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"What must she think of us!" Jackie complained.

"That we must find leukaemia really funny?" Jonny answers.

We are all sat in the car outside of Shelia's house because somehow Martin picked up the wrong coat which had the house keys in it.

"Go on you better go with you dad," Jackie directs to the boys
"What?" Adam asks,
"You heard her, off you go!" I grin at them.
"No way why don't you go," Jonny shoots back.

"Because I'm crippled remember?" Jackie answers back.
"She's got you there," I say to Jonny.

"Sorry there is no way I'm knocking on that woman's door!" Adam continues to argue.
"Can we go now," Martin asks
"But what if she says Mercedes again?" Jonny ignores him.

"Oh for Christ sake all I did was kiss her breasts a little!" Martin cuts everyone off and the three of us in the back look at each other in shock but also disgust. I shift slightly as the tension in the small car seems to grow.

"You what?" Is all that Jackie says, in quite an eerily calm way.
"It was ages ago," Martin tries to defend himself but by the look on Jackies face she is still in disbelief.

Nelly asks what they're talking about and so Jonny answers her. That's when Martin tells us that her does the same to Jackie in which we all groan and cover our ears.

"Okay I'm getting out the car," Adam reports and so does Jonny who drags me with them. Martin shortly follows behind looking fairly deflated. Martin walks up to the door and presses the buzzer. Adam, Jonny and I all brace for the awkwarness thats about to ensue.

"Hello Sheila, sorry to bother you but uh," Martin begins, and without saying anything, Sheila glares at us and hands back Martins coat. I can hear Adam and Jonny snickering beside me so I elbow them both.

"Something funny?" Sheila asks and Jonny teller her no.

Martin insists on having to put his coat on right then and there, meaning that we all continue to stand in front of Sheilas' door. It is cold to be fair even I start shivering.

Eventually we turn and leave and speed walk back to the car. "What a lovely chat," I mumble to the boys as they repeat the word 'nightmare' over and over again.

"Why is she still watching us?" Jackie asks once we are all back in the car, "Can we just go!" Jonny desperately speaks over his mum, however, Martin is struggling to get the car started, which creates more comotion from the boys.

Martin reverses straight back and we all crash into something behind us. My head goes back and hits the headrest with quite some force.

"Are you okay?" Adam and Jonny both look concerned.

"Yeah I think so," I rub the back of my head, "Are you?"

They both nod, luckily they both still look alert

"Shit, shit on it!" Martin grumbles, and from the window I can see Sheila looks horrified. Thats probably more likely because we must've hit her mercedes. We can't help but all start laughing, it gets worse the more we hear Sheilas screams.

When we arrive back to the Goodmans home, meanwhile Jackie is fairly unimpressed with the previous events and takes it out on Martin when we're back.

"Fix that bloody coat hanger please!" Jackie cries as me and the boys throw our coats towards it and they land on the floor, we all joking look at each other unimpressed.

Jackie happens to find Nellys bikini, who is more then impressed.

"Thank you Jackie!" She enters the bathroom, I preseume.

"I bet all the modelling agencies will hire her." I nudge Jonny.

"Oh you bet, she'll be walking down the catwalk next week."

Jackie avoids Martins attempt at a kiss, which is fair considering what else we've learnt he's kissed, as she manages her way upstairs. The rest of us walk into the kitchen.

"Boys let me give you a bit of advice," Martin says, "Never marry a woman."

"Hey!" I interject, considering I am a woman and all. Martin thinks for a second then rephrases, "Never marry a woman unless it's Rayne." He says before walking out the back door.

"Not the worst advice dads given us." Jonny grins at me and I roll my eyes.

"You two would be considered lucky." I playfully shove him.

Later on, the three of us are outside and Adam is trying to fix the back of the car. "Fantastic birthday." He mumbles. I feel bad because with all of the events I almost forgot it even was his birthday.

"Maybe we can go do something tomorrow as well?" I suggest. Adam just shrugs.

Jim appears behind us with Wilson, "Hello you three!" He exclaims. To my grateful surprise, Wilson walks close to me, as if he wants to be petted. I'm pretty sure I grin ear to ear and I lean down to stroke his soft fur. "He really likes you," Jonny whispers to me. "Are we surprised." I laugh jokingly.

"This is for you!" Jim proudly shows Adam his gift which is of course a basket of green fruit. Jonny and I glance at each other, knowingly.

"What is it?" Adam asks

"I think it's obvious Adam." I tell him

"A schmoigel." Jim says


Jim repeats himself and Jonny and I try our best to not laugh. "Happy birthday, Pusface." Jim continues. I actually think all his effort for Adam is quite sweet. The kiwis are even cut up into slices.

"There are no pears," Jim informs us, "As pears are forbidden." He looks at Jonny for a sense of reasurance, who nods in agreement.

Jim stares off almost in the distance, which all three us notice. To our horror, Nelly us stood outside in her pokadot bikini. The looks on the boys faces is more then hilarious, arguably more then the events at hand. Nelly desperatly bands on the door, clearly shes been locked outside.

I wonder what is taking Jackie or Martin to open the door. Although Martin is deaf and Jackie is a cripple as she would say.

Thankfully Jackie finally opens the door, I imagine the sight of us five looks bizarre, espically as Adam offers her the schmoigel.

"Interesting birthday." I say to Adam, before we are about to leave. Martin and Jackie were in the living room and Jonny had just left. "Potentially not the worst though." He laughs.

"At least on the way home there's no longer the risk of being hit by the mercedes." I can't help but grin at him.

"That's always a plus."


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