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Raafat did not leave Shawkat time to think about something. He told him:
- Hani, whom Nabil went to with him, your son, Walad Jinn.. It took five minutes and he called me and told me what I can do for you regarding the company.. By the way, I told him about it, and he has a complete file that he compiled himself.. I mean, the matter is considered closed for him...
Raafat interrupted him, saying:
- Well, you let me go to him instead of Nabil.. Nabil doesn't know anything about the factory
Raafat laughed and giggled before saying:
- your life and not you.
Raafat continued his laughter, while Shawkat felt indignation at his old colleague's mockery of him, but he smiled courteously. Raafat's laughter was interrupted by the ringing of the office phone. Raafat lifted the desk and did not speak until after two minutes of silence, then he said:
- All right.. Thank you, Hani.
Then he put the handset in its place and ended the call. He looked at Raafat and said to him seriously:
- Look, Shawkat, this is your factory. If I buy it, it will be at a loss..but I have another solution...
Shawkat interrupted him quickly and said:
- Hit me with it.
- You have debts to the bank, and the clients have money from you, and all of this must be paid off.. I will pay off all of this in my own way.
- How do you mean I don't understand?
At that moment, they heard light knocks on the glass door, and Nabil Wajim entered. Raafat signaled to him to sit next to his father. Nabil sat silently next to Shawkat as he looked at Raafat with interest, who continued his speech saying:
- I will lay down the factory with the required raw materials.. We will then fill the customers with their needs and collect the rest of the installments that they owe.. From which we will block the bank.. And we will repeat the process until you pay off all the bank's debts. I mean, if you are going to sit in your office, sit down, drink your coffee and walk.. After that, the factory will be realistic and have a zero book value.. I mean, neither has nor against him.. But at the same time, its fixed assets are there and have their book value.. Of course, we will not forget that during this period Of course, maintenance will be done for the factory with what is in it, and all of this will also be done in the same way.. Hani will prepare everything, whether the time plan or the contracts.. What did you say, Shawkat?
Shawkat and Nabil were listening carefully to Raafat's words. Raafat bowed and said:
- I mean, during this period, the factory is not my factory.. I own it in a fictitious way.. Right.
- Hmmm.. almost right.
- Of course, any administrative banks such as taxes, electricity, wages, and all of this will be done in the same way as you say.
Raafat puffed out the smoke of his cigarette and said while shaking his head:
- OK.
- This topic takes time, what?
- Not less than three years.
- I mean, for three years, I won't get any income at all from the factory?!
Raafat got a little angry, but held firm and said:
- O thorns, the factory will return to you after three years.. and if it does not agree with the factory, it will leave you after three days.. it will go completely.
Here Nabil intervened and asked Shawkat a direct question and said:
- Ok, what will you benefit from?
Raafat laughed and said while Shawkat was looking at his son in amazement and said:
- This is an important question.. Neither your father's factory nor twenty uniforms interest me.. But before I answer your question, I would like to add something else.. Look, Shawkat.
- Ha..
- You want money from the factory to work and get paid..
- Do you want me to work in my factory with a salary, Raafat?
Raafat laughed while putting out his cigarette and said:
- We said it won't be your factory..
Then he looked at Nabil and pointed at him with his forefinger and said:
- I like your question, Captain Nabil, by God.. What will I benefit from.. The truth is nothing.. But do something for God and compensate your father for a failed idea he was thinking of..
He said this and went into a fit of hysterical laughter, then gradually returned to normal and said:
- After three years, the factory will have a very good reputation in the market.. which means its value will increase.. with some development in the equipment, it may takemarket share is good in the market.. you stay..
He pointed towards Shawkat and continued his speech:
- You will give me twenty percent of the factory's profits as long as the factory is in operation.
Shawkat vented into a rage, not knowing what to do. If he refused Raafat's offer, the entire factory would be lost. If he agreed, he would not be safe from Shweikar's wrath. He asked Raafat for a deadline so that Professor Hani would finish preparing the papers and present them to him. At that time, his decision would be based on facts and figures, but within Shawkat's heart. He totally agrees.
He will get rid of his debts, he will truly rest and feel that he is finally retired, he will enjoy his life away from any other pressures as he wishes, he just has to arrange what he says to Shweikar so that she will not get angry or feel any kind of humiliation from Raafat's proposal to him.
Raafat stood up and extended his hand to Shawkat to shake his hand, announcing the end of the interview. He warmly shook Shawkat's hand, who bid him farewell with a wide smile on his face. As Shawkat and Nabil entered the building, they left and headed together towards the parking lot. Shawkat asked Nabil to come and sit with him in the car for a while to consult what Raafat said. Nabil followed him to his car and sat next to him inside it. Shawkat looked at Nabil and asked him about his opinion. Nabil immediately agreed to the offer and explained to him the reasons, saying:
- Hani says that the main reason for the loss of the factory is poor management.
Shawkat interrupted him and said:
- All right.. without details..
- Present, without details.. The management must change.. A strong management can manage the factory.. By the way, Raafat Bey has a factory similar to ours, but bigger than it. It comes in Kazakhstan.. and makes terrible profits.. Of course, what I understood is that our factory will work in three shifts In order for him to be able to pay off all these debts.. I mean, there is a job for the Kazakhstan factory that will also work here.. I mean, Raafat is not a loser, nor does he do what he does for God and the homeland, as he says.. But in general, he is a gainer, and you are a gainer...
- ok and your mom?
- What is Mama?
- Is your mother Kasbana too?
- What did Mama get into?
Shawkat looked at him with a sarcastic look, from which Nabil understood what his father intended for him, and said to him:
- This needs planning from you, and how will these decisions reach it...
- Will you leave me alone?
- O my father, I will not be able to do anything.. and if she comes or speaks, she will discover the truth at once.. so keep me away.
- What are you talking about..
- Talk to me, but after your presence, the topics will be settled.. and all that I will say is as my father said to you, Mama..
- And if she said to you and my door, what did he say? Ha, Faleh, answer.
Nabil looked in front of him and it fell in his hand, then looked at his father and said:
- I have an idea.. I will not go with you now..
- And then?
- Your Honor, you will go home, arrange your thoughts, and see what you will say to Mama.
- Ha.. and then?
- I will go to the equestrian club now, check on dignity?
- done..
- Yes.. I will not go home unless I spoke to my mother and finished the issues.. At that time, your honor will call me and tell me exactly what happened.. And when I come back, I will say what you told me.. Not an extra letter or a missing letter.. OK?
- Okay.. and if I ask you for your opinion?
- No, then I will say how much you evaded and made discussions and dialogues until you were able to reach this conclusion.
Shawkat remained silent for Rafat, then said:
- Okay, but I will tell her what helped me.
Nabil thought for a second and said:
- You, for example, can tell her that Raafat wanted to buy the factory for such and such an amount, and of course you say it for a small amount, I mean.. You refused vehemently, because this factory originally thought about it, and you were proud of it because of that, and started negotiating with it. Kazakhstan.. When you ask, Your Honor, and how long will this period last, you don't say these three years at all..

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