Adam and Eve

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The door of the room opened again and a nurse entered carrying Younes in her hands, another nurse entered behind her and approached the bed, caressing the button on the keyboard next to the bed, Ramzya was amazed and her upper half rose by itself without any effort on her part, Samiha smiled when she saw her mother's face clear in front of her, she gestured Ramzia told Khaled and Ramez to come closer, they kissed Naima. Samiha approached her mother's mouth, and kissed her quickly. The nurse approached, who was carrying a small child, and she pointed to him and said to Ramzia:
- Name God.. A valley like honey resembles his mother.
The nurse placed the newborn in Ramzia's arms, kissed his cheeks and the tips of his fingers that appeared from the wrap. The two nurses left after one told her to breastfeed him because they would return to the newborn ward shortly.
Khaled and Ramez sat in the middle of the room on the floor, playing with a car with them, while Naima stood beside the bed holding Samiha, patting her on the back, calling for her sleep.
Samiha woke up from her memories that Naima told her over and over again until she memorized them by heart, her tears flowed like a river that has no source or destination, her heart squeezed from sadness, she collected herself and left the cafe, returned to her car and went to her father's villa, went up to her room, closed her door On her, she sat at her desk, spread white papers in front of her, grabbed her pen and wrote..
(.. God created Adam with His own hand and he lived in Paradise alone. His Creator was aware that he would feel lonely, and it was possible for Him to create Eve with him who would comfort his loneliness at the same moment, but for a wisdom that only He knows, He created him to live alone in Paradise, and God is aware of the previous That he will feel lonely and that Adam needs someone to make him feel comfortable, and it was easy for the one who created the universe to create for him another creature to make him feel lonely in God's paradise, but he did not do that, may He be glorified and exalted, perhaps so that Adam would know the value of his new partner in life and that his life is linked to another creature so that he would not underestimate his right or overdo it.
Adam fell asleep, and he woke up to find a woman at his head, white, graceful, with beautiful features. He straightened out of his sleep and pointed to her, saying:
- You are Eve.. Eve.. Your name is Eve.
His voice was declarative as he told her what he knew about her, then he pointed to himself and said introducing her to her partner:
- Adam.. My name is Adam.. I am Adam.. Your husband is Adam.
Eve lowered her head and blushed in shame, her cheeks reddened. Adam felt his heartbeat accelerate and his breath catch up when he looked into her eyes as she tried hard to hide her feelings towards him. He shouted confessing to her while holding her hand:
- I love you, Eve.. I love you, my dear wife.
Eve's heart also beat out of love for Adam, but what affected her the most was that she felt safe next to him. She remained attached to him like his shadow.
- This is a tree, and this is a flower, both feminine because they are beautiful, and this river, masculine because its mission is to water them..
Eve understood the message, she is the beautiful female, and he is the male, the shepherd, and they descended to the earth and parted, Adam did not bear Eve the guilt, and Eve did not throw the burden on Adam, they endured together and God repented for them together, Adam knew the words he said to her when they met, but there is a question that haunts me What was their situation when they descended and landed on the ground, each of them in a place? I think that Eve shrank to herself and cried out of loneliness and fear, while Adam rolled up his sleeves and started looking for her everywhere, knowing that she is here and that he will find her, and she knows that he will find her. And they met, and God blessed them with offspring, and the first crime of the sons of Adam occurred on earth. Do you think, dear reader, that when Adam learned of what happened, he sat and stopped Eve in front of him, reprimanding her for what happened, and that if she had raised her son and daughter well, what would have happened?
Certainly that did not happen, and I think that Adam knew first and it was hard for him to tell his wife, his beloved, his life partner, about what happened, but in despair he told her and she knew, and one day his disobedient son and daughter returned to him, did he slap a region and forgive Cain? Qabil mentioned that he has the right to do whatever he wants and is forgiven, while a female tribe has to bear the burden and guilt alone? Certainly he did not, did not forgive them for their offense, and drove them out together.
However, after the passage of tens of thousands of years, and perhaps hundreds of years, the situation has reversed. Eve alone is responsible for the seduction, and her daughter is the cause of sedition and discord between the two brothers. There is no greed for one over the other, and the daughters of Eve inherited the shame, and they have to atone for all the sins that humanity committed, even if they had no hand in them.
We get rid of her by wetting her alive at her birth in order to get rid of shame, poverty and humiliation, or we imprison her so that she does not go out and remains imprisoned in the house so as not to expose us and bring shame to her family, or we put her behind customs and traditions and announce that she is lacking in reason and religion, even though a man's religion is not complete without her.
Even some who call for kindness to her and give her her freedom is nothing but an exploiter of her body and soul, stripping her so that his wealth increases and deludes her that she is the lost freedom that she is looking for, while she is between this and that floundering and confused, not finding anyone who understands or understands her or who understands and appreciates her, she does not find anyone who knows her true status And its value, and if it is found, it is seen as anomalous or (dildool).
The West gave her a false freedom, and took her away from her true role, while the East shackled her and threw her in the middle of the sea. If she drowned, she is ignorant.
Even in homes that are housing and mercy, we find that many of them mistreat her, marginalize her, and separate her from her sisters. He is a man who has the right to stay up late outside, go out alone, or travel unattended, and she has no right to anything. She has the right to work and compete with men in the labor market, and if she stays at home, then she is a burden and a burden on the one who takes care of her.
It is a catastrophe, a time bomb, shame and humiliation, and he is knowledgeable, understanding, perceptive, and honorable no matter what he does, but the question that often came to me, how was the mirror in true religions? If we researched the history of every heavenly religion and investigated, we would find that she never separated from her male brother or husband, she stood on an equal footing with him, opposed the ruler because she was right, and the ruler said and confessed in front of everyone without shame or evasion: "Umar made a mistake and a woman was injured." He did not take revenge on her, abuse her, or insult her, but he agreed with her and gave her her right and generosity, and he acknowledged her credit.
This is how she was when she found the right environment, and this is how he was when he was among the people of truth, and the truth is that I say that the daughters of Eve need rehabilitation, and the children of Adam need to return to the truth.
This is my first article, but it will not be the last. I will write and strive and strive until the dreams of every woman on the land of this country come true, so that our nation becomes the most worthy to lead the world.
Samiha put the pen on the papers, felt a strange relief sweeping over her, a great worry disappeared, and the weight on her chest shifted, she smiled as she looked at the mirror on the wall opposite her seat behind the desk, arranged her papers and re-read her article, corrected the mistakes she discovered, felt for the first time that she was proud of herself for being Female, and that she has a message and a role that she must play, to restore women's value in order to restore their nation's status.

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