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Nabil's expectations and analyzes are always correct, and the Public Prosecution uses them seriously in investigations, which helps them to quickly end investigations and bullies in those cases, whether by transferring them to trial or by releasing them from the Public Prosecution's cell. He feels very proud after every case he ends, although most of them are not from the core of his work The official, and this success is attributed to another officer who was charged with these crimes, but they know his virtue and acknowledge him for it, and they do not disdain to take his opinion in their cases.
And he is here in the equestrian arena no less skillful, he anticipates well what will happen, this rider and her horse will not be able to jump over the triple barrier, he will not jump that barrier but will turn and refrain from jumping, he knew that when she turned it too much before that barrier, she lost her focus And the horse lost its leader.
But will he be able to jump over his second barrier? And he passes safely without losses in his future life from this decision that his owners took.
While eating the sandwiches, Noha assigned Samiha to write an article on a specific topic. She gave her the most important points and advised her how to start. She promised her to follow up, support and help her until she finished writing this article, which will help Samiha personally to get rid of a lot of negative energy that accompanies her because of her family problems. Samiha was convinced. She wrote down the notes and points of the plan in which she would write her first article. They finished eating sandwiches and drinking tea. Samiha insisted on paying the account to Faraj, but Noha refused vehemently because she was in her office, and they promised that the next time would be with Samiha, but in celebration of her first article.
Samiha came out very happy after her meeting with Noha, a heavy load that she removed from her chest just because she rubbed it with a friend of her age, she felt a strange kind of relief, she left the magazine building and everything in front of her felt that it was different and had a different color, taste and smell than before.
She went to her car, got on it and headed towards the coffee shop where she was last with Mustafa. She sat in a far corner contemplating around her, then took out her papers and pen and started writing her first article.
Noha stayed in her office, took out the laptop and restarted it. She opened the file in which she was recording her strange journey and her wondrous adventure. She re-read what she had written and recorded and started writing down what she remembered and what her strong memory helped her with.
The matter did not stop stealing wealth or trading in people. Things went beyond that and branched out. There is in another place that looks like a paradise on earth, where the sky is clear and the sea is calm, and fish of all sizes, colors and different varieties swim in the blue water in swarms like a symphony that only one can compose. The greatest musician, may His Majesty be glorified, there was another face of ugliness that only the greatest Satan, the accursed Satan, could draw.
children of inflorescence; Their peers have fun and play in innocence, they are also traded. They are given to customers for hours or days in exchange for huge amounts, and if the child is a virgin, then it is the most precious and valuable. Millions are paid to pimps of children in a trade that is the least described as heinous. A world of perversion and opposition to instinct run by a large network From people whom some consider to be the dignity of high society, they are the elite who appear on satellite TV, talking about children and their rights, defending them and attacking a poor father whose health conditions forced his son to work in a workshop near the house during the holidays.
They launch donation campaigns to eradicate the phenomenon of street children, and lead rallies and campaigns to enact laws to prevent children from working, while in their caves they practice what is tougher and harsher on these children, sending them to morsels of lust for old men who enjoy them and then throwing them human crumbs that are not fit for life or dealing with them.
Outside, I heard the noise that accompanies Mustafa everywhere, as feisty as he has been since his appointment. She closed her laptop and put it back in her desk drawer and got ready to receive him. Quick successive knocks on the door of her office were like the clicks of a percussionist on a track. She smiled as she allowed him to enter.
Mustafa entered, dressed in a (Timberland) shirt, (Lee) pants, and regular, unbranded shoes. Her thoughts were always preoccupied with the noticeable change in the appearance of her friend and colleague since university days. She knew that he was from the middle class and could not buy such brands, but suddenly, and after months of receiving it Working in the magazine, his appearance gradually transformed until all his clothes became of international brands, a mystery that cannot be explained.
She is the one who traveled to almost all countries of the world in the company of her father, who used to work in the diplomatic corps, and bought her clothes from the largest fashion houses. High copy- But it doesn't matter, everything has changed in the appearance of this handsome man, except for the type of perfume he uses. He still buys them from those stores that install international perfumes and sell them at very cheap prices compared to the original ones. His shoes also remained another mystery.
Mustafa extended his hand to shake hands, gently grabbed the palm of her thin hand and shook it humbly, she smiled at him and responded to his greeting that he gave when he entered, she indicated to sit down, he sat in front of her desk and looked at the rest of the sandwiches and tea with milk, he said to her jokingly while pointing to the table:
- It is clear that there was a massacre here.. Who participated with you in this crime?
Noha laughed at Mustafa's expressions, although she is used to his style, but he always surprises her with new terms on her ears. She replied with a smile:
- Who will be the one who can do this other than me and Samiha.
Mustafa shook his head convinced and said to her in a slightly sarcastic tone:
- God I am surprised!
- From what, God willing.
- Are you sweet?
- for him?
- You are the daughter of His Excellency the Ambassador, who was raised in a foreign country and educated in a foreign country, and she is the daughter of Abdullah Pasha Al-Shutari, the emperor of businessmen in Egypt, how do you eat food like this?!
Noha laughed until she almost turned on her back and said to him:
- What is in it, my son.. Isn't it human beings, or what?!
- Human beings and everything, but those who like you don't break their fast with Napalm sandwiches.. And what was in these cups?
- Barbarian tea.
- Also barbaric.. No, this is how I reassured you, salvation.. The important thing is...
- Yes, it's important.
- huh?
Noha took a deep breath to recover her seriousness somewhat and said to him:
- Now Samiha is going to write, or she may be writing her first article...
Mustafa interrupted her and astonishment dominated all his thoughts:
- Samiha writes?! How is it? How is this not.. Why is it ok?
- Why, my son?! Isn't she a media graduate, or what? No media, sir.. Isn't she a journalist in this magazine?
- Oh, a journalist in the mother of the magazine, she didn't say anything.. but why would she write, too? This is her salary, she doesn't get caught and distributes it to the workers.. Why do you write and work at all?!
Now she understands his point of view, she certainly does not agree with it, but she understands how he thinks, and this is the beginning of the road. She told him:
- Well, Mustafa, what is your way of thinking? I also do not write or work.
- Oh God.. Why are you bothering yourself?!
Noha stood up and went to the other chair opposite Mustafa's and sat on it. She said to him while collecting the rest of the breakfast meal in a plastic bag:
- People don't work for a need, Mostafa.. People work for many goals.
- Goals other than money mean?
- Yes, goals other than money.
- What will happen, God willing?!
Noha pursed her lips to express her rejection of his words and said:
- Like self-fulfillment.. Like leaving a mark after he dies.. Like helping someone or realizing an idea that benefits people.. Like a passion...
Mustafa jokingly interrupted her:
- These words are the words of the affluent people who are like you.
- Well, you are not one of the entertainers, too, and you wear brands. Timberland shirt and Lee pants.. Luxury or not luxury, Cousin Dawood.. This set alone is like this, it costs ten thousand pounds.
Mustafa laughed at her comment, not knowing that this suit did not cost him more than six hundred pounds only. He secretly prayed for Faraj to live longer and to increase his gifts.

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