Chapter 14: The Storm was Raging

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Hiccups POV

The rain had started about half an hour ago. Me and Toothless dragged ourselves to a cave off in the distance. It was cold, wet and musty, but it was shelter. Toothless started a fire to warm us up. My arm was throbbing with pain and I was getting drowsy from the blood loss. I had arrows in my thigh, my chest, shoulder. One arrow had pierced my side, and now I was bleeding. I cursed. I couldn't let Toothless know, we were already in a bad position. I could not make it worse. I heard a worried warble. Too late, he had noticed it. "Hiccup, we need to wrap it." I agreed with him. "Along with all your other wounds."

"Okay bud. Just give me a second." I tried to get up, but I was met with a burning pain in my legs. I winced as I tried to get up, ignoring the pain.

"No. We are not going anywhere. I will go get leaves to wrap your wounds. You stay here." He commanded me. I opened my mouth to disagree with him, but I was silenced by a tail to the face. "Hiccup, you are in no shape to get up and going. Promise me that you'll stay here." He was right. My muscles were on fire from just standing. I nodded. "Good." He said pleasantly. "I'll be back soon." With that, he bounded out of the cave.

I rested myself up against the wall near the fire. I clutched my side and rested my head against the wall. I tried to slow down my breathing. 5 minutes later, my breaths were still shaky. The fire was going out a little. I reached for inferno by my leg and groaned from the sharp pain in my arm. I grabbed Inferno, despite that pain that the task was causing me, and piled more to the flame. Toothless still wasn't back yet. Of course he isn't! All those trees were completely bare! It could take hours before he finds even one leaf. My vision was blurring and darkening from the sides. I scrunched my eyes closed and tried to take control of my breathing again. My consciousness was slipping from my grasp and then everything went dark.

***the time skip of 5 hours, brought to you by Smidvarg and Chicken. ***

Astrid's POV

I was standing on a cliff out looking the sea. Hiccup had been gone for almost 6 hours now. I was getting worried. Hiccup never left for this long before, not unless something bad happened. "Oh no." I whispered to myself. I turned around and started running towards the village. I banged my fist against Stoick's door. "STOICK! OPEN THE DOOR OR I SWEAR—" I was cut off by Gobbers face appearing in the door.

"Lass? Is e'rything okay?" He asked me.

"Everything's fine Gobber, why did you ask?" I said to him.

"Well, you were banging on the door like a madman. Is this about Hiccup?" I exhaled and nodded. He frowned and opened the door for me.

I stormed in and saw Stoick sitting at the table. "You!" I pointed to him and shouted. He raised his head in a way of confusion. "This is all your fault!"

"What 'is all my fault' Astrid?" He asked me.

"What did you say when Hiccup came here a few hours ago." I was determined to get my answers out of the hooligan chief.

"Well, he came in here saying it was wrong that he yelled me, and I thought he was apologizing—" he started.

"No." I said to him, cutting him off. I turned to Gobber and said, "You'll most likely tell me the truth."

"Not before ya tell me why you came in here so mad!" He told me. "Lass, I care about the man too."

I sighed again. "Hiccup told me he was going here. That was 5 hours ago Gobber. He never stays out this long without telling me. I'm worried about him."

Gobber slowly nodded, as if processing everything I had just said. "He came in here and said that he was wrong for yellin' at Stoick." So Stoick hadn't lied about that. "Stoick thought that Hiccup was 'pologizing for leaving, even though he wasn't. Hiccup said that him leavin' was for the best, and Stoick disagreed with tha. Stoick said that Hiccup could come back, be heir again, even said that he could kill the Nightfury for 'im. Stoick said that Hiccup was being unviking like." I was now extremely angry and disappointed at Stoick. Stoick had said the he could kill Toothless, had he even thought about how Hiccup would feel about that?!? No wonder Hiccup ran off! Gobber continued, "the last thing Hiccup said before he left was that unless we were willing to change our ways, we would be in trouble."

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