The sun.. the moon.. the sea

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Samiha bowed her head and said:
- The truth, aunt, is that I do not want fame or lights.. I just want to be successful.. It is not important for me to be famous or to be in the spotlight. What really matters to me is to be successful.. I am not successful, but in my work, I want to be successful in all my life.. in my home.. With my family, whether large or small.. I did not believe that I would find an opportunity to prove myself in it, and I do not want it to be wasted from me, and I will not waste it easily...
Shweikar interrupted her:
- Do you love Nabil?
Samiha remained silent for a few seconds as she looked at a point that no one else saw, a question that, despite its simplicity, was difficult to answer. She felt inclined towards Mustafa at some point, for nothing but because she felt her presence with him. She felt that there was a common denominator between her and Mustafa, after she passed this stage. I knew this denominator; Which is that both of them do not think about success, there is something that prevents them from thinking about it, perhaps her father's treatment of her was the reason, but she did not know Mustafa's reason for not thinking about success, but she expected it to be the same reason as her, after she passed this stage and proved her ability to be a journalist And a writer, even if she only wrote one article, it means a lot to her.
This article was the foundation stone that prompted her father to open a satellite channel for her, then Nabil appeared out of nowhere in front of her. It was barren, and here is a river overflowing through its valley to throw goodness in its sides. The strange thing is that Mustafa, at almost the same time, also overcame his ordeal, but he did not turn to her, did not pay attention to her. She realized the truth about her relationship with Mustafa; He is just a friend and colleague, so that Nabil remains a puzzle for her. She cannot admit her love for him nor can she deny it.
She reconsidered, waiting for Shweikar to answer her question. Samiha said:
- I feel for Nabil with a feeling that is strange to me..a feeling that I have never experienced..maybe it is love..and maybe something else...
Shweikar interrupted her:
- Describe this feeling to me.
Samiha was unable to describe her feeling as she saw Nabil approaching back from the bathroom, immediately after he sat down. His mother looked at him and asked him:
- Do you love Samiha, Nabil?
Nabil was confused by the surprise. He looked at Samiha and said:
- You know that I did not love you before.. I was afraid of him.. with a craving for love.. I see something that is not good because if it was a sweet thing, the closest people to me would surely love me.. But when I saw Samiha, I felt a strange thing that he did not know and did not experience before. ...
Shweikar interrupted him:
- Yes.. what did you feel?
She asked him while looking at Samiha. Nabil turned to his mother and said:
- I felt that there was a strange energy inside of me.. I felt that I was from the supernatural and that I could do anything and everything.. I wanted to see Samiha all the time.. talk to her.. hear her voice.. I wished I could spend the rest of my life with her.. Do you know, Mama?
- huh?
- I wanted to name everything after her.. the sun.. the moon.. the sea.. the food I love.. the mare that Karama gave birth to...
Shweikar interrupted him while looking at Samiha, who nodded her head that she felt the same feelings and said:
- Enough, my love.. This was the same feeling I had when I decided to marry your father, by the way.. At the time, it was very difficult to convince Papaya of something like this, but the miraculous power that you say about it was the clothes of me and your father.. We were able to face a sign that has nothing but its history.. I am so reassured on you..
She stood up and waved goodbye to them, and left to go back to her apartment, and many memories continued to follow in her mind, watching and analyzing them again.
Hours later, Samiha returned to her father's palace. Joy was jumping out even from the pockets of her clothes. Naima, who was sitting with Ramziyeh, caught a glimpse of her. She pointed to Ramziyeh, and she turned to her daughter and called for her. Samiha threw her handbag on the first chair and started embracing and kissing her mother. Naima looked at her and said to her: Bloom:
- That means?! I am Naima, why do I have a share?!
Samiha threw herself into Naima's arms, embracing her and exchanging kisses. She sat next to her. Ramzieh asked her:
- Good my love.. we are happy with you..
Samiha's cheeks reddened, and her head fell, and the tufts of her hair fell down covering most of her face. She slowly raised her head and said in a trembling voice from the impact of the eclipse:
- Someone wants to propose to me.
Naima let out a long growl, after which the house servants gathered, but she signaled for them to return to their work. Ramziah opened her arms at the end of them and pointed to Samiha to take refuge between them. Samiha fell down and her mother pressed her inside her in tenderness and love while praising our Lord. Naima raised her hand to the sky, thanking her Lord, then she said:
- Your blessings, Sheikh Atwan.
Samiha looked at her and furrowed her brow and said:
- Who is Atwan? They don't call him Atwan.. His name is Nabil.
Ramzia and Naima laughed and said:
- Sheikh Atwan, who made you the hijab that conquered us until you agreed to take a shower with his water and accept the removal of the hijab.
Samiha wanted to tell them that she had taken off her hijab as soon as they left her room, but she remained silent and shook her head, pretending to obey the order of her mother, who asked her again:
- What is the groom doing?
- Officer.. a police officer.
- Oh, the Prophet's prayer is better.. Oh, the Prophet's prayer is better.
- Is this sweet and his family honored?
- Oh, of course, Mama.. His mother is from a strong Aliwi family.. Her father was sir Ibn sir Ibn sir.
- and his father?
- His father was in the army and is now the head of the Shalateen Center.
- President! I swear to God, and I will fit Bshawat and Ryosa, O Naima.
Naima shook her head and raised it up.
- Oh, Mrs. Ramziyya.. Is he Si Abdullah, little or no?
Samiha said with a tinge of sadness in her voice:
- But I am afraid that my father or one of my sisters will not agree with him.
Ramzieh hit her chest with the palm of her hand and said:
- Oh my God.. and why doesn't he agree?! A police officer has lived the world, his mother is a badass girl, and his father is a chief...
Samiha interrupted her, adding:
- He also has a factory.
- And the prophet? Does he have a factory too? God willing, he will agree, bit.. I mean, people are a song..
- Oh, but not like Baba, I mean...
symbolically interrupted:
- He is dressed like your father, Samiha?! May God increase it more and more.. but the Prophet will agree.
- really! And are you sure about that?
- Look, Samiha, I have been living with your father and your mother for many years.. From the days when your father was still a small contractor until he stayed. God bless the Prophet, no one has his strength.. Your father climbed the ladder one step at a time by himself.. It is true that he no longer needs anyone and is able to fix his height By himself, but also by himself, he has walls in the ground.. And your groom and his family are these walls.
Samiha understood Naima's words and hoped that it was true. She went back to her room, waiting for a call from Nabil telling her of his contact with her father and the scheduled date for his visit, but she also decided to take a proactive step to help Nabil reach his goal. She knows the extent of Nariman's influence on her father. Indeed, she does not know their relationship, but she I noticed more than once, especially when she began to come into contact with her father more after the inauguration of the satellite channel project and during the preparation and preparation for it, the extent to which Abdullah Al-Shutri, the famous and professional businessman, respected Nariman's opinion. A woman is a woman like her. Samiha's relationship with Nariman for many years was a very superficial relationship, just exchanging words of welcome if they met somewhere, such as the opening of a new project for Al-Shutari Group, or if Samiha was visiting the group's headquarters, even if this was rare, but Samiha as a female was able to know The extent of Nariman's power over a man who was old in his manhood.
I called Nariman, Nariman did not answer quickly, she looked at the name written on the screen and directed her phone screen to Abdullah al-Shutari, who was sitting half naked on the top bed. Abdullah was amazed and asked in a whisper as if his voice would reach the caller on the other end:
- Why do you think you call me at a time like this?
Nariman raised her shoulders and pursed her lips, signaling her to start the conversation and open the watch so that he too could listen to the call. Nariman agreed and the call started, pretending to be asleep and that this call woke her up:
- Hello..
- Hello, how are you, Nariman? Did I wake you up or what?
- No, it's normal, Samiha.. Is there anything good?
- Then go back to sleep, and I'm sorry I woke you up.. I'll talk to you later.

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