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Samiha noticed his eyes sparkling and the happiness that overwhelmed him suddenly and without introductions. She said to him while contemplating his features:
- You know that whoever sees you and Noha says you are sisters or relatives, even though your features are not the same.
- you too..
- What am I too?
- Whoever sees you is impossible to say that you and Dr. Younes are sisters.
Samiha laughed and said:
- That's right.. Khaled and I...
Nabil interrupted:
- Khaled who?
- Khaled my big brother..
- AHA.
- Look.. We are four girls and three boys.. I will tell them in order.. Khaled, then Ramez, then me, then Younes.. Khaled and I took on Mama's features...
Nabil interrupted her again, with a charming smile on his face:
- That's why Mama is pretty strong.
Samiha smiled shyly, her cheeks reddened and her eyes sparkled with a strange sparkle. She looked towards the ground and said:
- Merci.
- Completely.
- Complete what?
- You and Khaled are like Mama...
Samiha interrupted him:
- Oh, I remembered.. Ramez is an exact copy of Baba in his youth, to the extent that if you saw pictures of Baba when he was young, you would say this is Ramez..
- to this degree?
- Uh, very much.. Younes is not like a mother or a father.. Mama says that he looks like one of my uncles.. but if I come to the right, then.. Khaled is really the closest person to my mother.. well, he is strong like her.. and you...
Nabil interrupted her again:
- And you?
Samiha was confused by Nabil's direct question. She tried to take advantage of what she started learning at the American University, and looked him directly in the eyes and said:
- I am Samiha, and I spoke to you a lot about myself.. Who are you like? How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Salem appeared from afar, carrying his famous tray with coffee equipment and accessories on it. Nabil told her, trying to delay his answer for another time:
- I mean, Noha didn't tell you at all about me?
- No.. Why will you talk to me about you?
- Ok, what do you think? Let's drink Uncle Salem's coffee, and then take a walk and continue our conversation.
- I don't mind, but on one condition.
- goodness?
- Show me your mare..
Salem put his coffee tray on the ground, sat with his legs crossed, and started preparing it. Samiha continued her speech after making room for Salem:
- And her daughter, of course.. What did you name her?
As usual, Salem donated the answer as he stirred the ingredients in the copper casserole:
- Azza, Mrs. Hanim.. he wanted to call her Samiha..
Nabil felt ashamed and said to Salem while scolding him:
- Samiha, Uncle Salem, what is it? Just pour the coffee, pour it, pour it.
Salem put the pan on the burning sparta and said to him:
- Not when you are set, sir, we will set it up!
Samiha sighed and asked Nabil:
- Are you right? You wanted to name her Samiha?
Nabil shook his head in the affirmative, then in the negative, and smiled in embarrassment and said to her:
- Samiha is a beautiful name, of course, but I can only see one Samiha, and there can be no other Samiha.
Samiha remained silent and looked away towards the branches of the ancient tree that shaded them. Salem followed them in silence, while Nabil was silent as well.
They remained in this state, and between the artist and the other, they exchanged glances and smiles, while Salem suppressed his laughter, they finished drinking coffee, thank Salem, and Nabil stood up and invited her to see Karama, Samiha stood up and was followed by Salem, Nabil signaled to Samiha to advance, she took a few steps away from Salem and Nabil, got out Nabil took a hundred pound note from his pocket and gave it to Salem. Salem accepted it before putting it in his pocket. Nabil said to him:
- Stay, Uncle Salem, don't bother yourself.. I know the track well.
Salem shook his head and gave him a meaningful look. Nabil murmured, saying:
- You are a disaster, Uncle Salem, and you would have led me in a shrewd situation.
Nabil hurried to catch up with Samiha. He walked beside her until they reached the wooden fence where Karama and her daughter were grazing. Samiha supported her arms while contemplating Karama and the little filly. Samiha suddenly looked at Nabil and said to him:
- If I asked you to call her Samiha, would you agree?
Although the question was surprising and by surprise, Nabil said without awareness and thought:
- If only.
Samiha felt ashamed of her behavior, so Nabil bowed and said to her:
- I will inform the club management that they are going to call her Samiha..
Samiha tried not to look at him, she turned around and said to him:
- I have to walk now.. I have a course at the American University.
- What course?
- Courses related to media.. Noha knows everything.
She bid him farewell and left, Nabil stood watching her, his heart jumping in his chest cavity with happiness, his feet almost rose from the ground, he felt that he was embracing the whole world in his arms, she disappeared in front of him, he grabbed his phone and called Noha and told her about the coincidence that brought him and Samiha together, and before that He continues, telling him that Samiha is calling her now. He asked her to end the call with him and answer him, provided that she calls him after she finishes Samiha's call and tells him. Noha agreed, laughing, and Shams watching her in astonishment.
Nabil held his hands behind his back and started walking aimlessly in the club, watching horses riding on their backs and others being pulled by politicians. Their colors and sizes differed, but Karama remains his favorite and Samiha is closest to his heart.
"Love really makes us stupid." Nabil said to himself as he recalled his feeling when he was afraid that Samiha might be Yunus' wife. He smiled mockingly at himself. If Samiha was married, Noha would have told him that without a doubt, because she understands him and knows him and certainly noticed everything about him when he met Samiha for the first time in her office. He looked at his watch, waiting for Noha's call, for more than a quarter of an hour now and they are still talking. Do you see what Samiha says about him to Noha now? He tried to occupy himself with anything around him. A doctor continued while he was treating a horse suffering from colic. It is difficult to find something that you love in pain and that you do not understand. His mobile phone rang and took him out of his thoughts. He did not look at the screen and started the call directly. A male voice came to him from the other side. He replied, looked at the screen, knew that he was one of his fellow officers, and told him:
- Good evening, Abu Captain.
- Good evening, Nashat.
- Did you know the latest news?
- No.. okay?
- Your thinking turned out to be a hundred percent correct, sir, as usual.
- what do you mean?
- Please, sir, confess everything.. The son of a dog is the one behind what happened.
Despite Nabil's expectation of this, and he was the one who informed the Public Prosecutor of this, the surprise stifled his tongue. Nashat continued his speech:
- Dirty arrest of five thousand pounds is the one who handed you over to them.
A question jumped into Nabil's mind:
- Wax me in particular?
- No, sir, it's not like that.. They wanted any officer from the station, and that's it.. Unfortunately, you were the most available person that day.
- Only five thousand pounds.. He sells it to me for such an insignificant sum.. There is no might nor power except with God..
- Rest assured, Nabil Bey.. He is now not in custody, and the men are coming to his mother's house.
- Who's men?
- Detained, sir.
He said it grew up and started laughing hysterically.
When Nashaat calmed down, he spoke again and said to Nabil:
- Thank God for your safety, Nabil Bey.. Don't worry, sir, we are all at your back.
- God bless you.. Thank you, Neshat Bey, for your interest.
- Pardon, sir.. May God protect you.
- Hello sir.
The call ended, Nabil felt slaughtered and hung upside down, and blood was oozing from his altar. Dominating him, he left the club after changing his clothes, got into his car and drove it distractedly, how can a person betray the trust of the one who trusted him even if for the sake of the treasures of the world?! But he knows that people are different in everything, not just in appearance. He stopped his car at a traffic light. Noha called him to open the line and told him what happened between her and Samiha in the call that took place between them a short while ago.

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