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"I didn't know Grandma was here!" Adam says with a smile and the boys walk over to greet her.

"Hello Nelly," I wave to the older woman,
"Hello again Rayne," Nelly returns the gesture.

"You alright now mum?" Jackie asks.
"Oh yes much better dolly," she answers. "I had a bit of you know-"
"Right," Adam cuts her off.

"Grandma, do you remember what you were going to say to Adam?" Jonny asks, clearly having planned something.

"Oh yes," Nelly smiles, "Happy birthday Pusface." Adam sighs at his brother.

We move into he living room where Adam opens his presents.
"No I love them, really I do." Adam insists while staring at multiple kitchen related items.

"They're really,"
"Shit?" Jonny cuts him off
"Practical," I say at the same time as Jonny.

"Yes practical." Adam says.

I can't help but blush when I hand over the gift I brought Adam, "You can't judge me on this ok, I though it might of been funny."

He looks at me confused before opening it.
"No way," he laughs
"Do you like it,"
"Of course." He grins at me.

Jonny looks confused before taking the box off of Adam.
"You got him a remote controlled helicopter." He asks.

"Not just any old remote controlled helicopter," Adam states
"Yeah we use to pass that one everyday in a toy store on the way home from school." I explain.
"We always wanted to buy it," Adam remembers,

"Yeah but we never got the chance." I nod.

"But didn't that toy store shut like years ago?" Jonny asks.
"It did, I found this one online. New condition and everything." I smile

"That's really cool, thank you! I can't believe you even remembered." Adam hugs me. I smile at him while he observes the present.

Meanwhile, Nelly is talking to Jackie about a red bikini.
"Sorry, bikini?" Adam clarifies.

"Yes from Spain, she wanted one." Jackie says.

"Can you go get it then?" Nelly asks her daughter.
"I can't get it now, can I?" Jackie replies, notioning towards her sprained ankle.
"Ok then don't worry."

Nelly then stands and claims that she will get it herself before leaving the living room.

"She really wants her bikini," Adam comments.
"But no bikini for dad?" Jonny mentions as Martin walks in shirtless.
"What? I'm hot."

According to Martin the meat isn't really yet which only makes me curious as to what meat could be taking this long.
"What meat is it? Horse?" Jackie asks the question we're all thinking.

Martin simply laughs which isn't reassuring at all before handing Adam a present.

"From you?" Adam asks in disbelief, "Thanks dad."

Adam opens it to find a book on the SS.
"Yeah you're always interested in the war so..." Martin explains.

"The SS?" We all repeat in shock. Even though Adam did really like learning about the war, I must admit buying him a book on the SS, when the Goodman family are Jewish does seem a bit odd.

"I mean I was kinda interested in it at school. But the SS?" Adam tails off.

"It's very good." Martin insists.
"Um thanks dad," Adam says again, this time he's a little more uncertain.

"Sorry, I can't believe you brought him that," Jackie continues.

Adam, Jonny and I scan through the pages of the book.
"There's a lot of pictures," Jonny comments.

"Well what do you expect," Martin rolls his eyes at his younger son.
"Very... educational," I point out.

"So do you like it?" Martin asks again,
"Yeah dad it's just, Well imagine a book on the SS might sort of focus on the bad things they did, but this one well..." Adam trails off awkwardly.

"It's a bit SS-y," Jonny adds.

"Just take it away," Jackie demands, she then takes the book off Adam and give it to Martin, who insists it's not dirty.

Nelly walks in before Martin leaves, "Oh the SS, you lucky boy!" She smiles making us all awkwardly smile back.

As it reaches dinner, we are all sat at the table waiting for Martin. This mysterious meat still must be cooking.

A few moments later he finally enters, carrying a large dish.
"Finally!" Jackie sighs.

He places it on the table but before taking the lid off he places lots of other items around it.

Adam picks up his napkin only to get cream all over his hands.
"Oh great," he rolls his eyes.
"Brilliant," Jonny adds as I chuckle. Adam quickly wipes it across Jonny's face.

"Boys!" Jackie yells as Martin hits Adam with the oven gloves.
"How are you gonna find yourself a bloody female when you act like a baby all the time!"

My eyes widen slightly, that's harsh to say on his birthday.
"Martin," Jackie scolds.

"Can we please have a ban on the F-word for tonight," Adam asks.

The conversation changes when Jackie asks Martin about the 'not business' between him and Bitchface.

"Oh we're not still talking about that are we?"

"Apparently so," I turn to Martin.

"Honestly nothing happened."
"Honestly?" Jackie asks
"Yeah, and really we hardly had sex,"

Martin then exits causing all of us to groan at the mention of sex while we're about to eat.

"Jackie, has Martin got someone pregnant?" Nelly asks.

When Jackie doesn't answer, she turns to Jonny, "Who was the lady that Martin got pregnant?"

"Sheila Bloom," he lies while grinning.

"In the back of her Mercedes," Adam adds

"Martin did not get anyone pregnant," Jackie clarifies to her mum.

"Well," I say looking over at Adam and Jonny.

Suddenly the phone rings and as per usual, Adam and Jonny both get up to answer it, Jonny gets to it first but speaks pretty ominously making us unsure of who he's talking to.

// Hi sorry this has taken a while. I have exams and coursework coming up soon but I will be trying to write more as well. Thank you to everyone who is reading and voting <3 \\

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