Chapter 7: We meet again.

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Alright folks. The last chapter was set so that Hiccup and Astrid were 20. Now they are 22. It's the 7th year that they have ran away from Berk. I don't think I was very clear on this last time so, the couples are, Hiccup and Astrid, Eret and Heather, Dagur and Mala( Dagur and Mala are around 26) Valka is alive! (I think that she is awesome so I need her.) alright. That's it.

Peace out. ❤️

Hiccups POV

It was breakfast. And it was delicious. The whole council was sitting on the table and eating. Dagur and Mala had come for a visit. Me and Astrid were sitting next to each other, my mother was asking Mala how she was, Dagur was literally interrogating Eret and Heather on how long they had been a couple. All was normal. Me, Astrid and Eret were 22, and Heather was 21. Me and Astrid had our anniversary soon, and so did Eret and Heather. (No, I'm not married to Astrid. Not yet.) We were all planning to go to an island and just hang out over there.

We hadn't seen Berk for 2 years. Not since they shipwrecked on our island. We had heard from some of the traders that Ruff and Fishlegs had gotten married. It had shocked me and Astrid. We also found out that Snotlout was the new heir. We had told the gang and the council about Snotlout so finding that Berk was in the hands of a Jorgenson, who was my cousin, who was an idiot, served Berk right.

Time skip

Erets POV(new! Haha.)

"Alright. Mum, if we aren't back in 2 weeks time, and we haven't sent a terror, start looking for us." Hiccup said to Valka.

Valka nodded and said, "Aye. I've got it Hiccup. Just you boys take care of Astrid and Heather. Alright?" She stared at us expectantly. Ever since I started dating Heather, and Valka found out Hiccup was dating Astrid, Valka has been making sure that we take care of them.

"Sometimes it like you care more about them then you do about us." Hiccup grumbled. Valka let out a laugh and hugged us both. She was like a mother to all of us! She had strictly told all of us that if we stopped at neighboring islands that didn't know who we were, we had to keep our masks on. All of us. I mounted Skullcrusher and we all took off. I saw Dagur look at me, arms crossed. This morning during breakfast, he had interrogated me and Heather. After breakfast, he had pulled me out and said that I had better take care of her, or his face would be the last thing I ever saw. 

The flight started nice and Sunny. It was a beautiful day. Then the storm hit. It was light at first. A little drizzle of rain, some claps of thunder every now and then. Then it started pouring. Lightning was striking, thunder was increasing, and it was so dark. Any sane person would have turned around waited the storm out. Not us. We were determined to be there on time.

Then a net came out of nowhere.

They got Astrid first. Hiccup launched to get her, then a bola got him. Heather and me raced to get both of them, but more nets, ropes, and bolas came and shot us out of the sky. When we were done falling, I looked at Heather. She looked fine, just unconscious. Astrid looked a little bruised up, but mostly okay. Then I saw Hiccup. He looked fine, but knowing him, he was probably really beat up. Then a man came and tried to run at Toothless.

Stoicks POV

A Nightfury. Again. This time, I charged at the dragon with my axe that had gone through generations of chiefs. Then a boy in black armor rammed into me. He had a sword, one that lit up on fire. It was around 4 feet long. He got in a fighting stance. This child wanted a battle. If the boy wanted a battle, he was going to get a battle.

Hiccups POV

Stoick charged at my dragon. I had made a promise to Toothless 7 years ago that I would never let anyone try to hurt him. The promise still stood. I rammed into the chief and then I got into a fighting position. I was in my dragon scale armor, (same as HTTYD 3) and I shouted to Eret, "PROTECT HEATHER!" he nodded and did so. This time, I spoke in Dragonese to Astrid. "Try and get Toothless out of the ropes." She nodded then ran towards Toothless.

Stoick got up and faced me. He had charged at my dragon. He came looking for a fight. He was going to get one out of me. No one got to hurt my dragon. He circled me, then charged first. I swiftly sidestepped then tripped him and he stumbled a little. This time I charged. He parried my strikes, but I was playing hard on offense and he couldn't keep up on defense much longer. As he charged towards me, I set a wall of fire between myself and him. With that he snorted and said, "Now how are you going to get through it?" I smiled under my mask a little and walked through the fire, lighting up a barrier of confusion from this entire town.

We fought for a little longer after that. Stoick got increasingly tired, and I was just warming up. I was much taller than I had been when I was 15. I was around 6'3 now, I had gained more muscle and stamina. I glanced over at Astrid and saw that Gobber had pinned her down. That was a mistake. As I looked, Stoick disarmed me. No problem. I fought with my hands. But every time I tried to punch, Stoick met my hand with his axe. Now I was getting tired. Not soon after, Stoick had landed a blow to my face and then I was on the ground. My jaw hurt. Think about you after. Right now, Stoick is about to kill Toothless. I couldn't meet him with a weapon, I wouldn't get there fast enough, Stoick would kill now, ask questions later. Heather was unconscious, and she couldn't help. Eret was a little busy with mobs of people trying to get him. I did the only thing I could think of at the moment.


And the tension rises! MWHAHAHAHAHAGAHAH

Peace out ❤️

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