Be patient

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Nabil shook his head in agreement so as not to enter into a pointless argument, while Shawkat interrupted her, saying:
- No, Shushu, a revolution.. A serious revolution against a monarchy, as evidenced by the fact that we have remained a republic.
- no coup...
- Even if a coup d'etat is still a coup with the support of the people.
- Is there a revolution against a monarchy that leaves more kings than the king himself?!
- What do you mean, I don't understand.
- I mean, Raafat, your friend, has what King Farouk himself did not have.
Shawkat laughed and said proudly:
- I didn't tell you.. By the way, I am sure that there is a helipad on the roof of this palace.. Maybe the helicopter is up now.
He said it and continued his laugh as if that helicopter and this palace and everything in it belonged to him. Shawkat looked at Nabil and said to him:
- Lucky.. you'll fall standing boy.
Shawkat's words aroused Nabeel's anger, but he controlled himself. He does not care about anything around him. What is the pleasure of lying on a bed of gold if sleep will prevent him? What's the point of eating the finest food if his stomach can't digest it? Then there is one thing that this palace has in common with any public housing apartment, which is the free air that is available to everyone. What if he could not breathe and was living between these walls? He truly believes that money is important and indispensable, but it does not guarantee happiness to anyone. Nabil wanted to respond to his father, but the director of the palace works appeared, and behind him was a young woman whose features appeared to be from Eastern Europe. In front of the front is a semi-circular piece of cloth that walks behind the man gracefully and gracefully, carrying in her hand a tray with a bottle of water of the Kuna Negari brand, and next to it an empty glass. A lot, a carton of Kuna Negari water, which comes from the icebergs submerged in the ocean, may have solved the problem of families in those villages. Nabil smiled mockingly at his way of thinking; Let Raafat and his daughter drink whatever water they want, eat whatever food they like, wear whatever clothes they like, let them live as they want, are able and able, what is wrong with that?! He has enough money to make him live like one of the emperors or Caesars, so what is wrong with that?! All that any sane person should think in a different way than Nabil thought, is this source of his wealth correct and not contrary to law and religion? He may have accumulated this wealth from legitimate sources, as many of the companions had great fortunes with them and they lived a comfortable life.
Nabil began staring at the huge black piano and wandering. Imagine Raafat, a fat man whose belly dangled in front of him, almost closing the buttons of his suit with great difficulty. His tomorrow is a bridge connecting his chin and his chest directly, so that you can imagine that he has no neck, his mustache almost disappears between the folds of his fat face, and the fat accumulated above His eyes make him open with difficulty, and had it not been for the opening of the mouth and the two openings of his nostrils, his face would have almost blurred the features, the sound of his breath was heavy due to the abundance of grease and fat on his chest, and yet he put in his mouth a huge cigar that did not stop smoking, it was in his imagination like a smoker coming out perpendicular to his mouth. It stops blowing smoke like a chimney of a factory in violation of security and environmental instructions. He wears thick black glasses over his eyes as a kind of distinction and appears with a mysterious appearance. His voice is hoarse and his tone is always mixed with nervousness or arrogance and arrogance. On a leg, but he certainly failed in all his attempts. His daughter, Yasmine, who is not much different from him, followed him, arrogantly speaking to them.And she was looking at them with mockery and disapproval, and when Shawkat asked his friend Raafat to propose to his daughter Yasmine, he went crazy, raged and frothed, and stood in revolt, pointing towards the door of the inner palace, expelling them and threatening them that had it not been for his old knowledge of Shawkat, he would have killed them and buried them under any of the trees in the garden (and no one saw or who knew ).
Nabil smiled broadly and almost laughed when he imagined this scene as if he was watching it in an Arabic movie, where they come out of the door of the inner palace and wild dogs bark at them and the guards catch them and the dogs almost kill them if the guards let them go, so that Shweikar almost lost consciousness and fell to the ground Had it not been for Nabil holding it tightly while his father's fork was jumping away from the wild dogs in fear.
Shweikar looked at her son, Nabil, who was distracted, smiling, and opened his mouth, staring at the black pine, and said to him:
- Can I know smiling and open your mouth like an idiot, why?
Nabil regained his mind and woke up from his straying. He looked at his mother, and the smile escaped from her face when he realized that everything he saw was just a fantasy. He said, straightening his seat in a shy, whispering voice:
- Never, Mama, there is no need.. I just laid off for a while.
Shweikar poked Shawkat and said to him with a faint laugh:
- Follow your son.. The boy was released and imagined that he had married Yasmine and apparently lived here!
- Strong haste mean?! He will be patient, and he will live here and leave here, and he will bring us how many Nono's children are, so they will remove my name.
Shweikar objected:
- Where is my name, Shawkat?!
Shawkat turned around him for fear that he might have heard one of Shweikar and the way she spoke to him. Shawkat approached Shweikar a little and touched her hand with his and said:
- He is the first successor to him, who will be a girl, Qamar, who looks exactly like you, and surely her name is Shweikar after your name.
- Uh, according.
Shweikar said as she looked away from Shawkat and Nabil. Nabil wanted to end the intermittent dispute between his parents and tell them what he imagined, but he contented himself with following them as they quarreled. Shweikar looked back at her husband, Shawkat, and said sarcastically:
- Is this one of your colleagues, neither more nor less than you.. He made all this wealth while you were a factory that you ruined and lost in it.
- Raafat, his wife, was very rich, and he inherited a little bit from her.
- What do you mean, Si Shawkat?!
- I didn't mean anything, by God.. I'm just telling you how he made this wealth.. He had a lot of yeast with him before starting his projects.. Then what you don't know is that it is suitable for the government.
- How is it appropriate?!
- His wife was the sister of a prime minister, and he is the one who facilitated all this work.
Shawkat's words were correct and did not mean anything by it. All that mattered was to justify to her the reason for his failure and the reasons for the success of his old colleague, but Shweikar did not understand this and considered his words as a way of calibrating her, as she is the daughter of a family whose glory has vanished and ended, while Raafat Lucky married a woman Her family enabled him to build up his wealth and not squander it. Shweikar's face reddened and she said in a low voice to Shawkat:
- If King Farouk had preferred his grandfather to rule, he would have been a special advisor to him.. You know if he was an ambassador to Egypt in more than one country.. At that time, I would never have been disappointed by the disappointment I did and married a Qordihi officer like you.
Shawkat felt humiliated by what Shweikar said, so he answered her with the same sharpness, albeit with a slightly louder voice. He said to her:
- I am Qardihi, Shweikar?! I have never been a cardinal.. I wrapped the whole world around you.. and spent all my tricks to make you happy.
Shweikar pressed her lips and looked at him resentfully and said to him:
- unroll?! Where is the simplicity that I saw with you from the day you married us, Shawkat?! I have gone around the world before seeing you and not knowing you.. Under my feet in my grandfather's palace there were countless cars.. We had servants, chauffeurs, chauffeurs, and chauffeurs.. I did not see poverty except at your hands, officer.

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