Chapter 18: Of Course There's a Plan B

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Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you guys that I started a new story called, "Our Darkest Nights" It's a PJO fanfic and it takes place after the Mark of Athena, and during the House of Hades. So. huge spoilers for anyone who hasn't read the books or read up till there yet. If anyone who is a pjo fan wants to check it out, go ahead. That would really support me and my writing. 

Ok I'm done here now. Sorry about that for all the people who don't care about Percy Jackson. 

Peace out ❤️.

Astrid's POV

"You have Inferno right?" I asked as I paced the length of the cove over and over again. 

"Yes, Astrid," Hiccup reminded me. "I'll be fine. It's just a duel." 

I whipped around to look at the 23 year-old man near me. "Do you hear yourself when you talk?" I asked him. He opened his mouth to say something but she continued her rant. "No. Of course you don't! Hiccup, it's a duel. A DUEL! You could die today." 

"Hmm," Hiccup muttered. "That doesn't look like it's on my calendar today. Dying, I mean." I promptly walked up to him and smacked the back of his head. "OW! M'lady, I'll be fine. Do you know who I'm dueling?" He asked. 

"Snotlout." I answered. 

"And do we know what snotlout is?" Hiccup asked. 

"A muttonhead." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Precisely," Hiccup told me. "He's the one I'm dueling. I'll be okay. I know his fighting style, if how he fights can be called a style.

"He'll be fine, Astrid." Heather called from her spot. "The stupidest thing he can do is really just lengthen the process, when we know he can fight quickly." 

Hiccup gave a grin. "Oh, but then I have less time to humiliate my opponent." 

"When have you ever humiliated Astrid when she was your opponent?" Eret asked. 

"She, is my girlfriend. I don't get to humiliate her. And plus, this is Astrid. If I did, then I would end up with a pair of cracked ribs." Hiccup answered. 

"Haha, very funny Hiccup. But this is serious!" I grumbled. 

"You cracking his ribs?" Heather asked confused. 

"Ugh, No! Hiccup and the duel." I answered. 

Hiccup stopped getting his prosthetic leg on for a minute. "Astrid," he asked calmly. (A/N HARRYDIDYOUPUTYOURNAMEINTHEGOBBLETOFFIYAHH? I'm sorry.) "I will be fine in the duel. You know this, I know this, even the lazy dragon knows this." Hiccup said while patting Toothless. Toothless growled out sleepily.

"Yeah I do know this but—" I started. 

"So then why are you worrying about me?" Hiccup asked. 

"I always worry about you." I whispered. 

"And you say I'm cheesy," Hiccup smiled at her and she felt frustrated. He was being Hiccup, who was generally impossible to be mad at. He got up and took her hands. "Say it with me. Hiccup," he started. 

"Hiccup." I said confused. 

"Will." He continued. 

"Will." I repeated. 

"Be." He said. 

"Be." I muttered to him. 

"Fine." He stated firmly. 

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