Chapter 2: The decision Part 2

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Hiccups POV

Something came running at Toothless, holding a battle axe and screaming a war cry. I don't know why I did this, really I don't, but I ran at the figure and used all of my power, which is very little becuase I was so skinny, and pushed the axe out of the persons hands. This disbalanced the attacker and ran into me. "Oof" I groaned as I hit the ground and I stared up and I saw,

"Astrid?!?" I said. "What are you doing here?" The person who had ran into me was Astrid Hofferson, the most beautiful girl ever. She had blue eyes and blonde hair and was very aggressive. Every boy in the village had a crush on her, so I knew she would never end up with her, but it didn't hurt to hope.

"Better question is, what are YOU doing here, fishbone?" Astrid says. By this time, she had gotten off of me and had retrieved her axe, which she was threateningly pointing at my throat. I raised my hands up in a non-threatening way. By this time she had regained focus on Toothless who was growling and then pounced on her. She screamed and tried to hit him with her axe. Toothless had plasma blast readying in his mouth.

"Toothless! No! She's a friend!" I said as I ran over and put my hands up to his jaws trying to close them. Toothless swallowed down his plasma blast,(A/N I don't what it's called when they hold their fire) and got off of Astrid. He was still growling and had his teeth bared.

"Astrid, this is my..." friend? Pet? Savior? Miracle? "Friend, Toothless." I said looking at her. She was on the ground with her legs bent and a look of fear swallowed her face.

"N-Nightfury." She managed. She backed up a step. She looked scared, shocked, confused and worried, and a little mad.

"Yes, Astrid. Toothless the Nightfury." I said to her, I watched her back up another step. I was starting to wonder that if she had found me, had the rest of the teens done so too? Had she led them here for another of my annual beatings? "Toothless, Astrid." Toothless let out a low growl. Astrid backed up another step and shakily got to her feet.

"You are so done." She said as she turned around and ran out of the cove heading towards Berk.

"Dun dunna. We're dead."

Astrids POV

I couldn't believe this! For starters, Hiccup had been cheating in dragon training, and he had a NIGHTFURY for Odins sake as a pet! I ran towards the village not believing my luck! Hiccup was going to get kicked out of dragon training and I was going to get to kill the Monstrous Nightmare! I was climbing over a wall which led to a shortcut towards the village. It was one of the many shortcuts me and Hiccup had found during the times when we were friends. We used to play in the woods trying to find a dragon to kill. I was jumping down from the wall when something came and grabbed me by my arms. I screamed as I looked down. I was hundreds of feet in the air. I started punching the arms that had grabbed me as they soon lowered me onto a tree branch. I screamed again as I clung onto the tree branch for dear life. A Nightfury landed on the top of the tree bending it down even more. Hiccup was on top of the Nightfury in a saddle like contraption.

"HICCUP!" I shouted at him. "Get me down from here right now!" I screamed at him.

"Astrid, I can't do that." He said to me looking down towards me.

"YOU CAN AND YOU WILL! RIGHT NOW HICCUP!" I screamed at him. He looked at me with his forest green eyes and said to me,

"Fine. I will, as long as you promise not to tell Berk about Toothless." He said to me. Seriously? He was more worried about what Berk was going to do to his Nightfury pet than what I was going to do to him after this?

"THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN SAY TO STOP ME TRAITOR!" I yelled to him as I tried to pull myself up onto the branches.

"Alright, but at least let me show you." He reached his hand out towards me. If this was going to keep me from splatting on the ground I had to do it. Plus, Hiccups ideas were usually good ones. I remember when we were 7 years old, we found a coyote whose foot was stuck in a trap. I was going to kill it then show my parents but Hiccup suggested we help it. I listened to him and we got it out of the trap. In return, the coyote showed us a berry patch with the sweetest berries you could ever imagine.

I swatted his hand away then hauled myself onto the dragon. Quite comfy. I thought to myself.

"Now, get me down from here." I instructed.

"You got it." Hiccup said to me. Then he turned his head around to tell Toothless, "Okay bud, down. Gently." Hiccup said to him. And then the dragon launched itself in the air.


Well, another chapter.

Time for more questions.

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