Chapter 5: Gone. And never to be seen again.

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HELLO! I did say last chapter that I was sorry that my story was kinda slow, but I'm saying it again. IM SORRY MY STORY HAS BEEN SLOW SO FAR!! ok now that that's done, I did also say that now we are getting to the good parts. But. But. But. But. We need to be reminded on what is what so let's go over it again.





Me talking in the middle of the story to be annoying 😀

K that's it we done now. PEACE

Stoicks POV

It's been 5 years since Hiccup and Astrid died, and the village of Berk will never be the same. A month after their death, we hosted a funeral for them. There were no bodies, so we just put some of Hiccups drawings and his Viking helmet along with his dagger and covered it on the boat. We did something similar for Astrid. We put her axe along with a drawing of her.

Flashback to the funeral(during flashbacks, all text will be bolted and in italics)

"May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battle field. May they sing your name with love and fury So that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings, for 2 great people have fallen."

"A son"

"A cousin"

"A Nephew"

"An Apprentice" (this was what they said for Hiccup)

(Time for Astrid. They said 2 great people cause they just placed them on the same boat.)

"A daughter"

"A friend"

"A warrior"

"A sister"

"A fighter"

Me, Ingrid and Harold Hofferson shot our arrows at the boats floating gently in the red glow of the sun setting. Then everyone else shot their arrows. I watched as the boat burned.

"I'm sorry Hiccup. I couldn't protect you from the dragons. I let them brainwash, and take you. I have failed you and Valka. I promised her I would keep you safe, and yet here we are. May you take your place in Valhalla where the brave shall live forever. May you take your place on the table of kings and watch over us. May they sing your name with love and fury, may your memory live forever. May you forgive us for all that we have done wrong to you."

End of flashback

That day was horrid and sad. It was only then that we realized how bad we treated Hiccup, and how we would never be able to tell him that we were sorry.

The Hoffersons missed their daughter dearly, though they would never talk of her. If someone ever said anything ill mannered about her, Ingrid Hofferson was at their throats.

I myself was never able to forget about Hiccup. His face haunted my dreams, and so did the Nightfury. I wasn't able to perform my chiefly duties for years, leaving the village to Gobber, Spitelout, and the council. I frequently mourned the loss of my family, and a week after Hiccup and Astrid funeral, I set out to destroy the nest.

At the Great Hall, I made my announcement and I also said that me, the Hoffersons and Gobber all vowed to kill the Nightfury that murdered Hiccup and Astrid. Then, something unexpected happened. "So do we!" Came a shout from the crowd. I saw that it was Snotlout. I expected that he only wanted to show off. I saw the twins hands raised, and Fishlegs very unsure of this action.

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