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The ambulance was followed by three cars driven by Abdullah's children. They accompanied their father on his way to a room equipped by the hospital in which he is a partner. The doctors refused entry to any of them and asked them to wait in the designated waiting area. Khaled remembered something important. He called one of the company's drivers and went to his father's villa. To bring his mother without telling her anything, all he will tell her is that they are going to receive her husband at the airport.
Despite its simplicity, Ramzia was not convinced by Khaled's message, which he sent with the driver, and the driver delivered it to her without any addition or omission. This is not the first time that her husband has traveled abroad and returned. Why would she go this particular time to receive him at the airport? Samiha also happened to be present. She was not convinced of what the driver said and tried. Knowing any information from him, but it failed miserably in that, as the man did not add or subtract even one letter from Khaled's letter to him.
Ramzieh accompanied Samiha with the driver. Samiha noticed that he was taking a different route than the airport road or even the road to the administrative building of Al-Shutari Group. Samiha asked him sharply:
- Where are you going?
The man did not respond and kept silent driving the car at a crazy speed. Ramzieh said worriedly to Samiha:
- What is it, Samiha, I don't understand anything?!
- This is not the way to the airport or the way to my father's office, Mama.. And you don't know where this man took us and went?
Samiha spoke to the driver imploringly:
- And the Prophet, my brother, understood us, but God does not mistreat you and honors you with your children.
Samiha did not wait for a response from the driver, took out her phone and called Khaled:
- Yes, Khaled.. You sent us a driver to take us to the airport?
Khaled's voice came choking on the other end of the call:
- Uh, I sold him, but the truth is, he won't take you to the airport.. My dad is a little tired and in the hospital.
The news hit Samiha resoundingly. She was unable to speak or inquire about her father's condition. All she did was keep screaming into her mobile phone, without giving Khaled any chance to respond or to reassure her and calm her down:
- What's wrong with your father, Khaled? What is papa?
I repeated it over and over until Ramziyeh snatched the phone from Samiha's ear and started talking to her son:
- Abdullah, what is his money, Khaled, my son?
- Papa is fine, Mama.. I'm a little tired from traveling, but it's just fine.
- For God's sake, my love, don't lie to me.. Is your father good?
- By God, it is good, and then what is the whole issue? Less than an hour, and you will be in the hospital and check for yourself.
Ramziyeh placed the phone on her lap, praying to God and urging the driver to speed up, forgetting to hang up and not listening to the calls of Khaled, her son, who hung up and ended the call after not receiving a response. Samiha remained silent, staring at the stretched road like a wide black snake writhing as the car quickly ran over him, for the first time she felt her love for her father. She is anxious and afraid for him. She cannot imagine her life without him, despite his lack of interest in her as he cares for others from his core. She felt that there was a bird with sharp claws that landed on her chest and grabbed her heart with a claw and wanted to snatch it. She felt difficulty breathing and her heartbeat accelerated. She put her hand on her chest, as if fixing her heart in place, closed her eyes, and everything around her enveloped her.
Ramzieh noticed the paleness of her daughter's face. She hit her chest as she screamed:
- My daughter.. protect me, Oh Lord.. and the life of your beloved Prophet, protect it, O Lord.
The driver increased the speed of the car and opened the window next to Samiha. The air entered, cold and strong, slapping Samiha's face while Ramzia was massaging her daughter's chest in an attempt to wake her up. Samiha slowly opened her eyes and patted her mother's hand and said in a faint but clear voice:
- Don't worry about me, Mama, I'm fine, I don't faint, I feel everything, I just fell a little bit.
- Your safety, my love, a thousand peace be upon you, may God not show me anything bad about you.
For the first time, Samiha hears her mother praying for her, and for the first time she feels her love and fear for her father. It seems that we do not feel the value of anyone until after loss. Is death what gives people value? Samiha answered yes, emphasizing that death is what made the living feel, love and forgive even those they once thought were their enemy.
Ramziyya calmed down a bit, but she did not stop praying for Samiha and her husband, Abdullah. She felt almost certain that Abdullah had married her. She knew that she had lost her luster with the passing of the days, and she was content with that. I grew up and failed, Naima.. Will we laugh at our soul or at time?!" She became a grandmother many years ago. She gained weight in an exaggerated way that did not match her height. Her movement became heavy and less and less day by day. But she is content and sleeps peacefully every night. It is enough for her to hear the sound of her husband's breathing while he is sleeping next to her. The car arrived at the hospital. Ramzia held Samiha's hand And I asked her:
- Are you able to walk or are you still tired?
- Don't worry, Mama, I'm fine.
The driver got out and opened the door next to Ramziyya, who got down from the car slowly. The driver grabbed her hand and pulled her gently to help her get down. She supported her heavy weight on the car. He noticed her staggering and her inability to stand. He hurried inside and brought with him a nurse and two wheelchairs. Ramziyya sat on one of them and the driver pushed him. In front of him, while the nurse helped Samiha sit on the other chair, the driver pushed the chair and the nurse pushed the chair behind him and they headed to the emergency room.
A doctor ran toward them and was reassured, after confirming their vital signs. He asked Ramzia to rest for a while to check the pressure of her daughter, Ramzia, who has been suffering from a sudden drop in pressure since she heard the news during her call to Khaled.
Nabil sat in his office doing his work at the police station.It was not yet time for the applicants to receive the forgiveness pamphlets. He felt bored and unwilling to do anything. He decided to make a quick patrol on the stationary ambushes. He asked the force to get ready. A few minutes later, the police car was full of soldiers and forgiveness. Rajai hurried to accompany Nabil on the patrol. At the wheel of the police car, with Nabil next to him resting his arm on the window, and in the trunk were the guards and soldiers.
Nabil began passing voice messages to the sites he was going to visit. The replies told him that everything was fine. He began his visit to the stationary ambush on the border of the center from the western side. Everything seemed calm there and the traffic was flowing easily and smoothly. He stopped talking with the officer in the ambush for a few minutes. A friendly conversation that is completely away from work. Nabil has no desire to work today, and he wished that he would take the day off, but vacations are suspended until further notice.
Nabil finished his speech and went back to the car. Rajai drove off, where the force was stationed to protect the church. Nabil did what he did in the ambush. He sat talking with the officer who insisted on inviting him for a cup of coffee. Nabil finished his coffee and thanked the officer and returned again to the car. Rajai went to the ambush. The other constant located on the eastern side of the station, and as before, nothing new and nothing motivates Nabil to continue working. He asked Rajai to return to the police station and be content with this much.
During the patrol's return, when it was passing by the railway chutes, Nabil noticed a crowd of people, Nabil signaled to an informant to go down and see what was happening and come back to tell him about it. Three informants hurried and slipped into the crowd for two minutes and then came back to tell Nabil that there was a quarrel between two neighbors, one of whom assaulted the other and beat him With a thick stick that was with him, and ask the blood of the other from his head.
Nabil ordered the force that was with him to bring the two neighbors quickly. In moments, the force encircled the crowd and besieged it. Two soldiers advanced and asked the quarrels with the stick to come with them quietly. He shook his head as he approached and walked between them without any resistance.

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