh right sorry dear," She apologises
"It's alright," I smile at her.

Jonny helped Nelly get out the car, unfortunately he had manage to trap her hair in the door.
"Hold on Grandma," Adam reassured while trying to help.

I spotted Jackie by the front door.
"Hey Jackie," I wave
"Hey love, what's going on?"
"Uh Nellys hair is kinda stuck," I explain
"What?" Jackie walks over to us.

Jonny tried opening the door but it doesn't seem to open. His attempt to open the door sets off the cars alarm. I didn't think this could get much worse really.

"Great," Adam sighs.
"Is that the police?" Nelly asks
"Um not quite," I tell her.

Eventually we manage to free Nelly and Jackie quickly takes her inside.
"You're such a dickhead," Adam insulted Jonny.

"How did you even do it?" I ask Jonny
"I don't know, she must have leant forward when I pressed the button,"

"You know what," Jackie starts, "You are a dickhead."

While Nelly is sorting out her hair the three of us take our coats off. Jonny once again takes mine from me.

"It's lovely mum, it's a lovely colour, isn't it boys and Rayne?" Jackie compliments 

"Yeah," we all agree.

"Thank you. You should get your done," She tells Jackie
"I've had mine done,"
"Have you?"

Jackie is trying hard not to glare at her mother. Jonny, Adam and I make our way to the kitchen, leaving the women to discus hair.

"Boys, we've got something to show you?"  Jackie calls into the kitchen.
We begin to follow Jackie when Martin opens the bathroom door,
"Hello bambinos," He greets

"Hello Martin," Nelly smiles, sadly neither of them can hear each other very well, resulting in them saying "What?" Multiple times. We watch them in amazement.

"No top then dad?" Adam asks
"I'm baking,"
"Well my mother really doesn't wanna see your tits!" Jackie walks over to Martin.

We all walk into the living room, I sit next to Jonny and Adam while Nelly sits on the other sofa, that is until Jackie instructs Adam to get Nelly a sherry.

"So what did you want to show us then?" Jonny asks
"Well I want to see if you noticed," Jackie explains.

My eyes scan the room but I can't really see anything different. I look over at Jonny who looks just as confused as I do.
"Perhaps in the room," Jackie continues.

"Do you see anything," Jonny whispers to me. I shake my head,

"Mum, have you noticed anything?" Jackie turns to her mother.
"You cleaned it?" She guesses.

"Amazing," Jonny comments, meanwhile Adam has returned with a glass of Sherry before rushing out again, acting suspicious. Jonny quickly follows him but nothing seems to be wrong.

"Fine I'll show you," Jackie sighs before gesturing to the curtains behind her. Still no one seems to get it.

"The curtains!" I call out suddenly. I hope I'm right. The boys must've returned.
"Yes the curtains!" Jackie cheers,

"Ooh," the others trail off. I must admit I'm not really sure what's different about them.
"What about them?" Adam asks

"They're new!"
"Are they?" Jonny asks.
"Yes we just got them, do you like them?" Jackie continues.

Turns out they were blinds before, not curtains.
"Mum do you like the curtains?" Jackie questions her mother.
"Not really," Nelly says bluntly, I cover my mouth as to try and stop myself from laughing.
"It's the wrong colour," Nelly argues.

"There a yellow colour," Nelly continues.
Jackie let's out a deep sigh, "They're not yellow, they're cream."
"There yellow,"

Jackie turns to us, "Please tell her that they're cream,"
"Well," I begin, unsure on how to break it to Jackie that her curtains are not in fact cream.
"They sort of are yellow," Adam continues
"Yeah piss yellow," Jonny clarifies.

"Charming. Martin tell my mother what the curtains are,"
"They're yellow," he yells, clearly misunderstanding
"They're not yellow!" Jackie shouts back at him. They must have already gone over this,
"Yes I forgot they were cream," Martin says.

Jackie leaves the room, clearly upset and I can't help but feel bad. Martin quickly follows her leaving the rest of us in silence.
"You also think they're yellow right?" Adam asks me, I nod, not really wanting to say it incase Jackie over hears.

"We should probably go check on Jackie though," I tell the boys so we make our way into the kitchen.

"Tell your mother you like the curtains," Martin instructs
"Of course we do," Adam says sincerely, "They're lovely, aren't they Jonny?" He turns to his brother
"Yeah they're lovely, really lovely,"

"They are really pretty," I try to reassure Jackie but I doesn't work.
"They all hate them,"
"No we don't," I try convincing her
"Well Grandma does," Jackie says while Jonny sticks his fingers in his mouth in disgust.

"Not helping," I mouth to Jonny.
"You don't hate the curtains do you Grandma?" Adam asks as she walks in.
"Yes I think they're horrible,"

I wince slightly, knowing her words are gonna upset Jackie further. At least she's being honest. Jackie once again leaves the room.

"Grandma, I think you've upset mum," Jonny explains softly.
"Oh okay, I'll speak to her, don't worry," Nelly reassures.

"Sometimes your mother can be such a sensitive cow," And with that Nelly leaves.

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