Father's wealth

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Salem poured some water into the sofa, washed it quickly, and started making another cup of coffee for him, saying:
- Oh.. A lot of things, Nabil Bey.. You have, for example.. This horse has never participated in a tournament.. Just because he participated, this is a win for Dr. Yunus.. And if he wins, it will be a big and strong gain. If he wants to sell it.. Well, if he doesn't want to sell it. Ha.. Take care sir with me?
Nabil nodded affirmatively. Salem continued:
- If he is not going to sell it, then he has seen the level of the trainer who is with him. He deserves all the money he takes every month, or he does not deserve to see another trainer for the horse.. That is how he earned it, sir.
- the horse?
- I don't mean Dr. Yunus.. God willing, the horse will also win.. The horse is free and well trained, he just needs to get used to you and get used to him and stay in your trust.. At that time, I am sure that you will win, God willing.
Nabil drank his coffee and returned the cup to Salem and thanked him warmly for his distinguished coffee, which he is likely to become addicted to, and then it will be a loss for Salem, who laughed at Nabil's joke and called him to get addicted to it, which he will not fail with him one day. Noha, on her own, sighed in sorrow for the long wait and hope was not fulfilled. He stood welcoming Noha when she approached. She looked at Salem's tray and said jokingly:
- Oh my eyes on the rookan.
Salem also stood up and smiled at Noha. He knew her from before, although he did not remember her name. He saw her more than once with Nabil. He says that she is his sister. What Salem knows is that Nabil has no sisters, but he does not care about these things and does not stick his nose in her. Salem welcomed her and invited her for a cup of coffee. From his hand, she thanked him and promised him that she would drink it one day, but not today. Nabil grabbed her hand and led her towards the stable. Karama was standing in the corner that Salem had set before, moving her hind legs in short steps to the right and left, her large sagging belly swaying near the hour of labour. Noha admired her and shouted:
- Wow.. what a beauty.. if she got a girl, what would you name her?
- Samiha...
- yes!
- Why didn't Samiha come with you?
Noha laughed a long, loud laugh whose echo reverberated on the walls of the stable. Karama turned and blushed with anger. Nabil grabbed Noha's hand and pulled it out. He said, anger evident on his features:
- May I know what are you laughing at?
- I am the one who can know why you are asking and interested in Samiha?
Nabil put his hand behind his back and tied them, and walked next to his aunt's daughter and said to her with clear resignation:
- I don't know.. but I feel that there is something from me.. that looks like me.. it is connected.
Noha untied Nabil's hands, bent his arm and wrapped his arms around him and said:
- Although you do not know anything at all about Samiha, neither is she who she is, nor is she whose daughter...
Nabil interrupted:
- I don't care who's girl is..
Noha looked at him with serious interest and said:
- But you are really right.. There are needs from you, not one thing.
- like what?
- Then you will know, but it is related or not...
- huh?
- Look, Nabil.. is she delusional or believes that she is related...
- who?
- Oh my son, he will build a complete sentence on some of it.. What's wrong with you, Bulbul?!
- I don't know, Noha.. I don't know.. but for an hour when I saw her, my heart shook in its place.. and I faltered.. and I wanted to walk and I wanted to sit.. I wanted to hold her by her shoulders and shake her tightly and tell her where were you in all this.. at the same time I wanted to hug her and cuddle her On it.. I am confused Noha and I don't know what's going on.
Noha laughed her sweet laugh, which Nabil understands well, that she understands him and knows what he is going through. She said while sitting on a chair in a cafeteria close to the stable:
- She thinks she loves Mustafa.
Before Nabil interrupted her and asked her about Mustafa, she pointed to him to shut up and continued her speech:
- Mostafa is one of our classmates from university days.. who in turn believes that he loves me..
- Mona who met her today and I had in the center?
- Oh she is.. But the truth is, neither Samiha loves Mustafa nor does Mustafa love Mona.
Nabil sighed impatiently and asked Noha:
- What is the truth?
- The truth is that Samiha loves Mustafa like her brother.. and because her sisters are not interested in her, she interpreted her interest in Mustafa and Mustafa's interest in her as love.. as for Mustafa and Mona...
- not important.
- What is not important?
- It is not important to know.. Neither Mona nor Mustafa matter to me.
Noha laughed in joy and said sarcastically:
- You must know your adversary, officer.
- Why do I know him?! Aren't you telling me that she loves him?
- Uh, but you have to gather all the strings in your hands, too.. Mustafa admires Mona's success, who is younger than him, and her star began to shine.. He did not write two words on each other in the magazine.. That is why you find him feeling that he loves her, yet he feels jealous of her success.. And whoever really loves, he wishes Success for his lover does not change him.
Nabil smiled a smile of satisfaction as he looked at Noha. She asked him the reason for his smile. He told her:
- Everything you say has only one meaning to me.
- who is it?
- You tacitly approve of my relationship with Samiha.
Noha appreciates Nabil's intelligence and his ability to deduce and deduce, although he never tries to show this and prefers to appear in the form of someone who is not interested or who does not understand what is around him, perhaps because none of his close ones except Noha and Shams care about his opinion. Show his talents and abilities.
Noha nodded in agreement with his words and said:
- Samiha is very good.. really beautiful.. kind, although she often appears otherwise.. but whoever knows her well knows that she is kind, loving, and very sensitive.. but sir, you must know everything about her.
- What is the costume, Hanem?
Noha laughed imagining herself with her aunt's son in a bygone era and said while gradually regaining her seriousness:
- I mean, you must know her origin and separation.. Who is her father and who are her sisters.. And what are the similarities between you.
Nabil motioned for her to do whatever she wanted. She told him about Samiha Abdullah Al-Shutari's father; The self-made man who started from scratch to become one of the top businessmen and politicians, about his economic group and the extent of his obscene wealth, about Samiha's arrangement among her sisters, about the companies, factories and projects that they successfully run under the supervision of Abdullah Al-Shutari himself, about her mother and her simplicity, she told him about Naima the maid Who embraced Samiha and was like a real mother to her, about her work and that she did not write anything in the magazine except a few days ago and her article has not been published yet, but the next issue will be published, and she advised him to read the article well so that he could know the similarity between them, which Nabil felt from the first sight .
Nabil insisted on Noha to tell him the content of the article so that he could understand the similarities between her and Samiha, but she refused and gave him broad lines such as that the way she was brought up was very similar to the way he was raised personally. He told her that he did not care about Abdullah Al-Shutari's huge wealth, nor did he care about the factories, projects and institutions of her brothers. He admired her before he knew all this, and if she was the son of a simple worker in one of those factories, he would not have changed his mind, but he felt some anxiety, Noha asked him about his reason, he answered her that he feared that she was actually emotionally attached to Mustafa, Noha laughed and told him reassuringly that she was sure of This point, as I had previously told him, is that Samiha believes that only, and as soon as she feels her success, this will appear to her clearly and clearly, and that he should worry about another thing, which is her father's wealth and the position of her brothers regarding that wealth, who may consider him an intruder, descending on them from the sky. With an umbrella to share their money with them, then she told him that her older brother is considered the wisest of them and he is the only one who can understand Nabil and his desire to marry Samiha, just knew him to be in control of everything after his father, Abdullah, and he was the person he trusted most.

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