The chief of fisherman

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Nabil asked, and what if these violations are not within the permissible limits? And what is not permitted is also in degrees, and the more the matter exceeds the limits of what is permitted, the more gifts and gifts will increase. Then he looked at Saafan and said to him:
- Isn't that so, Saafan?
- Oh, Mr. Secretary, right.
At that time, Majdi was looking in astonishment at what was going on around him, as if he had heard such words for the first time in his life. Nabil's attention was drawn to the way Majdi stood, placing his hands on his waist while shaking him lightly and intermittently, and chewing gum in a somewhat strange way that sometimes made a sound, Nabil pointed out to him. To stop chewing gum, but Majdi sucked his lower lip and turned his face away from Nabil. Rajai noticed this and was about to slap Majdy on the back of his neck, but Nabil prevented him from doing so with just a look. Nabil asked Majdi:
- Why do you want to work a lot?
- To stay in the police.
- Why also?
Majdi sighed complaining about Nabil's many questions and told him his goal of joining this job. He has a aunt's daughter who is two years younger than him, and since her birth, his mother and aunt agreed on their marriage, and the family blessed this step, but about a year ago his mother passed away and his father married another woman who treated him in a bad way. And she expelled him from the house, so he went to live with his aunt or his fiancée, and since that time he has not worked or left the house, which angered his aunt's husband, so he found the announcement of this job an opportunity for her to join a job so that his aunt's husband would accept his marriage to Taghreed his fiancée and his aunt's daughter, here Nabil asked a question He delayed his academic qualifications, so Majdy told him that he had obtained the preparatory certificate (intermediate) and did not complete his education because his mother saw that there was no benefit from his education and that the certificate would not add much to him, and what his father had of money was sufficient to make him live a happy life for the rest of his life and there was no need for work, but The winds come with what the ships do not desire, and Majdy is expelled from his father's paradise. Nabil Majdy looked at him as he told his story and asked him:
- I mean, can you read and write?
- No, I don't know.
- How did he survive?
Majdy sighed as he recalled his old memories of school days, when he was in the first grades of elementary school, he did not learn a single letter, yet he succeeded. When Nabil asked him about the method, he told him:
- I used to want my sandwiches for a smart kid to write the answers for me and succeed..they are the ones who know how to write a lot.
In the final grades of the primary stage, he had not learned anything at all, he did not know letters or numbers, so he used to give his skillful colleague who writes the answers for him his sandwiches and his pocket money, and thus he was able to obtain his primary certificate. They write to him, and in the exam at the end of middle school, Majdi had to take the exams himself, and of course he failed miserably, and he failed that year and advanced the next year, and nothing new, so he failed again.
- So I answered someone entered my exam place and those who know how to write a lot.
Nabil grabbed two notebooks applying for a large job, one for each applicant. He signaled to Saafan to approach while he extended his hand to him with the notebook and asked him:
- Do you know how to read and write?
- Amal, Pasha, I am with Doubloon.
He extended his hand to Majdi's other notebook and said to him:
- See someone who will fill you up.
Saafan pointed to himself and said:
- Hope it is me, Pasha.. and it is sustenance that loves the hidden..
Then Saafan looked at Majdi and asked him:
- Aren't you also going to pay, our brother?
Majdy replied while looking at Nabil with confidence, and Saafan replied:
- Oh, I'll pay you.
Then he addressed his speech to Nabil:
- I did not tell you that those who know how to write a lot.
Saafan held Majdi's hand and headed toward the office door. They opened and left. Ragai looked at Nabil after Saafan and Majdi left. He said, hand to hand:
- Did you see, Pasha! There is no power but from God.
- The two are a natural result of what they went through in their lives.
- I don't understand, Pasha, sorry, explain to me if possible.
Nabil began to explain to him that the methods of upbringing that Magdy and Saafan were exposed to are completely contradictory, which led to their appearance in this way. This will enrich him, he will complain of humiliation and humiliation, and he will also not mind giving him water to others so that he himself feels the dignity and dignity that he lacks. He lost the meaning of humanity, he did not find it when he was young, and he did not care for it when he was old. Quite the opposite, Majdi, who lost his identity, was a man inhabited by a female spirit, spoiled by his mother. Until I spoiled him, and it is clear that he does not know the difference between being a man and the opposite sex, his movements and behavior suggest that he is a third gender, but he is a male of full masculinity. Relying on himself and taking responsibility, neither is he a female who knows her rights and duties. Both are poor from Nabil's point of view, while Ragai sees Saafan as rude and Majdi as effeminate.
Both of them are the products of his upbringing, a little homeless noble who thinks about raising him himself. His parents' neglect of him and the differential treatment between him and his brother Rami made him resentful towards them. He does not want harm to them, but at the same time he does not want to bring them any kind of comfort or happiness. But without realizing it, he wanted to replace his brother Ramy after his death, so he approached them, but with caution. The relationship between them became more friendly than the first, but at the same time hesitant and volatile. They wanted him instead of Ramy, but they always compared him to Ramy, and the comparison was not and will not be. Never in his favour, he wished that they would accept him as he is, but they completely reject that and want him in their own way, and no matter how hard he tries, he will not succeed because the example in front of them is Ramy and Nabil, not Ramy.
This does not mean that he is better than Rami or that Rami is the best, but each one of them has his advantages and disadvantages, and they do not feel his advantages and only see his faults, which in the condom are the reason for it. Two others, Rajai called out to Nahamdeh and asked him to bring in two more, Nabil and Rajai heard some commotion outside and then suddenly two men rushed into the office room.
The first slipped on the floor of the room and stood moving away from the three men in the room and standing in a corner of the office room far from them, he stood watching them with his eyes moving between them in fear and suspicion, while the other advanced as he walked with excessive confidence and kicked the air with his pointed shoe with every step, raised The latter gave his right hand, saluting, trying to make his voice hoarse. Ragai looked at him and did not return the salutation. This is how Nabil did. He told them in a dialect different from Nabil's Cairo dialect and from Ragai's dialect, which somewhat tends to the dialect of the people of Upper Egypt. He used to speak to them in the dialect of the city of Port Said, saying:
- Peace be upon God, Pasha.. I am coming to advance and remain as generous as the world.
Nabil answered him without looking at him and asked him:
- what's your name?
- Your account is Medhat, the chief of fisherman of The Suez Canal.. and the head of the Furniture Authority in Al-Tijari Street.
- Where are you from?
- From Port Said, Mr. People.
Rajai looked at him with a meaningful look. Medhat said to him, with clear sadness on his features:
- By the way, Mr. Secretary, your view of yours cracked me from the inside.. I am the son of strong people, by the way.. My father was the head of Bambutia.. and he preferred the head of Lahad when he was martyred in the canal at the age of seventy-three.. May God have mercy on you, Hajj Sharnoubi.

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