Chapter 21: The Proposal

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"Ask away," Astrid

I took Astrid's hands in mine. I looked her dead in the eyes. "Astrid," I started. "I love you, so much."

I reached my hand into my pocket and grabbed a small chain. "You are the best person in my life I could ever ask for. You've been with me through thick and thin. I was wondering, would you like to spend eternity with me?" I showed her the chain, a silver necklace with an infinity sign and azure gemstones lining it.

Her eyes were wide and her hands covered her mouth.

She nodded.

My face broke out into a huge grin. I closed my finger around the necklace and I picked Astrid up by the waist and spun her around, kissing her.

I eventually put her down and I hugged her tightly.

"It took you long enough," she whispered.

I laughed aloud. "I love you Astrid Hofferson," I murmured.

She pulled out from the hug and told me, "Hiccup, this changes everything!"

"I know!" I grinned. I was smiling from ear to ear like an idiot.

My smile softened as I looked at her. I looked at the chain with the infinity symbol. I reached over and put it over her head and it slid perfectly to her neck.

She looked down and picked up the charm. "Why infinity?" She asked.

"What?" I reared my head back slightly at the question. 

"Why infinity?" She repeated. 

I processed the question for a second. "Because, I wanted you to know that I want to be with you forever."

She snorted slightly. "Corny." 

"That pretty much sums us up M'lady." 

"Fair enough." 

I laughed and she smiled. "Hiccup," she murmured slowly. "This means that start of something brand new!" 

"What." I asked again. 

"Oh you dense idiot," she spoke. 


She laughed. "This means that we are officially stuck with each other. Forever."

My smile faltered. "That's a good thing, right?" 

"Yes, you moron!"

"Great." I answered

I suddenly got hugged by her. Hard. "I'm really lucky to have you in my life." She murmured. 

"So am I." 

So am I.


It's amazing truly, how fast news spread in the archipelago. 

It was too simple for me to found out about Berk and what had recently happened. 

The dilemma with the chief and his son, honestly. 

I took myself and 3 other ships to the island and when we got there, it was a mess. The chief himself, nowhere to be seen! Nobody questioning why 4 battleships arrived in their harbor. Bored looks passed over us, nobody batted an eye. 

"This shouldn't be this easy," my second in command muttered. 

"Careful now, we don't know much about these people. It could be this easy, or it could be a show. Keep your guard up." 

"Yes, boss." 

"Good," I answered, keeping my head straight, intending to find their chief. 

I stopped a plump man, with a fake arm and leg, a long blonde beard and a tacky outfit. "Excuse me sir, do you know where we can find the chief?" I asked. 

"Why? Do yer need 'Im for someth'n?" He answered. 

"Yes. I do need to speak with him. Immediately." I answered. 

"E's not really available at the moment. I suggest yer come back later." He told me, frown taking place on his soot covered face. 

"Oh I'm very sure he will want to hear what I have to say. I suggest I talk to him at this moment. It's quite urgent." My eyelids made it so that little of my eye was visible, and I smiled slightly. 

The man scrunched his eyes slightly. "A'ight. I'll go n' get him for yer. Go into the great hall over there." 

"Wonderful," I answered, grindingly toothily. 

Me and my crew made our way into the building they called the great hall. Quite ugly, if you asked me. Wooden floors and walls, stupid banners of people doing 'heroic' gestures lining the walls. 

Me and my crew took a seat at the rectangular table. I sat at biggest chair in the center. I made myself quite comfortable. 

My second in command paced the area around the table as we waited for this 'Chief' to come and speak with us.

"Will you stop?" I sighed with an eye roll. I rubbed my temples. "You're making me dizzy." 

"Where is this man?" My second in command spoke with his finger on his chin. 

"Right here." A voice spoke from the doorway. Thunderous footsteps filled the abnormally large hallway. 

A man with a big red beard, an even larger potbelly, and gigantic feet, came in. As he came closer, I noticed more about him. Green eyes, deep eye bags, and stress lines etched into his forehead. 

I see why they call him 'Stoick the Vast'. 

"What are you doing on my island?" He demanded pointedly.

"I'm just here to speak with you," I answered calmly. "I was informed about your current situation with your son—"

"Aye. That's what yer trying to do, eh? Rub it in me face." 

"No! No. Absolutely not. That would be horrible." I reassure him. "I'm here to make a proposal."

Hello people. I'm back. I haven't posted in months, sorry about that. I am getting back into the habit of it. Regarding the story, she is not even close to done. The first 20 Chapters were a warm up. Now we're actually going into the good stuff. As for ??? I don't have name. I will update his little thing eventually.  

Peace out


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