Chapter 9: Some Unanswered Questions

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Okay, I'm sorry the video was hilarious I had to add it. Sorry for the language. Anyway, let's get on.

Hiccups POV
Our plan was simple. Make a dramatic entrance on Berk, head to the great hall to get some answers, use the forge to fix Toothless's tail, get Heather fixed (she's still pretty woozy.) then make sure they don't kill any more dragons.

Well, it was simple in my head.

As we approached Berk, we started with phase 1. Toothless couldn't fly, so we settled with him lighting up blue, and all of us with our masks on.

Here's how it went:

Toothless frightened some people, but most just watched in awe as they saw the Nightfury light up blue.

Those who weren't focused on Toothless saw the others behind him, and decided to charge.

Some just screamed "NIGHTFURY! GET DOWN" after a few seconds, after everyone had seen Toothless.

So I say, Dramatic entrance, complete.

"Hello folks!" I said to them as I l took off my helmet. "What? You think just because you guys shoot me down, I have to hide? No. My friend needs help and I need to rebuild Toothless's tail and find answers."

Gobber was the first to react. "What do ya mean answers lad?" He questioned.

I sighed and said, " I have some unanswered questions from when I left."

"Well, why don't ya 'ome in to the great 'all." Gobber said to me. I smiled. Phase 2 was going pretty good.

"Alright, But Toothless comes." I said. I heard a gasp, I saw someone faint, and I heard lots of people unsheathing their swords. Toothless let out a growl and glowed a little brighter.

"No! It's a beast!"

"It's a killer!"

"It's the unholy offspring of Lightning and Death itself!"

I gritted my teeth. I took a deep breath in then said, "His name is Toothless. He is not an it. He is not a killer or a beast. And last time I checked, a village called Berk shot him down." I didn't forgive Berk for shooting Toothless down. Not one bit.

"Well, if it's what the lad wants, we will give it to 'im." Gobber said. I was happy. Gobber was okay with me bringing my dragon to the great hall. "To the Great Hall!" Gobber proclaimed and we were off.

As we all got to the hall, everyone was talking. Me and the gang took a seat where the council would usually. I noticed that the twins, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Gobber and Stoick were in the front. The twins were arguing so I said to toothless, "Would you mind doing something bud?" Toothless happily shot a plasma blast at the twins feet.

This resulted in 2 very angry thorstons. "Hey! Your dragon just shot at us!" Tuffnut yelled to me.

"Yes I know, I told him to." I shot back. I clasped my hands and said, "Well, now that I'm here, I might as well get some answers to a few questions. And, I understand that it's only fair that you all get some answers. But know this, touch a scale on any dragons head while I'm here and I will take every dragon here and burn this village down. Hurt any of my teammates and I will burn this village down. Understand?" I made sure the last two sentences sounded firm. I saw everyone nod their heads in confusion, as though they were thinking, how can this runt of a boy tell us that he will burn the village down?

"Alright. I'll let you know that I'm here for four reasons and four only. One, I'm here for answers. Two, I'm here to make sure you don't hurt anymore dragons. Three, I'm here to get my friend some proper healing. You know, the one that you people knocked unconscious yesterday."

"THATS ONLY THREE!" I heard snotlout shout.

I sighed and said, "Well, someone rudely interrupted me before I could get to the fourth." I saw as snotlout turned bright tomato red. It was hilarious.

"The fourth reason is that my girlfriend probably wants to see her parents and reunite with them, as she was dragged into this mess with me." I say.

"AND WHOSE YOUR GIrLFrIend?" Snotlout asked.

I smirked and said, "you probably know her as Thunder. Of course, some of you know her as, Astrid Hofferson." I watched as the color drained from his face and I looked over to see Astrid smirking in agreement.

"YOUR LYING! ASTRIDS MY PRINCESS!" I heard snotlout scream.

I let Astrid answer this one. "Snotlout, I am not your princess, not now and not ever. You're not my prince because I'm Hiccup's Queen. Who do you think you are Snotlout?" I smiled again. Yep. That's my girlfriend.

I put a hand around Astrid's waist to pull her closer to me and said, "Back to answers. Here's my first question for Berk, Why is it that you kill dragons? I lived here for fifteen years and I did not get an answer."

"Well, they've killed hundreds of us!" I heard a Viking say. Murmurs of agreement rose through the crowd.

"And you've killed thousands of them!" I said back to the group of Vikings gathered. "When was the last time you had an actual, burning houses, stealing food raid? When was the last time that dragons actually attacked? Not just flying over, attacking." I asked them.

"Uh........." I heard.

"About 7 years ago, jus' before ya left." I heard Gobber say.

"Do you people know why the raids would happen?" I asked them.

"Because dragons are ruthless killers!" Again, more murmurs of agreement.

"No." I said. "Because there was a dragon forcing them to do it. One as big as a mountain, was forcing these dragons to raid and bring food back from the raids. Me and Astrid defeated her a few months after we left." I heard gasps ring from the crowd. "We stopped her and saved all of you." I was silent. I was so furious at the Berkians. For hurting me, then my family.

"Well, now 'an you answer our question?" Gobber asked. I nodded. "Well, where did you go when ya left?"

I answered carefully. "We landed on an island to call our home, and we've been living there since. We're not going to give away the location. It's a secret for a reason." I said to them.

"What happened to your leg?" I heard Tuffnut ask, then I saw Ruffnut slap the back of his head.

I smiled and chuckled, "It burned off in an explosion. Anything else?" I laughed at the sight of their jaws dropped in a sense of awe.

"What was going on when Astrid got shot down?" I heard a gruff voice call from the crowd. Harold Hofferson.

"Well Harold, she was falling, so I decided to try and catch her." Thor, Harold freaked me out at times. When I lived on Berk, I was the punchline of Harold and Ingrid's jokes. It wasn't funny.

"Are you going to stay?" I heard someone ask.

"No. Berk isn't our home."

Eep. Just so you people know, this chapter was formerly named, 'Who Do You Think You Are?' If anyone actually has been reading that early on. The reason I changed the chapter name was because I didn't think it fit with the chapters mood.

Peace out ❤️

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