Chapter 12: A Void of Despair and Insanity

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The transition video is by Vikings 4ever, not mine.
Hiccups POV

When I woke up they next morning, I saw that Astrid still wasn't awake. She was lying down next me, her hands resting on my shoulders, her head placed in a crook on my neck. She looked utterly comfortable. I didn't want to wake her up, so I just tried to sync my breaths with hers. Eventually, Astrid opened her eyes so I said to her, "Good morning M'lady. Decided to get up, I presume."

My comment was met with Astrid slapping my arm and just burying her face farther into my neck, (I just noticed during editing that i switch between First person and Third person in my writing.) "it's too early right now, Hiccup." She mumbled.

I laughed. "Baby, the suns fully up." She groaned then squirmed out of our position then went to wash her face. After we had both washed our face, we decided to visit Heather, then go for breakfast. "Hey toothless? Want to come to visit Heather, then go to great hall and cause a mass panic?" I asked him, feeling sarcastic and realistic as I said this. Yes, us going to the great hall was going to cause a panic. I was sure of this.

"Do I? That's like asking if Astrid doesn't slap you every time one of your stupid stunts goes wrong. She always does Hiccup." Toothless told me.

I rolled my eyes at my dragons comment then said, "Hey, you do those stunts with me! Then, when they start yelling at me you don't even do anything you useless reptile!"

"First off, Since when have I had a choice to do those with you? It's either I do them with you to stop you from getting yourself killed, or you get yourself killed the moment you decide to jump off my back! Second, all your punishments are very well deserved, you useless, dangerous human!" 

"Hey! Are we leaving or not?" Asked a very annoyed Astrid, hands on hips. 

"Whenever you want M'lady, or whenever you finish getting ready." I said to her. She slapped my arm and I gave her a lopsided grin, then I rubbed my arm.

We made our way to the village with our dragons behind us. Whenever anyone saw us, they would quickly run behind something and hide there for a long while. It was pure comedy. We walked to the base healers hut, but flew the rest of the way up. That house has too many stairs. 

When we got there, Heather was up and grasping Eret's hand tightly as she heard Gobber translate gothi's writing. We waited outside, but as soon as she came out, me and Astrid hugged her and then we decided to go for breakfast. To say that we made a grand entrance at the great hall, was a bit of an understatement. The doors practically flew open as we walked in, and everyone's voices hushed. I watched as people froze from fear, then reached for their weapons. Me and the gang just strode by to get breakfast, and I grabbed a fish for toothless. I took a seat on an empty table and Astrid, Eret and Heather all sat down at the same table. Stormfly curled up by the table, careful not to knock it down and Toothless just lay down behind me. I talked to the rest of the people at my table, ignoring all the stares that we were getting.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I waited for the right moment, then swung my arm around to grab someone's wrist, then flip them onto the ground, and hold their hand behind their back, keeping them writhing in pain. I turned and I saw Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff and Fishlegs all watching in awe. "Don't try that again Snotlout. Unless you want to be flipped harder." I told him.

"That. Was. AWESOME!!!" Tuffnut shouted. "HICCUP TOTALLY JUST BEAT YOUR LOUSY BUTT SNOTTY!" he shouted. I smiled at Tuffnut's reaction.

"Fishbone." I heard Snotlout mutter. I rolled my eyes and shoved Snotlout's arm farther up his back. He screamed a scream so high, it made my ears bleed.

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