Bad luck

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Rajai asked him spontaneously:
- And the pilgrimage, Sharnoubi, will the pilgrimage of my nation?
- My father, Hajj Sharnoubi, had a year of Hajj, and a year of doing Umrah. He changed the original cognac and the imported cigarettes.
Nabil laughed, not at the manner of Medhat Sharnoubi's words, but at the contradiction that his words contain. The pronoun is that he did not adulterate with alcohol, but trading in it did not prevent him from Hajj and Umrah. Nabil pointed to him and asked him:
- And you have a great job of this, Medhat?
Medhat laughed a short laugh, feigning self-confidence, and said proudly:
- I am not held accountable, and I seek refuge in God from the word "I am." No one is useful in this job except me and the one who is in a uniform, if there is a uniform in the first place..
- really! Why did he stay?
- Pasha, I am not an ordinary person.. I am serious and careful, and I understand it while it is flying, and if I do not understand it, stop it and understand it, and then I will fly it again.. It is any job that does not take offense. I mean, what does the police want, except for someone whose heart is dead?
Nabil indicated to him to continue and not stop.
Medhat took another step forward towards Nabil and said to him while looking directly into his eyes:
- I, Pasha Medhat Al-Sharnoubi.. I don't have a heart at all.. I don't need it.. I don't care.. This heart is for the Tutu children.. Pasha, I don't say anything.. I really don't have a heart.. I donated it a few years ago. .
Rajai and Nabil were amazed at what Medhat said, while the looks of those standing in the corner of the office room increased in terror as he looked at Medhat, who continued the story of his heart donation, saying:
- Since four years ago, I was going to visit someone who works for me on my mattresses in the commercial street.
.. This patient is not obligatory, but this is also necessary and must.. The important thing is that I went to the hospital where he was lying and confined.. He said that I went out to him and sat with him, so he would come for five hours. I replied.. Even there was a nurse who was so upset that she stood amazed.. Oh, by God, Pasha, as I tell you so.. She told me that you don't come with me to intensive care, you will be rewarded.. I went with her.. she made me sit in front of every bed for a while.. I sit from Here, the eyes can see my laughter, you find his soul responded, and it's sweeter than that, and he got up and sat as if there was nothing.. except one, Pasha.. one, but I sat in front of him.. beside him.. behind him.. to his right to his left.
Nabil interrupted him, asking:
- Do you mean this?!
- Mana and the nurse kept thinking about this until we discovered the reason.. and according to the proverb.. if the reason is known, the wonder will stop.. the eyed one is sleeping and is not satisfied to open his eyes, so he did not see me.. until here and normal..
..But suddenly, Pasha, and without any introductions, the man began to see in the spirit, and it will be liberated from us.. I ran out of the intensive care unit and called for the doctors, we looked around him.. Five doctors come, me and this narrow corridor.. and each one of the workers does something.. what he does is a heartbeat I don't know why.. The important thing is that I found a doctor saying that he is going to cry.. The man is dying, his heart has stopped. He said while wiping his tears, there is no solution other than one solution.. I told him what is it and I, God willing, will do it for you.. He said it is impossible and he sat crying like women. I went to raise my hands and smeared him with a pen and scribbled on it and said to him when Madhat Sharnoubi says I will do it for you then I will do it for you.. He said the man wants Heart transplantation and it is impossible to find a pure heart.. I told him why is it impossible, God willing?! Take my heart, don't need me.. I'm all people say about me my heart is dead, so take it, this man is the first..
Nabil did not stop smiling at the words of Medhat, who did not stop telling his story. He says:
- Two days later, I went to check on the man, he wasn't right, I mean.. The important thing is that it didn't take long for you, Pasha, tell me how long.. I went and found him playing football in the hospital garden, and he brought seven bags.. I took him and took him to the Egyptian club, and he is now playing there.
- Are you Medhat?
- What am I, Pasha, but?! For the first time, I feel really satisfied with myself.
Rajai was trying hard to stop himself from laughing, but he couldn't control himself and laughed a long laugh that was interrupted when Nabil looked at him with a look that Rajai understood. Nabil asked Medhat a question that made him think a little.
Nabil and Rajai waited for an answer to the question. After a few seconds, Medhat started talking about another adventure of his that proves his strength and courage, saying:
- One day I was going out of Port Said to Lamborghini was a model because it was in maintenance, so I got on a bus.. halfway through the road, one of the tires behind it slept..and this is a big and heavy double one..
Their eldest came out and said, "All of them come with him.. The misfortune is that he wanted to take one of the six passengers with me.. Shut up, I'm left?! No, of course.. I went to Qayem and told him to replace my wallet while he extended his hand. I went to hold it and twisted it loose like that. He gave him a Soflex and took the multimeter from his hand and went down to the children below the ones surrounding the bus.. I smeared a smear of watermelon. I ran in front of me and killed their weapons. There, Pasha.
Nabil smiled and signaled to him to wait, then signaled to the man who was standing in the corner of the office in a panic to approach. The man walked with slow, lumbering steps and raised his hands to protect his face when he passed by Midhat. Nabil asked him about his name, so he told him that his name was Rizk, and before asking Nabil or Rajai which means Another question, Rizk said while trembling:
Pasha, I will confess everything, but the Prophet did not extend his hand to me, especially this greedy man.
Rizk pointed towards Midhat in fear and panic, Nabil reassured him and asked him to tell or confess as he said. Rizk sighed in fear and his eyes followed the movements of Midhat and with every movement he thought he would hit him, so Rizk raised his hand and shoulder to protect himself from Midhat's unexpected blows, he said as the words came out of his mouth intermittent and incoherent until he got together and began to tell them about his life, which was nothing but a continuous series of beatings everywhere he went:
- My father, Pasha, used to tap me on the back of his head every time he saw me, with or without reason, he would see something from here and slap him.
The important thing is that the situation remained like this until I went to school and said, "How many hours will I be relieved from my father's beating?" I found that the children older than me were beating me because I came to school early. The principal hit me with a lesion because of my death because I was late.. I told him to go to my appointment.. I was standing in the line and a teacher showed me to the principal and said, "This is the principal who broke the office glove.. All the students say he and two witnesses to it.. The principal came down and beat me Again.. I told myself to be patient for a while, and it is a leech that will pass, and no one will die. When I grow up, no one will hit me. I found that every time I get older, the beating increases.. I finished six primary grades and I had swelling in some parts of me.. I swore to God that I would not go to school again.. If it was in elementary school and this would happen to me, I hope What will happen to me in high school? They will electrocute me, Pasha, for sure, and pull out my fingernails with pliers. I went to the mechanic, Mr. Monem, in the workshop. And I said, "I work as an artist.. I know how to drum. I went with a wedding band to celebrate the great joy of great teachers in the vegetable market.. Suddenly, I found the dancer's husband beating me.Edit

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