Chapter 6: Who are you?

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Hiccups POV(the same as ???'s POV. If you didn't already get that.)

We waited. And waited. It took around 5 hours for them to actually wake up. Stoick woke up first. Thor was he loud. Louder than I remember. His screaming woke up everyone else and we had to make sure we were all wearing our masks to stop them from finding out who we were. We ended up tying Stoick to his chair for a little until everyone else woke up. Me and Astrid were sitting in 2 chairs waiting for them to shut up. We were in our armor. Okay, technically, I was in my armor and Astrid was wearing her dragon scale cloak. (Same ones as HTTYD 2. Astrid has a dragon scale cloak that hides her face. Also, their 20 in this chapter.)

When Fishlegs woke up, he looked terrified. Gobber was still half asleep when he woke up, the twins thought it was cool that 2 masked strangers were sitting in the same room as then and watching them, Snotlout woke up with a girly scream. After all of them had calmed down, Stoick asked, "who are you?"

I chuckled and said, "someone who saved you." They all stared at me so I continued. "Me and my team saved you from the shipwreck you were in. We've been waiting for you to wake up so we can help you." More or less, I thought.

"You still haven't answered the question." Stoick grumbled. Still as stubborn as always.

This time Astrid answered. "My names Thunder. This here—" she said gesturing towards me and saying, "is Lightning. Like he said, we saved you. And you Berkians have a real funny way of showing your appreciation."

Fishlegs gasped and said, "THUNDER AND LIGHTNING!" I was confused now. "Like, the LEGENDARY Thunder and Lightning Riders? As in the Keepers of death? The Lords of Dragons?The Trainers???" He asked.

"Legendary huh?" I smirked. I knew that people told story's about us, but I didn't know people called us 'The Keepers of Death'. I wondered how far our stories traveled.

"Yea." Snotlout said. "We've heard about you. How you save Vikings. And dragons." He said the last sentence with so much disgust you would think that he just drank a full jug of Astrid's Yaknog.

"Yes we do save dragons. We believe that dragons are just as good, if not better, than people." I said to him. He reaches for his sword then realized it wasn't there. "We removed your weapons and put them somewhere where you can't hurt us or anyone else on the Island." Snotlout charged at me and I just waited till the right moment then I tripped him and stepped out of the way as he fell face first on the floor. Then I put my foot on his back taking out inferno and placing is by his neck, so he could feel the heat. "And this is why we strip Vikings of their weapons." I said exasperated

"So you can defeat them in battle?" The twins ask

I hear a few 'oh thor's so I say, "yes." Letting my sarcasm out with an eye roll.

"Why did ya bring us to your island?" Gobber asks scratching under his helmet with his hook.

"We know you guys are from Berk. It's a long trip that we're not willing to make for two reasons. The first one is, we have other things to do. The island doesn't run itself." I say as I get my foot off Snotlout. I reach my hand for him to give him a hand to get up, but he swats it away and gets up on his own walking back to his seat.

"The second reason is that we don't want to help you people." Astrid says from her spot. She's staring viscously at them through her cloak and I see her anger seeping through.

"That's, one way to put it." I say retracting inferno back into place. "We don't want to help people who couldn't help us for over a decade."

"Here's what you're going to do." I start. "We have ships. Your boat was destroyed. You are going to take one of ours and float back to your little island, and never return."

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